On the throne, Shaw looked down and naturally sensed the secret hostility of his subordinates.

But he was happy to see it happen.

Although he had not studied the art of emperorship, he knew a little about the way of weighing the pros and cons.

If his subordinates were united and harmonious, that would be a real tragedy.

Well, the Spade Duke is naturally Tom (hey, is it nonsense literature?)

Shaw was not prepared to introduce Tom's identity to everyone. Having such a mysterious duke on his head could also raise the ambition of others.

Shaw was about to announce the start of the meeting.

What he didn't expect was that Theodore, who had always cared little about fame and fortune, couldn't help it first.

The cold and arrogant young man stood up and walked lightly to the center of the hall. He bowed to Shaw first, then turned around and drew out the white jade wand and pointed it at Tom.

The voice was cold.

"I don't ask who you are or what you do, but since you are in the position of the Duke, you must have the ability to prove it.

The chief doesn't need trash! I can't know your other talents, but you must at least be better than my wand!"

Theodore's move stunned Shaw, and the others were even more shocked. Tom, the person involved, was also stunned.

Before, under the cloak, Tom's eyes were full of contempt. Shaw mentioned the throne on campus when he was still in the notebook state. It turned out to be a trick like playing house?

He even made a special trip for himself, which was simply a child's play.

However, seeing Theodore's extraordinary loyalty and resolute attitude, I have a slightly different view of the quality of the members of the throne.

The cold and arrogant boy in front of me is at least a loyal warrior.

If the strength is good, this throne that has been born for one year is indeed worth it.

A trace of gloom flashed in Shaw's eyes, and he was a little annoyed by Theodore's self-assertion, but the gloom soon dissipated.

Theodore, isn't he just such a lone minister who offends people?

Very qualified.

Shaw has already begun to plan to arrange a supervisory position for Theodore in the future.

Tom stood up, and his silver cloak spread out, swaying slightly with the wind. A cold breath spread and covered Theodore.

Theodore's thin figure trembled slightly, but he still stood straight, and his cold and serious eyes did not show any fear.

Tom turned his head to look at Shaw on the throne, meaning that it doesn't matter if you don't care, I will help you to care?

Shaw leaned against the soft back of the chair, crossed his hands casually, and said lightly.

"That's enough."

Tom nodded slightly, then drew out the bone-handled silver wand, slowly walked down the steps, and came to the opposite side of Theodore, who was wearing a silver-bottomed green-patterned hunting suit.

The others looked at the two people who were confronting each other, one was cold and domineering, the other was abstinent and arrogant.

Alice silently cheered for Theodore in her heart, and the other party did what she was going to do.

Draco had understood at this moment, and realized that the cloaked man should be the one who attacked him last time.

Well, he was entangled again.

Should he cheer for Theodore who didn't like each other, or cheer for the mysterious duke who didn't follow the moral code of martial arts?

People from other colleges watched with relish.

After Tom and Theodore exchanged duels, Tom calmly hooked his wand, signaling his opponent to attack first.

Theodore was not a man of martial ethics. He shook his wand without hesitation. He was ruthless and didn't talk much. He used a killing move as soon as he got his hands on it.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green light of Kedavra, which was three fingers thick and powerful enough to reach the fourth level, immediately shot straight at Tom after leaving the wand.

Tom was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the opponent to be so ruthless.

He waved his wand casually, and a black diamond-shaped death shield was quickly generated. The green light and the shield exploded into a ball, easily blocking the attack.

Tom was polite enough and was ready to end this child's play. After all, he needed to stop at the right time.

He clenched his left hand, and the light in the room dimmed instantly, and a thick black mist rose out of thin air.

I don't know if Tom has a psychological shadow or subconscious behavior, but a large amount of water mist immediately turned into a series of black chains.

The chain group rotated like a nebula, and it was majestic and trapped Theodore in the middle.

Although Theodore was surprised that his opponent had a powerful method similar to the Chief Water Prison, he remained calm and waved his wand quickly.

"Armor protection!"

"Armor protection!"

He did not stay in place, but rushed forward quickly and laid a shield in front.

In this way, he didn't have to worry about the chains chasing from behind, and he could get close to his opponent.

Close-range physical attack is the most effective way to defeat an opponent who can cast spells over a large area.

Theodore's strategic thinking is correct, but the gap in strength between the two sides is too large.

The chain chasing from behind did not touch him, but the blue shield used to block the spell in front was broken one after another., like paper, they all turned into blue fragments.

Watching the triangular chain cones piercing through the three layers of blue shields like the head of a poisonous snake, piercing towards him.

Theodore's pupils shrank suddenly, and he rolled to the left on the spot, narrowly avoiding the strangulation of the chain cones.

But Tom didn't give him time to react at all, and the chains from all directions still bound him relentlessly.

Theodore's face turned fierce, and he didn't care about defense. He took out the sequence playing cards and released them at Tom.

A killing spell that he had condensed for half a year and gathered a lot of magic power was released instantly.

A green light column with a power of less than level 4 but a lot of magic power directly blew the water mist chain in front of him into pieces, and the green light then shot towards the opponent.

Tom was surprised again. He also had the sequence playing cards, but he felt it was useless.

After all, it seemed useless in the legendary battle, because when the legends fought, they would attract the elements in the world to fight for themselves.

I didn't expect that in this small competition, I would see a different use of alchemy poker. If there are enough of them, they can be used.

Tom didn't care about the green light. He didn't dodge or set up a shield, as if he was waiting for the green light to come.

In terms of understanding and using the killing curse, Voldemort is probably the only one who is more proficient than him in this era. In addition, Theodore's curse has more magic power and has been consumed by the chains.

So Tom has a magic power in his wand to isolate it, and then he uses the anti-curse technique to "easily" pick up the killing curse flying in front of him and fly it to the ground on the side, creating a big deep pit.

His action is full of provocation and disdain.

Theodore has been tied up by the nebula chain at this moment. Seeing his opponent like this, he can no longer keep his calm expression, and all kinds of resentment and regret flash across his face.

Hanging in the air, he did not feel the humiliation of being put on display, but was ashamed that he was not strong enough, and his fist was bleeding again.

However, he also recognized the strength of his opponent and said very straightforwardly.

"I lost."

Tom did not continue to humiliate Theodore. This kind of talent is ruthless to himself and others, and loyal.

Any leader would like it.

After removing the spell, he turned to Shaw who was sitting high and wrote in the air with his wand.

"How about giving this person to me? Within two years, I am sure I can train him to the level of a top Auror."

If Shaw had not been trying to maintain his demeanor, he would really want to roll his eyes at Tom, the "pretender". What good is he thinking?

He just said lightly.

"Okay, everyone return to their seats and start the meeting."

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