4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.

Outside the two-story building of Harry's aunt, Shaw stood quietly in the summer breeze in a black robe.

He did not choose to go into the house with "Little Duke" Draco to pick up Harry.

His eyes accidentally glanced at a small building of the same style not far away. Sirius was standing on the balcony of the small building and looking at him.

Sirius was dressed in black, leaning on the railing with a glass of red wine. He looked much better now.

He gradually regained some of his handsome and elegant temperament, and his slightly curly black hair and mustache were well-groomed. When this guy was not manic and reckless, his aristocratic temperament was still well controlled.

Shaw's eyes were calm, and he just glanced and didn't pay much attention.

Not long after, Harry and Draco came out happily, and Vernon was "kindly" instructing behind.

"Harry, you must be polite. Big men like the young duke and Mr. Black are the ones you should make friends with. You should stay away from murderers like them."

Harry had a headache and didn't respond.

Since Shaw and Draco came last year, Harry's situation and treatment in the Vernon family have skyrocketed.

But he still doesn't like his aunt's family.

I thought that after Sirius was free, he could form a new warm family with his godfather.

But Dumbledore jumped out to object, saying that the protective magic left by his mother required staying with blood relatives for a full month every year to replenish the special magic.

Harry actually didn't care. Voldemort was beaten by the chief and fled in a hurry. With the chief and the headmaster, the other party didn't even dare to return to Britain.

But Sirius compromised. Although he was reckless, he knew what the real black terror and defense were.

In the end, he could only choose to buy a house nearby, and Harry could go there every day.

"Head, hello."

When Harry saw Shaw, he hurried forward and greeted him warmly, and handed Shaw another package.

"This is the invisibility cloak you asked for. You can use it as you like, as long as you want."

Shor took the package, opened a corner and looked at it, but didn't see anything. The magic sense also couldn't sense the existence of the item at all.

But when he touched it, he could feel a layer of cloth as soft as flowing water.

It was indeed more advanced than ordinary invisibility cloaks. This was the invisibility cloak, one of the three Deathly Hallows.

Shaw didn't do anything to borrow the invisibility cloak from Harry, and directly asked Draco to convey it.

And Harry was also very generous.

"Thank you, I will return it to you after I use it."

After Shaw thanked him, he was about to put the cloak into the ring, but Sirius, who came from a distance, stopped him loudly.

"Shor, give the things back to Harry!"

Shor didn't even bother to turn his head to look at Sirius, and put the invisibility cloak into the ring by himself.

Sirius saw that Shaw ignored him and rushed over angrily.

Harry was tangled and hurried forward to stop Sirius.

"Sirius, it's just an invisibility cloak. The chief only needs it for a few days."

Sirius said dissatisfiedly.

"This is your father's legacy. How can you lend it to others casually?

Besides, the Black family is very rich. Shaw can buy it easily in Diagon Alley! Maybe he already has more than one invisibility cloak in his warehouse.

And don't you think about it, can Shaw know the Disillusionment Charm? The invisibility cloak is redundant for him.

So this kid did it on purpose, deliberately came to borrow your father's legacy in front of me. He hates me for not being loyal to the Black family, and he just wants to humiliate me!"

Shor's expression management has not been out of control for a long time, but this time he showed disbelief.

Looking back at Sirius with an angry face, he was really shocked by the other party's brain circuit.

Can this be related?

Harry blinked, thinking that Sirius's statement was a bit nonsense, but it seemed to make sense.

He now slowly understood some of the grievances between Sirius and the Black family, and recently he had been troubled by how to repair the relationship between the godfather and the chief.

Harry looked at Shaw with a little suspicion, hoping that Shaw would give a suitable explanation.

It's not that Harry needs this explanation. Even if Shaw borrowed the invisibility cloak to cover his butt, he could bear it and pretend not to see it.

Now I just hope that Shaw and Sirius, the uncle and nephew, can ease the relationship and not make it more tense.

Shaw quickly restrained his shocked expression, smiled warmly, and patted Harry on the shoulder.

"Harry, don't be surprised, some people are too self-righteous and have no pattern.

They can only speculate on other people's intentions with their limited cognition and vision. If they are bad, then everything they see is bad.

I don't want to explain to people who don't know themselves. It's a complete waste of words.

But you are different. Although youA bit reckless, but already learning to think for himself, but don't be like some people who have only one mind.

Okay, I won't go to Diagon Alley with you today, lest some people say I've led you astray, so I'll ask you and Draco to bring me some school supplies. "

After Shaw finished speaking, he still didn't even look at Sirius who was almost mad, and directly Apparated away.

Sirius screamed.

"Shor, what nonsense are you talking about, come back and leave me the invisibility cloak!"

Harry made a bitter face and struggled to hold Sirius who wanted to break free.

"Sirius, forget it, forget it, I'll take the invisibility cloak back when the chief uses it."

Draco on the side, with his chin slightly raised, said with disdain.

"Harry, you are such a stingy godfather, how much wealth does the chief have? The whole of Britain belongs to him, and he still wants to take advantage of this.

The chief is right, you can't learn the narrow-minded pattern of some people. "

Sirius turned around and glared at Draco.

"Boy, what did you say! You and your father are not good people. Don't think you can rise to prominence by hooking up with Shaw!

Harry, I told you not to play with these profit-driven purebloods. Why...?"

Harry was so tired, but he didn't dare to let Sirius go. He was afraid that this godfather would really ignore the big bully and rush up to beat Draco.

Draco was frightened by Sirius's fierce expression and took a few steps back, but pretended to be calm.

"Harry, let's go, we should go to Diagon Alley."

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