In the main stand, Li Jordan has been paying attention to the fate of the Golden Snitch. He has been looking forward to the end of this game.

After all, his team was almost defeated by the Big Devil, and everyone was depressed.

Just now, the Big Devil assisted the little snake's chaser to score a goal. The dog-eyed goalkeeper's eyes are now red. It is estimated that he must be taken to the school hospital for an injection after the game.

Seeing Harry catch the Golden Snitch, Li Jordan immediately announced impatiently.

"Oh! Our genius seeker Harry has caught the Golden Snitch again, scoring 150 points, 200 to 160, and the game is over.

Ahem, in this game, Slytherin only won a small victory over Gryffindor. Gryffindor is still honorable in defeat, and you are also the best!"


The little wizards from the other three colleges booed Li Jordan.

Everyone can see that the Big Devil obviously held back. Not only did he give 10 points, he neither hit anyone nor interfered with the fate of the Golden Snitch.

Otherwise, the score of this game would probably be very ugly.

However, after booing Lee Jordan, everyone cheered in unison, and the thunderous applause even blew up the dark clouds in the sky.

"Pa pa pa pa!"*N

"The chief is the most handsome!"

"I love you, chief!"

"The chief is mighty!"*N

Shor rode on his broom and circled the stands in a circle, reaching out and waving politely to the little wizards who waved at him.

Then he calmly nodded to the five excited players who flew around him.

"You all played very well today, keep up the good work."

Shor found that Draco was not here, and he glanced casually, and saw the broken kid dragging his broom to the lounge below the stands, and Harry was anxiously explaining something behind him.

The Gryffindor players were all listless, and Professor McGonagall went over to comfort them a few times but it didn't work.

Snape looked at Shaw coldly, turned around and walked to the back of the stands, but his steps were still brisk.

The other little wizards were even more excited, discussing the wonderful moments just now. The happiest little snakes looked at Shaw with admiration, shouting that they would go back to celebrate the meeting and not return until they were drunk!

Shaw smiled, this is youth.

He then led the team to the lounge, and before entering the door, he saw Hermione waiting at the door with a camera.

Shaw motioned the other players to go in first, lowered the broom and put it away, and then asked Hermione.

"Hermione, you are holding the video recorder, did you find anything?"

Hermione nodded hurriedly, and her little mouth blabbered in one breath.

"Chief, someone just used reflected light to interfere with your game. I immediately used a camera to record the stands. When you were illuminated for the second time, I finally found out who was playing a prank through various zoomed-in and slowed-down shots. It was a few little wizards from Gryffindor and two Ravenclaws. It was too much. They actually used tricks during the game."

Shor understood and was not surprised at all. He said casually.

"Give the list to Alice. There should be a mastermind. It is probably the Weasley twins. Well, these people are the first group of people who spent the night with Peeves. It is reasonable to let the twins test the pranks they just developed."


Hermione, who was very serious just now, also laughed out loud.

This new punishment measure is not a secret. After all, Peeves' big mouth can't keep any secrets.

These days, the Weasley twins have also been promoting the fact that they have developed several unforgettable pranks, which are guaranteed to be powerful enough.

I guess they didn't expect that they would become the first batch of test subjects.

Slytherin only had this Quidditch match before Christmas, and the others would be played after the winter break.

Shaw did not participate in the celebration in the Slytherin lounge, and turned around to concentrate on studying again.

However, his reputation as a Quidditch genius beater spread at lightning speed.

None of the three factions in the Ministry of Magic had any intention of covering up the news, but instead added fuel to the fire.

It is easy to understand why the pure-blood faction did this, and Dumbledore was happy to see Shaw playing these recreational sports and cultivating a sense of honor, and the middle faction did not have much say.

Therefore, various newspapers were full of publicity, praising Shaw to the utmost, and all kinds of titles were given to Shaw.

This made all British wizards know that Hogwarts had produced a super Quidditch genius, and Shaw's second-level faith value rose by several hundred overnight.

Rita Skeeter, a famous reporter from the Daily Prophet, had been rejected by Shaw several times when she asked him to interview her.

This female reporter, who was used to exaggerating and digging into people's privacy, published several news articles in a fit of anger to tarnish Shore's reputation.

She was immediately demoted by the editor-in-chief and became an errand boy.As if it had nothing to do with him, Shaw was now looking at the thin mouse in the Room of Requirement.

Ahem, once he got busy, he hadn't come to feed Pettigrew for half a month even though he had a memorandum.

Fortunately, this guy was fat and strong, and he didn't starve to death.

He randomly tested a few spells on animal transformation with the little mouse, then let the dying little mouse go, put a lot of food in his trough, and locked the Fiendfyre cage in the cabinet again.

During the experiment just now, Shaw felt that Pettigrew wanted to change back to human form several times, but he held back, probably because he felt that he couldn't beat Shaw.

This guy is also very good at hiding, worthy of being a servant of Voldemort, the god of hiding.

When Shaw went out, Astoria had been sitting here quietly for a long time.

Ever since Shaw knew that his patronus was the Chinese dragon, he became more and more interested in Animagus Transfiguration.

So recently, I have shifted a lot of time from practicing spells to focus on this.

Pettigrew's mouse transformation is too weak and simple in structure, so he quickly explored it.

So now we have to change to another test subject, which is Astoria who was under the blood curse.

Astoria stood up immediately when she saw Shaw coming out.


Shaw waved his hand and got straight to the point.

"I don't know much about the blood curse, you should transform yourself first and show me."

Astoria's pale face immediately showed a rare blush.

She gritted her teeth and looked at the furniture nearby, then hid behind the sofa and whispered.

"Chief, please wait a moment."

Shaw smiled. He actually wanted to see how the blood curse transformed animals, but he didn't say much.

After a rustling, a three-meter-long viper with brown and green spots poked its triangular snake head out from behind the sofa and spit its snake tongue at Shaw.

"Hiss (I'm getting better)."

Shor can understand Parseltongue.

He drew 4 talent points last time, 2 points added flying, and the remaining 2 points added Parseltongue.

So now it is level 4 Parseltongue, which is like level 10 English. Naturally, he can communicate with snakes easily, and can also command some smaller snakes.

Of course, the language system of snakes is not so rich.

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