Nurmengard, in the top floor office.

Grindelwald and Vita sat opposite each other.

The two had come to the end of their conversation, and the atmosphere had always been calm.

Grindelwald held a cup of "Tadpole House" in his hand, biting the straw and drinking it. This was a cup of milk tea that Shor had sent by mail, and he asked Albus to brew it again. It was so fragrant.

Vita looked at Grindelwald's childish appearance, his left hand hidden in his robe sleeve trembling slightly, and his palm still gently holding the carousel.

A trace of hesitation flashed in her eyes, and she didn't take out the carousel in the end.

She knew Grindelwald too well and knew that it was useless, so she just asked one more question without giving up.

"Don't you have any more explanation for teaching Shor?"

Grindelwald let go of the straw and said lightly.

"Nothing to say. Listening to your intermittent narration these days, I think you have done a good job."

"Really? What do you have to say to me?"

"You have always been so outstanding, I am relieved. By the way, after you have black hair, you are still as beautiful as decades ago, not as old-fashioned as me."

Grindelwald's praise not only did not make Vita happy, but made her little expectation disappear.

She took a long breath, sat up straight, and her eyes regained calmness.

"What do you know about that Fli? Is he still one of us? In the past six months, his attitude has been a little strange. Although he cooperates, he seems to have some reservations. He seems to be loyal to Shaw, but not very thoroughly."

Grindelwald paused, put down the milk tea cup, tapped his fingers on the table, and thought seriously for more than ten seconds before speaking.

"Fli used to be very loyal and capable, but it is normal for people's hearts to change. Now Fli is not clear."

A hint of surprise flashed in Vita's cold eyes.

"Even prophecy doesn't work?"

Grindelwald was serious for a few seconds, but he didn't care.

"Prophecy is not omnipotent. You can't be too careless when you act in the UK, but you don't need to do anything deliberately now. Fry is not an enemy for the time being."

Grindelwald's words made Vita a little puzzled.

But he also knew that the other party was not prepared to tell him the whole content of the prophecy.

For prophecy, the fewer interference factors, the better. Just take precautions at the node.

Vita quickly calculated in her heart, and watched Grindelwald drink "Tadpole House" again, and her heart was ached.

This was not the first time she was "disappointed", she was used to it.

Now she at least has a new emotional sustenance.

Afterwards, Vita didn't say much nonsense, stood up and picked up her purple windbreaker, turned around and shook her hair chicly, and walked out the door.

The elegant steps she took were a little lighter and more impatient than the previous "reluctance".

Grindelwald watched Vita go away, with a gleam in his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

The next day.

In the clear and snowy weather, Hogwarts resumed its normal learning rhythm.

After getting up early, Shaw supervised the morning self-study, had breakfast, and then led a group of second-year snakes to the Transfiguration classroom.

In the morning, there was Transfiguration class. After class, Professor McGonagall pulled him to ask if he had practiced Animagus blindly.

In the afternoon, there was history class, which basically became a self-study class.

A day passed leisurely.

After the class, Shaw did not go to the hall.

He went to the Anti-Dark Magic Office alone, and saw Lockhart who was correcting homework in the office. After asking, he knew that Vita had not returned yet.

When he came out of the office, Shaw frowned slightly, hesitated for a while, and still did not choose to send Ziying to find him.

Looking at the sky getting dark, there was still a lot of time before the evening self-study at 7 o'clock.

Shaw turned and went out of the school, heading towards the Forbidden Forest.

This time, we were not going to the Forbidden Forest, but to Hagrid's stone hut.

When we arrived not far from the stone hut, we found that some guests had already arrived.

It was the "new trio", Harry, Draco and Hermione. These three probably came here without eating.

They were welcomed into the house by Hagrid, and the big man Hagrid had scars all over his face and was a little lame. It was unknown who had injured him. The big man was applying bloody dragon meat on his face.

Shor paused. He came here just to borrow a few roosters that could crow.

Yesterday's experience in the Forbidden Forest made Shor prepare to go to the Chamber of Secrets to tame the basilisk and use it to explore the Forbidden Forest.

The rooster was not used to help deal with the basilisk. Shor's magic level was not that low.

He was afraid that the basilisk would not obey, so he used the rooster's cry to torture it.

Now seeing the trio sneaking around, Shor smiled, remembering that he had heard the hilarious conversation here last time.

Eavesdropping and observing secretly, I guessEveryone loves to do it. Dumbledore often does it, so Shaw is no exception.

He walked lightly to the outside of the stone house and cast a super-sensory spell on himself, and the conversation inside the house came out clearly.

Harry asked with concern: Hagrid, what happened to you? Why are you injured like this?

Hagrid didn't care: It's nothing, I went abroad to meet a friend and got hurt accidentally.

Hermione: Your friend is really enthusiastic. What kind of meat is this in your hand? Does it have a medical effect when applied to the face?

Hagrid: This is the fire dragon meat that Professor Celtic gave me to replenish my body. I will use it to apply to my face first. This is my little recipe.

Draco said in horror: Ah! This, this, this is dragon meat! You actually eat fire dragons!

Hagrid said soberly: Oh? Professor Celtic went to the dragon farm in Romania to help transfer fire dragons at Christmas. A Hungarian tree dragon accidentally fell to death. Fire dragons are indeed beautiful and cute creatures. I have wanted to raise one for a long time, but fire dragons can only become food when they die.

Harry changed the subject and said: Draco, don't get excited, ahem, Hagrid, how did you bake such a big cake, it's too big, it feels like it's enough for a hundred people.

Hagrid said insincerely: This, this, haha~, by the way, this is what I eat myself, you know, I always have a big appetite.

Hermione got straight to the point: Hagrid, we already know that the Philosopher's Stone is a super alchemical item made by Nick Flamel and placed in the restricted area on the fourth floor of Hogwarts, and Professor Snape wants to steal it, so you have to tell us how to get through Fluffy.

Hagrid was surprised and said: You have found out this far? Really good, ugh! Why are you still looking into this?

Harry: I followed Snape last time and found that he...

Then several little wizards talked to Hagrid who was "uncooperative".

Outside the stone house, Shaw was no longer interested when he heard this.

He did not intend to intervene in Dumbledore's training plan for Harry, but instead thought about Hagrid's trip abroad.

It was quickly deduced that Hagrid must have gone to win over the giant tribe just like in the original book.

It was just three years earlier.

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