Seeing Shaw take out his wand, Harry was horrified and hurried forward to hug Shaw's hand holding the wand.

"Chief, don't be impulsive, ahem, Sirius didn't mean it, he, he was just locked up for too long."

Shaw looked down at Harry, who changed his position too quickly.

He looked at Sirius who was unwilling to accept it.

He felt that if he really let Sirius go in the future, he would probably be pissed to death by the combination of the father and son.

This might not be sent by God to torture him, no matter how to cultivate his qi, it would be useless.

Sirius, who was leaning on the fence, saw that Shaw seemed to want to punish him, and he had no awareness of making peace or asking for help, and said with his neck stiff without any expression.

"Shor, what kind of spell do you want to torture me with? Harry, is this what you call a good person? Sure enough, the Black family can only produce dark wizards! Humph, what am I counting on?"

In another cell next to them, Bella also joined in the fun. She slapped the iron bars frantically and laughed.

"Haha, Shaw, kill him, kill Sirius, the traitor of the family, haha, can't do it? It doesn't matter, or give me the wand, I'll help you kill."

Shor glanced at Bella's distorted features and crazy eyes, knowing that the other party was not joking.

This woman really killed Sirius in the original book.

His temples were throbbing again, why are there so many perverts in the Black family.

Although Sirius seemed to be a normal person, he became a pioneer warrior against darkness after betraying his family.

Later, he poured all his love on Harry, and now he looks like a fool. In fact, this is just another kind of pathology.

Shaw took two deep breaths and realized why Theodore hated his family and father so much.

Although he was angry now, he didn't give each of the two lunatics a "heart-wrenching blow".

Are these lunatics worthy of destroying his own Qi cultivation and ruining his reputation?

Not worth it! Be restrained!

He is not an irrational lunatic, yes, he is definitely not!

Shaw broke away from Harry's hand that was tightly holding his arm, waved his wand, and the unconscious Tansangs on the ground floated up. He took the man and walked out without looking back.

He swore in his heart that if any pure-blood family dared to marry close relatives in the future, he would kill them directly to avoid giving birth to a group of perverts.

Bella laughed at him from behind.

"Coward, haha..."

Harry said a few more words to Sirius in a hurry, and then hurried to chase after him.

Shaw walked all the way to the bottom of the tower with an unchanging expression and threw Tansangs to the other three guarding Aurors.

With his domineering aura, he immediately held back the questions that the three Aurors wanted to ask.

He looked up at the group of Dementors that were looking out from behind the tower, waved his wand, and the Yinglong Patronus flew into the sky.

The Patronus, which was more than ten meters tall, drove the Dementors in the sky like an eagle catching chicks. This time, he did not kill these evil creatures that were already trembling.

Instead, he found several Dementor leaders that were obviously taller in size. After a "virtue-conquering" of them, although they were not completely subdued.

But he also got the desired results, which made them strengthen the supervision of the heavy criminal area.

And in the future, it would not be so easy for "anyone" to persuade them to surrender.

Then Shaw took Harry on the boat to go home.


Two hours after Shaw left, when an Auror guarded the heavy criminal area and reinforced the fence that Shaw had previously destroyed, the Dementors gradually filled the heavy criminal area again.

But here, it began to become restless.

Bella, who had just laughed at Shaw crazily, no longer cared about Sirius' presence and whispered the message as before, but shouted directly to Old Nott.

"Old Nott! How long do we have to wait? Shaw has already noticed Azkaban. If we don't escape now, we will have no chance!"

Sirius looked suspiciously at the old Death Eaters in the nearby prison who had just been sucked of their emotions and now climbed to the gate of the fence.

"You want to escape? This is impossible!..."

And Old Nott, who was in the best spirits, also came to the fence with his swollen thigh covered. He ignored Sirius' questioning and said to the others with a hoarse voice.

"It's not possible yet. I didn't receive the signal. We don't know anything about the situation outside now. Are we going out to die?"

Bella slammed the fence and said angrily.

"Didn't you say that the Dark Lord has re-recruited the Death Eaters? He sent you to save us, and it's been almost a year. Did you lie to us?"

Old Nott looked at the other Death Eaters staring at him with burning eyes. He was also a madman and had no patience, so he wanted to curse.

But suddenly, the alchemical treasure in his throat that could block emotions began to beat regularly.Move.

Old Nott hurriedly experienced it carefully, his eyebrows became more and more excited, and finally confirmed the signal.

Then he said to the others in a hoarse voice.

"The signal came, we can escape! Someone is waiting for us outside the fog restriction."

He didn't care about the happy Death Eaters and attracted more than a dozen Dementors to suck, making those people wail again.

Old Nott immediately began to rub and squeeze his swollen thigh, and the cold sweat on his forehead was flowing.

Half an hour later, Old Nott suppressed his screams and squeezed out a blood-colored bone jade wand from the bone marrow of his thigh bone with a secret method.

The tip of the wand pierced the flesh from the joint, and Old Nott endured the endless pain and slowly pulled it out bit by bit.

His body had long been a sticky stream with his sweat and blood.

After taking out his wand panting, Old Nott quickly poured all the healing potion that Shaw had left behind into his mouth, and his pale face without a trace of blood looked better.

After resting against the wall for a long time, Old Nott slowly got up and coughed several times, spitting out an alchemical treasure half the size of a thumb with blood streaks.

Then he shouted happily to the outside.

"Stop pretending to be dead, let's go!"

He used the blood jade wand to cast several cutting spells on the fence, and then kicked the prison door open.

After leaving the cell, he looked at the Dementors swarming towards him.

Old Nott was not panicked.

He used the blood jade wand to input magic power into the treasure he had spit out before, and then a layer of halo enveloped him.

And those Dementors seemed to be blind, and immediately lost sight of Old Nott and turned around in place.

Old Nott did not delay, and continued to limp from cell to cell to save people, and then covered them with a halo that blocked emotions.

Soon, the serious criminal area was full of small light people.

Bella was too happy just now, and was sucked a little hard by the Dementors. Now she barely recovered her breath.

She walked to Sirius' cell and turned to Old Nott.

"Give me the wand, I want to kill this pure-blood traitor!"

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