As the Black family's copy of the collection of books and various mathematical, physical and chemical knowledge exclusive to Ravenclaw were transported by Krecher one after another, the learning point system began to get on track.

The scores of the four colleges were very close.

Even Hufflepuff, not for the college cup, but just for the delicious food, also tried various ways to get extra points, not to mention how active they were in class.

Only Slytherin defeated Voldemort again because Shaw exposed Quirrell's evil face.

Dumbledore added 100 points, which made it slightly ahead.

That's why Harry cares so much about the college cup, otherwise he would be unhappy and complain at most.

Shaw touched his chin, looking at the depressed Harry, and wanted to say that this was the original sin.

Originally, he had an idea to make Harry become Harry, so that he might be able to dispel Snape's malice.

But Snape never blinked at him, and he didn't dare to do anything rash, as this might backfire.

Although he seemed to have the Old Bat under his control every time, he also had compensation, and made up for some of the other party's regrets.

But now, Harry had begged him several times, what should he do?

Shaw really didn't have a good way for a while, so he could only give him some chicken soup, and patted Harry's shoulder to encourage him.

"Harry, you can't just look at the surface of a person's goodness or badness. The last time Quirrell happened, it proved this point. Professor Snape seemed to be very mean to you, but it was actually for your own good.

This is hating him for not fighting. As long as you are good enough and he can't find fault with you, won't there be no problem? You see, he doesn't embarrass me that much."

Harry was stunned by what he said, feeling that something was wrong, but also that it seemed to be right.

While he was confused, Shaw had already greased his feet.

Draco believed Shaw's words very much, and patted his good friend hard, cheering him up loudly.

"Come on! Harry!"

Harry staggered after being slapped, and said blankly.

"Okay, okay."

Since the four colleges have uniformly implemented the rules set by Shaw, the monthly duel event has also been cancelled.

It has become a monthly duel for grudges. The two parties with conflicts are not allowed to fight privately. All of them must be reported and they will duel at the end of the month to vent their anger. They can beat each other openly and whoever is stronger is right.

Shaw doesn't go to the two spell guidance classes a week often. With Alice and others, plus a group of "outsiders" with good strength, they are enough to guide those young wizards.

Shaw only needs to give special treatment to a few confidants, so he has been busy with his own affairs recently.

Shaw strolled in the corridor, thinking about various things in his head.

Snape's words just woke him up, and Shaw summarized three points.

Strong strength means lawlessness!

There is no absolute and lasting defense!

The enemy can be broken from the inside!

Shaw carefully recalled Tom's experience in the first half of his life and analyzed his weaknesses.

Tom, the product of aphrodisiac, was an orphan since childhood and had indifferent emotions, so he yearned for power and strength to fill the emotional emptiness.

Tom's arrogance comes from his talent and intelligence.

Tom's strengths are actually weaknesses.

As long as he shows stronger talent, strength and power than him, and makes the other party despair, then the other party will definitely collapse.

After entering this world, Shaw saw many people and things.

The distorted emotional values ​​of the Nott family of three.

The ruthlessness under the love of the old bee, but Grindelwald has true feelings in his cold-bloodedness.

Shaw gradually glimpsed the truth of the complexity of human nature.

So Tom, who seems to be indifferent to emotions, must have an extreme desire for emotions in his heart.

That person may be his dead mother, or not.

And the new person has never appeared.

Then this guy went completely crazy after making the Horcrux, and there is no redemption.

However, the diary is Voldemort's soul and memory torn out when he was young, which can be used.

Shaw had a rough plan in mind, and it depended on how to implement it.

He couldn't help but take a deep breath. This battle of psychedelic strength with Tom was both tiring and interesting.

Shaw turned around and went to Snape's office to see if this guy had any advanced psychedelic drugs.

The kind that can arouse the deepest desires of people, and it must be able to act on the soul.


Above the North Sea of ​​the British Isles, there is an icy sea area that is always covered by dark clouds and surging waves.

In a place that ordinary Muggles cannot see, there is a black rocky island, and the nearby sea water is also black and scary.

This is the prison of the British wizarding world: Azkaban.

Azkaban is actually a conical dark brown tower with imperfect defenses, and there are only five or six Aurors guarding it.

However, its most terrifying jailer is the notorious Dementor, with nearly a thousand of them, surrounding Azkaban tightly, which also makes it a terrifying place.The reputation of being timid.

Today, Azkaban welcomed a heavyweight prisoner, Cantankerus Nott, who was on the island for the third time.

Old Nott was shaking all over and limping. He was sent to the highest level of the heavy criminal area by the guarding Auror.

The Auror found a dark single room and pushed Old Nott in.

He locked the iron door and didn't want to stay for a second. He ran away quickly under the Patronus Charm.

The Dementors here are too dense. There are densely packed in a corridor. The atmosphere is extremely depressing. Staying for one more second is suffering.

From time to time, a Dementor floated into a cell, and then there was a low humming sound, containing incomparable despair.

Old Nott was new, so naturally there were Dementors to greet him. This is a delicacy.

Of course, Dementors also have their own rules, and they take turns, and they will not suck people to death at once.

Four or five Dementors squeezed into Old Nott's cell, surrounded him and sniffed him vigorously.

As a result, they sniffed in vain.

Old Nott, who was trembling just now, now looked calm, leaning against the corner and watching the performance of several Dementors.

After the Dementors with low intelligence failed to eat, they left on their own in confusion.

Old Nott saw that the person who closed the gate of the cell opposite was Sirius, who looked confused and decadent.

He moved his mouth and wanted to say something.

But there was something bulging in his throat, as if something was stuck, which made it inconvenient for him to speak, so he had to give up.

He reached out and touched his injured thigh, and the severe pain in the bones made him almost scream.

A trace of madness flashed in his eyes, but he quickly suppressed it.

He thought of being awakened by a pure-blooded old man and pointing out the way when he was still preparing for the prison break.

"Old Nott, you have committed a serious crime. The Dark Lord asked you to break out of prison just to send you to death. If you still want to live, do as I say.

You can intentionally fail to break out of prison and go to Azkaban to avoid the Dark Lord for a while to let him calm down. You can take the treasures of my family that can suppress emotions, and with your family's secret skills, you can escape successfully at any time.

Believe me and wait for my news. When the time comes, rescue all the Death Eaters together. You will be the great hero of the Dark Lord, and the Nott family will be glorious again."

Old Nott recalled the instructions, with a hint of enthusiasm at the corner of his mouth, and his excited heart suppressed the pain in his thigh.

A familiar hoarse female voice suddenly came from the nearby cell.

"Nott, why are you here too?"

It seemed to be Bella.

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