Shore's situation is similar to the curse of knowledge. Once a person learns some knowledge and controls power, it is like giving soil to an arrogant character.

The improvement of cognition gives people confidence, and the rapid increase of power can influence the fate of others.

All this will make people feel superior to others subconsciously. If they are too much superior, they will breed a god mentality of looking down on the world from the clouds.

But they don't know that the foundation is unstable, and all this is a castle in the air.

"I really need to settle down."

Shore said silently in his heart, then stood up and bowed solemnly to Vita.

"Thank you for the reminder, professor, and I hope to learn more from you in the future."

When Shore bowed, Vita's serious expression turned into a strong maternal love.

But when Shore straightened up, she immediately returned to the serious professor's appearance.

"Well, it's good that you can recognize your own shortcomings. Time is tight and the task is heavy. I only have less than a year to teach you in person. From now on, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and weekends, you will come to me to study invisibly and try not to attract the attention of certain people."

Shor had no objection to the course and understood why he was invisible.

Then he thought about the matter of defense against curses. The record of this position is really brilliant.

Not to mention the fate of professors in previous years, even in the six years that Harry was in school, the fate of the professor of defense against the dark arts was five deaths and one imprisonment. It was really dark.

"Professor, you will be fine in this year, after all, the professor of defense against the dark arts at Hogwarts was indeed cursed by Voldemort."

Vita asked Shaw to sit down again, without any fear on his face, very calm.

"Although Voldemort is not smart, he is very advanced in curses, and I can't solve it."

Shor thought that the other party chose to teach despite knowing the danger, and he was a little nervous for no reason.

"What about you? Why don't we change to teach in Hogsmeade?"

Seeing Shaw like this, Vita felt warm in her heart. This little guy finally gave something back, so she waved her hand confidently.

"Don't worry. Although Voldemort's curse is powerful, it also has loopholes.

In fact, when Lockhart was controlled by me using the Egyptian secret method of soul transfer, the curse was already effective.

And I don't teach students directly. Although I will also be affected by the curse, it is harmless.

For this reason, I have taken two precautions.

First, I will brew a simple potion that will definitely succeed every morning. If one day, the brewing fails, I will leave Hogwarts immediately.

Second, didn't I let the young wizards read Lockhart's novels and find out the unreasonable parts in them? This is actually a prelude.

When I leave school, I will control Lockhart to surrender to the Ministry of Magic and confess that he stole other people's adventure memories and used the Forgetfulness Charm.

This can completely detonate the curse of this year, so it will not affect me at all."

Shor listened to Vita talking about how she avoided Voldemort's curse, and his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

In my heart, I mourned for Lockhart for three seconds.

But she praised him.

"The professor has good tactics."

Vita Roerer is worthy of the title of the Black Rose of France. She is really cruel.

These old men and women are really far behind in their ability to look ahead one step at a time. There is indeed a lot to learn.

Vita looked at Shaw's expression, but she was not complacent in her heart.

She did it on purpose.

If you want the other party to follow you willingly, you must show some ability.

Before coming to Hogwarts, she did a lot of work. After knowing Shaw's style of doing things, she specially formulated a set of targeted teaching guidelines.

Since she entered Hogwarts, she has been weaving traps for Shaw step by step, with various connotations, strength display, reputation harvesting and suppression, etc.

If it weren't for Grindelwald's urging, Vita could actually do it more smoothly and subtly, so that Shaw would come to her door to ask for advice without knowing it.

Unlike today's rash invitation, the process is too rough after all.

Vita suddenly frowned.

"In fact, there is a simplest way to avoid the curse of this course, that is to keep the name of the course of Dark Magic Defense, appoint a magical creature with wisdom to be the professor, prevent students from attending the class, and then re-open a similar course.

I am still wondering why Dumbledore didn't do this."

Shor had some guesses about this, but didn't say it out loud.

It's nothing more than that in Dumbledore's mind, all living intelligent creatures are equal and very fraternal.

Vita looked at the time and smiled gently.

"It's getting late, go back and rest early. By the way, there are some musical instruments in the corner. Pick one and take away some music theory knowledge. This will also be one of the courses in the future."

Shor was surprised again,However, under the intimacy that Vita had been showing, he gradually stopped being so shy and asked directly.

"Professor, why do you want to learn a musical instrument?"

Vita was still very patient, and even said with a distressed look.

"Although you are a pure-blooded noble, you have been living in the Muggle world since childhood, lonely and helpless, so you have not learned true elegance and calmness from the bottom of your heart.

But these are the temperament and psychological qualities that a qualified leader must have.

And these qualities cannot be cultivated overnight, and learning a classical instrument is a shortcut to cultivation.

Mastering music theory has more benefits than this, it is also helpful for you to improve your understanding of magic and micro-manipulation of spells.

Whether it is magic or doing things, it is like playing music, which requires both hardness and softness, and tension and relaxation.

There must be both passion and gentle spring breeze.


Vita's words are very detailed, and in fact, they can be summarized in one sentence.

Similar to "a person with poetry and books in his belly will be elegant", using music theory to cultivate sentiment.


When Xiao Er came out of the office, he was holding a purple crescent-shaped seven-string harp.

He looked down at the harp in his arms and felt a little confused.

There were many classical instruments in Vita's office, but there were not many that suited Xiao Er's taste.

When he was choosing instruments, he even thought of going to China to buy a suona or erhu, or at least a guzheng.

But in the end he gave up because Vita didn't know those instruments.

He had to choose a seven-string harp as the first instrument he learned.

Not only is this kind of harp easy to learn, it is suitable for beginners.

More importantly, Xiao Er remembered an animation he had watched in his previous life: Saint Seiya.

There are several constellation warriors who use harps as weapons, such as the sun god Apollo and Lyra Orpheus, etc. (please post pictures).

On the battlefield, they flicked the strings and threw heads in front of them.

They are all very elegant and cool!

So after ruling out piano, an instrument with high entry difficulty, Shaw chose a small handheld harp.

Shaw was already fantasizing, waiting for him to study the thunder element and spells.

Could he create a compound spell: thunder harp?

He only needed to gracefully raise his hand, and a crescent harp with seven thunder spells as strings slowly formed in his arm.

Then he waved the strings melodiously and played a heart-breaking song!

The thunder spells intertwined like the aurora and came out from the harp. In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, thunder rolled, and there were mountains of corpses and seas of blood!

But who dared to say that Shaw was not elegant?


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