Shaw boarded the train and led Neville, who was struggling to pull the suitcase, to the prefect's compartment.

He had no intention of helping Neville, which was also a kind of respect.

Arriving at the compartment, Alice helped Neville, who was struggling to float the suitcase to the luggage rack.

Neville politely said thank you. Although there were traces of tears on his face, his self-confidence was even stronger than before.

After Shaw greeted several confidants, he looked at Theodore, who was sitting quietly by the window and playing with the little rabbit in the cage.

Shaw did not disturb Theodore who was immersed in his own happy world.

In his heart, he thought of Tom's intention to turn Gloria into a Death Eater.

It was simple to say, and even more funny.

It was just that Tom did not give up. After all, he was not Voldemort, and there was not a single true confidant and loyal among the Death Eaters.

Originally, he came to try to poach new people, but Theodore was determined, so Tom decided to take Gloria under his wing.

Although Sister Theodore seemed to be aggrieved in front of Shaw, she was actually very happy after becoming the Dark Lord's Death Eater.

Along the way, everyone talked about the interesting things in life during the holidays and took out various foods prepared for Ziying.

Hermione talked about the trip to France in a wonderful way, which made Draco regretful, after all, his mother had originally planned to take him to France.

In the end, he could only say something to Hermione indignantly.

"You have been playing so crazy, so your studies must have fallen behind."

Who knew that Hermione knocked Draco out with just one sentence.

"I don't read useless books now. I have studied school textbooks by myself until the sixth grade! And I also took the time to read the laws of several countries."

Draco: ……. .

After a while, Harry also came to the carriage. Everyone was not surprised and was quite enthusiastic, after all, he was Draco's good friend.

A funny thing happened on the way. The twins, laughing and joking, brought their youngest sister Ginny to Harry and Shaw for autographs.

Shaw looked at the youngest Weasley with red and golden hair, and signed for him generously.

Harry signed for the little fan girl under everyone's strange gaze. After all, everyone could see that the little girl came just for him.

The express train was very fast and arrived at Hogwarts Station when it was dark.

It was raining heavily in the sky of Hogwarts.

After Shaw got off the train, he watched the little wizards panic and cast various ingenious spells to avoid the rain.

The freshmen were miserable, and they were soaked like quails.

Shaw complained in his heart, since it rained a lot in this month, why didn't the admission letter require buying an umbrella? This was undoubtedly the school's problem.

He was a sophomore this year and didn't need to take a boat across the lake.

I forgot that he hadn't taken a boat across the lake last year. What a pity.

Shaw and his friends walked from another road, walked up a few steps and came to a muddy flat land, where a long line of carriages were waiting.

The carriages were not pulled by horses, but they were shaking slightly.

Shaw could naturally see the line of night thestrals in front of the carriages, which were skinny black Pegasus with bat-like wings.

According to the rules, a carriage can only seat four people.

Shaw got on a carriage at random, and then looked at several subordinates outside the carriage with big eyes.

Alice got on the carriage without hesitation, Percy adjusted his glasses, and took Neville and Penelope to other carriages.

The remaining Hermione, Draco, Theodore and Harry, all wanted to get on this carriage.

As if this could mean something.

Although Shaw wanted to watch the excitement with a bad taste, he couldn't delay the opening banquet, so he took out his wand and waved at the carriage.

Under the Transfiguration spell, the carriage's eaves extended forward, and two more stools were added.

"Okay, everyone get on board."

Several people outside the carriage got on board with laughter.

The night rider pulling the carriage had no objection to this, and stepped forward on his own.

Several young wizards who had never seen death were curious about how the carriage could move automatically.

Miss Know-it-all loved popular science, and made everyone understand that the carriage was pulled by an invisible magical creature, the Thestrals, but only those who had seen death could see it.

Draco, who still didn't understand the cruelty of life and death, said with some regret.

"I don't know what the Thestrals look like, I really want to see them."

Shaw said faintly.

"It's a blessing not to see them."

Hermione was embarrassed, and Harry was thoughtful.

But Alice agreed.

"Alas, I wish I couldn't see this Thestral either."

Shaw turned his head to see a flash of nostalgia in Alice's eyes, and he was also a person with an unspeakable past.

The carriage was a little dull for a moment, but fortunately the Thestral carriage arrived at the castle quickly.

After everyone got off the carriage, they saw a short ghost floating in front of the archway, half real and half virtual, with a broad face, a big mouth and round, bright eyes.This ghost was wearing a clown hat and was throwing water balloons at the passing little wizards.

It was the naughty Peeves.

Shaw seemed to have no fate with ghosts. It was okay that he didn't find Ms. Grey for the whole year last year, and he also didn't meet this special ghost.

Later, when he thought about the history of Hogwarts, he felt relieved.

Peeves is not a ghost strictly speaking, but a special ghost that is alive in the castle.

Analogous to some old buildings in folklore, they will have self-awareness.

Even if this old building is destroyed, there will still be ghost buildings that appear from time to time, leaving behind various horror legends.

And Peeves' personality is determined by the emotions of the little wizards and the school spirit.

Almost two hundred years ago, there was a headmistress named Eupraxia Moore who was more strict than her grandfather Phileas in running the school.

At that time, the school spirit was cruel and the discipline was strict. Peeves' personality was affected and he became evil, almost to the point of shooting and killing the little wizards.

However, no matter how the school tried to expel and kill Peeves, it was unsuccessful, and it caused chaos.

In the end, the headmistress had to sign a treaty with Peeves.

After Dumbledore took office, the school spirit was relaxed and relaxed, and Peeves became very erratic, with endless pranks.

However, last year, Shaw began to rectify the school spirit, which was neither serious nor relaxed.

Peeves immediately became angry and kept hiding from Shaw, the authority.

After a summer vacation, it seems that Peeves has regained a lot of his bad taste.

Shaw led everyone to the archway, and Peeves arrogantly shouted "Take my ball" and threw the water ball in his hand.

But when he saw Shaw, he immediately said in horror.

"Ah, the big devil is coming, run!"

Shaw waved his hand to float the water ball in the air, and then went in the opposite direction, and it turned into a water prison with electric spirits to trap the escaping Peeves.

Peeves tried to pass through the water, but the electric shock made his mouth crooked and his eyes slanted, so he began to shout and cry out for injustice.

"Big devil, I didn't mean it. I didn't see it was you. Let me go. I swear I will avoid you in the future."

Shor smiled faintly, moved the triangular cage to the front, and stretched out his hand to carry it like a pet cage and walked towards the auditorium.

Seeing Peeves huddled in fear, he spoke to comfort him.

"Peeves, don't be afraid. I just want to do something for you."


Shor quickly turned his head to comfort the purple shadow on his shoulder that was pecking at his hair.

"Hey, it's not my pet. I'll let it go in a while. Don't be angry."

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