Old Nott, lying in the mud on the snow, felt like the sky had fallen when he heard about this mission.

When he was young, he tortured and killed a Muggle and was sentenced to five years in Azkaban. Later, even with the help of his family, he was still in Azkaban for half a year.

Even if it was only half a year, it was an indelible painful memory in his life. The Dementors will suck away your last bit of happiness.

Make your life desperate and gray, and experience extreme depression.

This is also the main reason for his increasingly distorted personality, and later he joined the Death Eaters without hesitation.

And the Dark Lord now actually let him go to jailbreak alone. Thinking about facing a group of terrifying Dementors, it would be better to give him two more Cruciatus Curses!

Old Nott's body trembled constantly, and he cried and wanted to hug Shaw's thighs and beg for mercy.

"Master, I was wrong, please forgive me, please forgive me."

Shor took a step back, letting this guy fall into the mud again.

He had no pity in his heart. Although this guy looked pitiful now, he had countless innocent blood on his hands, and he had tortured so many people to the point of going crazy.

So no matter how miserable the end of old Nott was, he deserved it.

And he had two purposes in letting the other party break the prison.

If he succeeded, he could bring Bella out and get the Horcrux of the Golden Cup in Gringotts.

If he failed, it didn't matter. He could just send this guy to Azkaban and let Theodore take charge of the Nott family.

"Hmph, I'll give you ten days to prepare. You can do whatever you want!"

With a wave of his hand, he knocked over old Nott who was still trying to pounce on him to beg for mercy. After a cold snort, Shaw disappeared silently, leaving old Nott crawling on the ground in despair.

Shaw Apparated back to the secret room specially opened at home, which had no anti-Apparition function, and removed his disguise.

After comforting Ziying for a long time outside the door and coaxing the little guy to sleep, he walked to the hall.

At this time, Kleche came in a hurry to report.

"Master, there is a boy outside who has been wandering around the square for a long time. Do you want Kleche to drive him away?"


After hearing this, Shaw quickly walked to the window, opened the window and looked out. He saw a boy with white snow all over his body and ice flowers in his eyes and hair standing upright under the street light.

He was lonely and cold, and he blended into the cold weather.


Shaw quickly recognized the other party and was speechless. After all, he was a wizard. Even if he couldn't get in, he could cast a few protective spells on himself. How could he almost turn himself into a snowman?

He was stunned for a moment, then turned and walked downstairs.

When he passed by his grandmother, she cared about him and told him not to run around in the cold weather. Shaw just nodded and said he knew, then opened the door and left.

When he came to the outer room, Shaw walked a few steps to the street lamp and cast a few spells on Theodore.

"Clean it up."

"Keep warm."

"Immune to water and fire."

After Shaw appeared, Theodore's cold eyes moved.

After he was clean and warm, he stretched out his hand and opened his palm to reveal the ring.

"Chief, this is the material that old Nott was going to give to Voldemort. I stole it. Be careful, Voldemort is back again."

Shor was stunned.

Then he thought about what he had seen and heard before, and immediately felt a little bit amused and cried, and felt that this family was sick.

Theodore, no doubt, wished his father would die, but he didn't want to kill him.

Old Nott hated his son for not living up to his expectations and was often abusive, but when he tortured him just now, he didn't want to implicate his son.

So human nature and emotions are really complicated.

Shaw didn't say much to comfort Theodore, and took the ring without hesitation, and then patted him on the shoulder.

"I see, then you stay at my house for a few days, and go to school with me after school starts."

A trace of warmth flashed in Theodore's eyes, and he nodded.


Shaw smiled, took Theodore home, and briefly introduced this to his grandmother, who immediately praised him with satisfaction.

Then he took Theodore upstairs.

Let Kreche clean up a guest room, and Shaw made tea in the living room to entertain guests.

Although he was the chief of the other party, this was etiquette.

Theodore took a teacup and sipped hot tea in small sips unnaturally.

Then he hesitated and asked.

"Chief, Voldemort is doing something in the dark, which is a threat to us. Should we arrest old Nott so that we can find out the truth?"

Shor had just taken a sip of tea and almost choked on this sentence. After thinking about it, he decided to reveal some information to Theodore.

The other party is still trustworthy.

"Theodore, let me tell you this, Voldemort and I are actually in a cooperative relationship. The materials that your father collected are all prepared for me to make playing cards."

Always unbelievably calmTheodore, who was shocked, stood up after hearing this explanation, not caring about the hot tea dripping all over his body.

He saw the chief kill Voldemort with his own eyes, and when Voldemort's remaining soul fled, the hatred in his eyes could not be fake.

"Chief, this, this!"

Shaw smiled, waved his wand, cleaned the tea stains on his body, and said nonsense casually.

"Don't be impatient, you have to know that nothing is impossible in this world, as long as the interests are enough."

Theodore did not have a strong sense of right and wrong, and quickly accepted it. Instead, he admired the chief very much.

Although he only saw a little bit of the plan, he was also shocked.

"I'm sorry, chief, I almost ruined your business before."

Shaw smiled, thinking that this matter was a coincidence, and he got 1.5 times the materials.

"It's okay, and you didn't do anything wrong. On the contrary, you deserve a reward. Well, I will teach you the Killing Curse in person in the next few days."

"Thank you, Chief!"

Looking at the enthusiastic Theodore, Shaw did not tell him about his plan to let Old Nott go to jailbreak.

In the next few days, Shaw learned alchemy and had made a lot of finished products. At the same time, he taught Theodore the experience of Killing Curse and Apparition.

To say that Theodore is really suitable for black magic, especially Killing Curse and Cruciatus Curse, he has made rapid progress.

Before the holiday, his Killing Curse was just a little bit short of the fourth level.

If it weren't for the limitation of magic power reserve and output due to physical development, the power of this spell alone would definitely exceed those elite Death Eaters.

Theodore's Apparition could not be performed normally, and he often split up, but he was not in a hurry to learn it.

The day before school started, at nine o'clock in the morning.

Shaw and Theodore packed up and prepared to go to King Cross Station.

Shaw carried the purple shadow on his shoulders and Apparated directly to a corner of the station with Theodore.

He first cast a Confusion Charm on the purple shadow, so that the Muggles would see it as a macaw.

Shaw was wearing a black suit with purple stripes, black hair and black pupils, looking noble and elegant.

Theodore was wearing a hunting suit with silver and green stripes, brown hair and blue eyes, cold and abstinent.

The two boys were very good-looking, so they attracted many passers-by along the way, and some brave girls even wanted to come up and chat.

Unfortunately, the two handsome boys were lost again near Platform 9.

Shaw entered Platform 9 and 3/4 from the hidden entrance of the ordinary platform.

What caught my eye was still the noisy environment, with little wizards running around and parents giving earnest instructions.

However, when Shaw appeared, the noise started from him and gradually quieted down like ripples.

Many parents had not figured out why their naughty children suddenly became so well-behaved, so they followed their gaze.

I saw an elegant black-haired boy about 1.6 meters tall, looking around the room and nodding to all the students.

Many parents who were well-informed also recognized who the other person was.

The new savior, the boy who defeated Voldemort himself, Shaw Black!

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