Wingo Manor.

In the picturesque backyard, there is a three-story villa.

Shaw has been living here recently, and Wingo has been very enthusiastic to entertain him. There are more than a dozen servants serving outside.

However, Shaw has never greeted him, and he also refused Wingo to come to greet him every day.

Now Shaw is staying in the basement of the small building, carefully carving a complex alchemical matrix.

This matrix flashes with various complex and mysterious magic pattern circuits, which are densely packed and very orderly, like some kind of integrated board, which is quite precise.

This is also prepared for the treatment of Astoria.

Malfoy's attic can't stay for the time being, so Shaw simply came to Wingo to carve this alchemical matrix.

The precious alchemical materials consumed are also quite large, and the Greengrass family has a rich foundation.

For ordinary people, even if they know the method, they can't afford it.

At this time.

Draco walked in quietly with a dinner plate.

After putting down the plate on the desk, he wanted to remind the chief that it was time to eat, but seeing how focused he was, he could only wait obediently.

His eyes were also involuntarily fixed on the alchemical matrix that was almost completed.

Draco was too short of adjectives, he could only say that it was really beautiful!

He was filled with admiration.

They were both in the same grade, ah, they were both second-year wizards, but the things the chief knew were simply beyond the sky.

And he was still worrying about why the Shield Charm could not break through the fourth level, still worrying about not completing the summer homework, still worrying about whether he would sit on the bench for Quidditch next semester, and other trivial matters.


Suddenly, Draco saw a milky white light coming from the alchemical matrix in the center of the hall. The light was not dazzling but very soft.

With the white mist rising, it gathered in the sky to form a pattern that looked like a door but not a door.

Draco's eyes became confused, and he always felt that his soul was being summoned by an inexplicable force.

Next to the alchemical matrix.

Shaw straightened up and breathed a sigh of relief. He put the alchemical carving knife into the ring and rubbed his sore fingers together.

He turned around and walked past the dazed Draco, saying casually.

"Wake up!"

Then he sat down at the desk, took a drink and drank a few sips to quench his thirst, and then started to eat with a knife and fork.

He hadn't eaten for three days and was really hungry, so although he was still eating elegantly, he chewed and swallowed much faster.

Draco came back to his senses and looked at the white mist above the alchemical matrix again with lingering fear.

Then he turned around and trotted to the desk and asked in surprise.

"Chief, what is that? I just felt a strong call, and I was very yearning. There was also an inexplicable sense of detachment in my body."

Shaw didn't reply, but just stretched out his hand to signal Draco to sit down first.

Draco also knew Shaw's eating habits, so he could only sit down and wait impatiently.

After a while, Shaw elegantly finished the last piece of steak on the plate, put down his knife and fork, and wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin.

Then he took out a set of tea sets from the ring and started to make tea.

Draco blinked shyly, opened his mouth and asked the question again urgently.


Shaw shook his head and said with a smile.

"You still need to polish your patience. As for the alchemical matrix, it is a magic circle that communicates with the hazy illusion.

You don't understand the principle even if I tell you. There are only two functions, which can separate Astoria's body and soul and stabilize her soul from going to the world of the dead, which is convenient for me to treat her."

Draco was confused. As expected, he didn't understand it very well. The only thing he knew was the blood curse used to treat Astoria.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of some of his father's incomprehensible instructions. His mouth felt a little bitter, and his hair drooped down.

Seeing Drako's embarrassment, he would like to laugh at the Draco table with a single finger to Drako, and he was kind to the top room. "I have been in the basement these days. I don't know, that day, I went to the corner lane with Harry ... haha, many people at that time spontaneously violent Sirius, it was called a great heart ... The little Sirius was really miserable, her body was bruised, her nose was swollen ... Later Without interruption, the years listened to Draco's description.Sirius.

It is a great thing that the "Summary of Future Citizens Law" can be actively supported and implemented in advance by wizards.

It seems to be a good thing that the people support him and the Auror troops are suppressed by the patrol team.

But in the long run, it may not be a good thing.

Absolute power will definitely breed corruption. All reasonable systems are relatively fair and honest at the beginning.

If he can really dominate the world and be invincible in the future, can he really retreat bravely? Return the power to the people?

Shaw has tasted the deliciousness of power. It is shameless to say that he has not forgotten his original intention.

At first, his pursuit of power and strength was just the dream of a middle school boy and the guidance of some "systems".

He has always wanted to collect faith points by all means, and talked about letting wizards and Muggles prosper together.

But in the past two years, he has gradually stood higher and higher, gradually seeing the truth of this world, and the pressure is getting greater and greater.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the journey is difficult. I was naive at the beginning.

In the past two years, I have seen all kinds of people and things.

Under the influence of people like Dumbledore and Grindelwald, I accepted Vita's teachings on how to control power.

The original intention remains unchanged? How is it possible?

Shaw's temporary understanding now is that power is responsibility, power needs to be checked and balanced, and desire needs to be restrained.

"Chief? What are you thinking about?"

Draco's question woke Shaw from his thoughts, and he smiled warmly.

"Nothing, let's not talk about that. You notify them to hold a throne meeting in three days. I have some arrangements to explain.

By the way, call Astoria here so that she can be treated."

"Okay, Chief."

Draco's eyes flashed with excitement, and he immediately stood up and walked out.

The new throne palace has been completed, and he has long wanted to go and see it.

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