Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 76 The villain complains first?

"Harry... let's go too..."

Ron pulled Harry and dragged him through the corridor in the direction that Wade and the others left. The two people who were originally in the center of the melee no longer paid much attention to them, and the two escaped smoothly.

When turning the corner, Harry looked back and saw Pansy and Goyle trying to pull Malfoy, but he slapped them away. The originally proud blond boy was now covered in dust and wiped his nosebleed fiercely. The other Slytherins surrounded him and comforted him with a smile.

Harry could see the hypocrisy and carelessness on their faces even across the corridor.

All along, Harry felt that Malfoy was the worst person he had ever met except Snape, even more annoying than his cousin Daly. But at this moment, he suddenly realized that Malfoy was not as responsive as he had thought before, and he didn't seem to have many true friends in Slytherin.

Then, the wall blocked his view.

"- What are you looking at?" Ron asked curiously.

"Nothing -" Harry turned his head and said, "I was just thinking, if I was facing an enemy I couldn't defeat, you and Hermione would definitely stand by me and fight with me."

"Of course!" Ron thought he was talking about Malfoy and his bullying of Neville, and immediately said indignantly: "Slytherin has always been so annoying, we will never give in! We can't let them get too proud! Neville is just too timid, he has to be brave."

"He is very brave, have you forgotten? He beat up Malfoy with you, for Hermione - punched that guy in the nose!"

"Oh, yes!" Ron was still very excited when he thought of the scene just now: "Neville finally looks like a Gryffindor! Did you see Malfoy's expression just now? I think he's about to cry!"

Ron's words made Harry a little uncomfortable - although Malfoy definitely deserved it, this scene always reminded him of the time when he was chased by Daley and his men.

As they were talking, they saw the figures of Wade and others from a distance. When they stood together, it seemed that a strange aura formed between the ordinary classmates, making it difficult for others to participate easily.

Harry's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Ron -"


"They are SSC - the extracurricular study group that Hermione recommended me to join -" Harry said in a very light tone.

Ron suddenly became a little uncomfortable, and the smile disappeared from his face. He stammered: "Yes - yes -"

"I want to join." Harry suddenly made up his mind: "I want to learn some real skills and practice real spells, instead of reading texts in class with Quirrell!"

"It's good - I mean - you really should go - maybe you can join the ranks of top students in the future -" Ron didn't look at Harry, and his tone was not like himself.

"Aren't you going, Ron?" Harry asked in surprise.

"I wasn't invited - Hermione only recommended you -" Ron forced a smile and said, "Just go, I might... I think I need to go to the infirmary - I guess Crabbe might have broken my ribs -"

"- Maybe Hermione just forgot to tell us, let's go and ask together!" Harry pulled Ron towards the people over there.

"Don't - Harry -"

Ron looked reluctant and was just being dragged by Harry, so Harry pulled him over without much effort. Ron had a vague hope in his heart - maybe it was just Hermione who forgot to mention it to him? After all, he and Harry were inseparable, and others always regarded them as a group. Maybe they felt that there was no need to say more... and just now, they fought with Neville...

The two walked over and heard Wade say to others: "Neville, you have to go to the infirmary to see Madam Pomfrey, your arm may be fractured - everyone should be careful of Slytherin's revenge during this period, don't be alone..."

"Wade, what about you?" Theo asked with concern.

"I'll go to Professor Flitwick to receive the punishment. Using a spell on a classmate in the corridor, a detention is inevitable anyway." Wade said.

"You go - oh -" Michael was surprised at first, then nodded in agreement: "That's the way it should be."

"Why?" Ron approached and said puzzledly: "If the professor didn't see it, it means it didn't happen. Why go and turn yourself in?"

Harry and Theo both nodded in agreement, and Ryan was thoughtful.

"You don't think Malfoy will not complain after suffering such a big loss?" Michael reminded: "It's better to turn yourself in to Professor Flitwick than to be punished by Professor Snape later."

"That's right, if it's Professor Snape, maybe he will be deducted several dozen points and put in detention for a month." Neville nodded with lingering fear. In the potion class, Professor Snape was always very harsh on Neville, causing Neville to have a psychological shadow on Professor Snape.

"Then let's go together!" Ryan said, "We can't let the professor think it's all your fault."

"You didn't do anything." Wade saw Neville opening his mouth to speak, shook his head and said, "Neville, you are the one who was bullied. If you are punished for this, it's too unfair - go to the school infirmary early and see Hermione by the way."

He waved his hand and turned to leave.

Harry opened his mouth. He wanted to ask Ron if he could join the SSC, but found that he had no chance to speak. Seeing that Wade had left, he had to say, "Then let's go together."

At this moment, he realized that everywhere on his body hurt terribly, and he was surprised that he didn't realize it just now.

Vader knew that Professor Flitwick should be in the staff room at this time. He came to the first floor of the castle, knocked on the door, and soon heard Professor McGonagall's voice: "Please come in."

At the same time, the door was opened automatically.

When Vader saw that Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape and Professor Flitwick were all in the lounge, he stopped and hesitated.

Professor Flitwick was correcting his homework. When he looked up and saw Vader, he suddenly smiled: "Vade? What, what are the questions today?"

Wade walked in and said with some embarrassment: "Uh... I have some questions to ask, but more importantly - Professor, I am here to receive a punishment for violating school rules."

"Penalty?" Professor Flitwick's face was full of surprise, and the other two professors also looked over.

After teaching for so many years, they have never seen a student who voluntarily surrendered after making a mistake - unless they had an ulterior motive.

"What have you done, Vader?" Professor Flitwick asked gently.

Vader was about to stop talking and looked at the other two professors - it was not that he was afraid of getting into trouble with Professor Snape, but in this way, his original actions to avoid trouble seemed a bit like suing a child. .

Vader suddenly felt that the words "Evildoers report first" seemed to flash above his head.

——He is obviously not a bad person.

Professor McGonagall noticed that there was something hidden, and his expression suddenly became serious: "Mr. Gray, I think all professors have the right to know about students' behavior that violates school rules."

"Okay." Vader had to say: "That's it, professor -"

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