At the edge of the venue, Sirius saw Shaw take action for the first time, and his eyes twitched.

"After hundreds of years, the Black family has produced another legend, and he is so young, but is it a blessing or a curse for the magic world..."

What Sirius found most unbelievable was that Shaw was playing the piano now, with a domineering aura in the calmness of the wind and clouds, and as gentle as jade and as high as a god.

Even if there was a kind of Fiery Curse in the spells Shaw used, it was not as evil as imagined, but rather a bit dignified.

This loosened Sirius's attitude of "family knows family affairs".

After Shaw took action, the rioting crowd basically calmed down.

A powerful wizard is not only useful for his strength, but also very important for the stability of the army's morale.

Everyone looked at Shaw's peerless momentum and felt relieved, and many people shouted to cheer him on.

Many witches who were more crazy about him almost drooled.

"Bless all!"

Ogden at the center saw countless powerful spells coming, and he didn't care about his own defense, and hurriedly called out anxiously.

"Quick, quick, all of you inject magic power into the shield I propped up!"

The people nearby were also like ants on a hot pot, injecting magic power into the advanced shield without paying.

A blue-white shield was quickly propped up.

Shor in the air didn't care, and continued to play the blessing spell melodiously.

The Thunder Qin spell, after being blessed by the matrix principle and the collapse of the country, can basically be used as a regular attack spell.

This time, Shaw did not assist the shielding system, and he could micro-manipulate various spells to cooperate.

The strength shown made Dumbledore, who had been flanking the formation, raise his eyebrows.

Various spells acted as sharp knives, relayed relays, and blasted.

Thunder Sword Fire Snake, Conductive Water Python and other spells hit the shield one after another.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

These rebels have been pampered for a long time, and their strengths are uneven. Only Ogden is quite strong.

Facing the beating of ordinary wizards, they can still deal with it, but facing a strong man like Shor who is not a legend but more legendary.

Just a wave of magic spells directly broke through the shield defense built by the rebels.

After the shield broke into pieces, it turned into a bright white light and dissipated.

The purple electric net blocked the enemy's retreat outside, and the charged purple-blue water python continued to roll inward.

"Ah! Ah ba ah ba!"

"Ah! I surrender!"

"I was wrong, let me go, ba ba."

Indistinct begging for mercy kept coming from the water waves and mist.

After the mist dissipated, there were only blue-purple electrified triangular water prisons in the original place, and people were twitching and trembling inside.

Shor turned his head and saw that Lucius and the others had not yet captured all the "rescuers" who delivered the door keys.

As for the "rescuers" who had not been captured, seeing that the battle in the middle was over, they gritted their teeth and began to activate the door keys in their hands.

Shaw was a little dissatisfied. Lucius and his men were really useless and had no cooperation at all.

They must all be sent to Carol for extra practice afterwards!

Shaw swept his right hand elegantly over the strings.

"Ding Dong Ding Dong!"

The electric net that blocked the enemy spread outward quickly, directly sweeping over Lucius and others from behind without injury, scaring these people to the point of peeing.

The upper end of the electric net began to self-destruct, disrupting the space, preventing those people from teleporting and escaping, and the lower part of the electric net quickly surrounded them.

The remaining "rescuers" were immediately electrocuted and fell to the ground and twitched.

The battle was also declared over.

Shaw slowly floated down from the sky, turned around and was about to tell Fudge, who had retreated to the side, to tell the trial to continue.

But at this moment when he was most relaxed, a shocking change occurred.

Among the "rescuers" who fell to the ground, three people suddenly sat up, two of them swelled up, and black smoke swirled around them.

The last person raised his wand and pointed it at Shaw. His whole body shrank rapidly, the flesh and blood on his face disappeared, and his power quickly merged into the wand.

The green light of the wand increased greatly!

"Avada Kedavra!"

Dumbledore, who had not taken action before, had already taken out the Elder Wand when the shocking incident occurred, and took the lead in using huge magic power to push away all the wizards near the three people who exploded, and set up a large defense shield.

The two swellers exploded with two loud bangs, and a small mushroom cloud rose up, directly tearing Dumbledore's defense shield, and the space was shaking.

The residual power still blew the people who had been pushed away before, but fortunately no one was injured.

Although the person who launched the green light that attacked Shaw was also turned into ashes in the explosion, the sky-high green light also shot towards Shaw who turned his head back.

Shaw had no time to defend himself, nor did he have the arrogance to take the attack head-on.

He used the Disapparition in the disturbed space, and this was the first time he used this skill in battle.

The green light that reached the sky shot directly into the air,As luck would have it, it hit Ogden, who was in the water dungeon group at the back.

The green light melted the purple-blue water dungeon, and even killed the soul of the old man in the water dungeon, and his body was blown into a ball of meat paste.

Shaw dodged and returned to the original place again, with his white robe slightly wrinkled.

He was neither sad nor happy, and calmly instructed Burns and Fudge who were still in shock.

"Restore order, and the trial continues!"


Fudge wiped the cold sweat from his head and bent down very servilely.

Then he turned around and scolded the Aurors who were always "late" and just ran to the front.

"Have the annual funding for your department been fed to the dogs? Why don't you go and see if anyone is injured, and then check if there are any suspicious people..."

The wizards in the venue also immediately burst into applause and shouting.



Although everyone was terrified by the assassination of a man who would die together, it was not surprising. This kind of beheading incident was not uncommon.

But it also showed that Shor Black was doing a great thing, and it was something that benefited ordinary people, which made the wizards excited.

Sirius looked at Shor's popularity and his heart was again in a knot.

Lupin said behind him.

"Look, this is the pride of your Black family. Although ordinary wizards don't know some conspiracies, they know who cares about them the most."

Sirius: …….

The venue quickly restored order.

The trial went smoothly afterwards.

In fact, most of the crimes of those rebels were using their positions for profit, and there was no murder or arson.

Normally, the most serious sentence would be three to five years in Azkaban, and the lighter ones would be fined and paid the dirty money.

The problem is that these people usually think highly of themselves and cannot accept this kind of prisoner status. Their prestige will be lost and they will lose most of their rights.

Now that they are being arrested openly, all of them are guilty of a more serious crime.

As for the three assassins, no one knows where they came from. These people followed the "rescuers" and they didn't even know each other.

Shaw and Dumbledore were not surprised by this result at all.

This was something that both of them had expected in advance.

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