This unformed spell is the end of all spells, and it is also a universal spell-breaking spell, so it is always incompatible with the above spells.

But Xiaoer likes this spell very much, and always wants to add it to his thunder qin compound spell.

After all, the previous spells are all complete, and only one spell-breaking spell is missing.

But with Xiaoer's current understanding of magic, the compatibility of the first six strings is just barely achieved.

Not to mention the abrupt addition of the completely conflicting properties of all spells.

But Xiaoer did not give up. He regarded this spell construction experiment as a process of exploring magic and also a training of micro-manipulation of spells.

The harvest has always been good.

Xiaoer experimented for a while, sighed, and stopped to continue shaping the seventh string.

He stretched out his right hand, gently waved on the six strings, and began to play.

"Ding Dong Ding Dong!"

As the melody sounded, the strings were plucked to produce waves of colorful light, rippling in all directions.

Yang Qi raised his black hair, blowing up his purple clothes.

The next moment, the spell training room of several hundred square meters began to change.

Dark clouds rolled under the ceiling, purple electric light crackled and exploded, and long swords of lightning were bred in it, as if they would strike down at any time.

And around, an electric net against the ceiling suddenly formed, purple arcs jumped on it, but mixed with gray and white.

The function of this electric net is no longer as simple as trapping and electrocuting people before, but also has the property of petrifying people.

"Ding Dong~ Ding Dong!"

As Xiao Er continued to play the cold and quiet tune, there were also flying purple birds and black water pythons around.

As the tune reached a high point, various spells flew up and down around their masters, cooperating with each other, which was very dazzling.

And in the center, Xiao Er embraced the crescent harp and elegantly played the gorgeous six-color strings.

If he ignored those deadly spells, he would be like an elegant and noble prince.

The music gradually came to an end, and many spells disappeared one by one.

Shaw exhaled, put away the harp, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

The spells just cast seemed gorgeous, but they were not very powerful, otherwise he would not dare to experiment in the Room of Requirement.

The key is to control so many kinds of spells at the same time, and to coordinate them with the melody, which is very exhausting.

However, although he was tired, he became more and more familiar with micro-manipulation spells.

Leiqin, this handsome composite spell, regardless of whether it can be researched into a powerful spell for actual combat.

At least it is very helpful for him to exercise and study magic theory.

Shaw returned to the sofa and began to make tea for himself. Just after taking a sip, the two-way mirror on the desk in the distance trembled. This was old Percy on the other side asking for a call.

Shore put down his teacup, stood up and sat down at the desk. He put up the two-way mirror and saw old Percy holding a bottle of wine across from him, looking excited.

"Shor, I have experimented, it's true, it's all true! Where did you get these unique alchemical theories? It's amazing. Many theories that I didn't think of or believe before have been confirmed!"

Shor raised his eyebrows.

"That's great, can you teach me now?"

Old Percy gulped down a bottle of wine, shook off the wine stains on his beard, and then continued to speak happily.

"Don't worry, I also want to say that the method of refining the magic stone that I thought I had mastered before, now I think it's all shit, it will never succeed, or I am too conceited.

Hey, Shore, tell me secretly, did you steal these alchemical materials from old Nick?"

Shor was complaining in his heart. Everyone is the best in theory. As expected, don't brag before you succeed.

Old Percy was honest and admitted his shortcomings, but he certainly couldn't admit the other party's guess.

Before, this old guy wanted to participate in the so-called "relic" mining, but he didn't say much after being rejected by himself.

"Professor, don't guess blindly. After I understand these and decipher the relic switch, there will be new alchemical knowledge soon. Teach me first."

Old Percy was a little disappointed. He muttered a few words and then became happy again.

"Yes, you should learn quickly, and then decipher the new knowledge you don't understand after learning, and then send me the new knowledge you don't understand. Those theories simply opened up a new world of alchemy for me."

Then, Shaw studied all night.

Then he knew what those alchemical knowledge that he couldn't comprehend were.

Alchemical matrix.

These complex matrices can not only make many unrelated or conflicting magic circuits in alchemical creations become one.

If the research is deep enough and the imagination is rich, it can also simulate pseudo-intelligent alchemical creations.

But Xiao Er felt that this thing, whyLike integrated circuit boards and computer codes.

So, science and magic are really connected, sometimes just need a reasonable explanation.

Shaw studied the alchemy matrix all night, not to mention that his alchemy knowledge increased greatly, he also had many ideas about how to join the previous Leiqin compound spell to the Wanzhu Jiezhong.

But before he could experiment, old Percy had urged him to quickly open the so-called "relic" restriction.

Shaw had no choice but to count the classes this morning. Fortunately, there were no classes.

After breaking off contact with old Percy, he took out the big book "Book of Abraham" from the ring.

He opened the copper-clad cover and began to turn the bark paper pages one by one and read it again.

Until he turned to the seventh page, looking at this page with only patterns, he didn't know how the book judged that he had learned the previous content.

But the next moment, the iron pattern of the giant snake swallowing the magic wand began to twist and change for a while, and slowly turned into a new pattern.

On a scepter, two snakes were biting each other and devouring each other.

Not only that, the bark paper on the first seven pages also glowed.

An old voice in Xiao Er's heart read out a comment.

"Power alternates, endless reincarnation, the country is not a country, the family is not a family, it is better to wander."

Xiao Er was stunned, and quickly turned the page back to the front to take a look. In addition to the previous alchemy knowledge, there were four more illustrations.

They were all records of famous power struggles in history.

For example, one of the patterns showed two people, a man with a hat, holding a double snake staff in his hand. It was obvious that this was Hermes in Greek mythology and Mercury in Roman mythology.

He waved the snake staff and took a fighting posture, and he was fighting against an old man with wings. The old man was flying in the air, with an hourglass on his head, holding a sickle in his hand and about to chop off Hermes' feet.

Among the other three paintings, Xiao Er also recognized a picture describing the story of King Xiluo slaughtering the Holy Child.

Although the other two pictures were unrecognizable, the content was about building a garden and a nest, and it was estimated that the story was also related to power struggles.

Shore calculated the time when the Book of Abraham was written, and compared the time of a Greek myth story and a Bible story.

Then these patterns are all prophecies.

And that voice may be spoken by Abraham to the descendants of the Jews as an ancestor and wise man.

No wonder the Jews have no country or hometown.

Shore's heart was pounding.

He quickly turned down and looked at the pattern on the second seven pages, which showed a big snake nailed to a cross.

Shore's eyes narrowed slightly.

He calculated that the prophetic patterns recorded before the first seven pages were all before the Common Era.

The pattern on the second seven pages refers to the event of Jesus' crucifixion, which is also a node dividing before and after the Common Era.

Will the third seven pages that cannot be opened at the end predict what will happen two thousand years after the Common Era?

Shore has a strong premonition that this has something to do with him

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