Why do emperors in ancient and modern times, whether they are incompetent or not, like treacherous ministers?

Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the ages, whom Xiao Er loved the most, also favored treacherous ministers like Zhao Gao.

Why? Because treacherous ministers often think what the monarch thinks and do what the monarch does.

They are also suitable for doing dirty work and are more suitable for blocking the knife for themselves.

As for the greed of treacherous people, it is not worth mentioning compared with the country they own.

Xiao Er looked at Alice with admiration at this moment.

Regardless of her ability, she can figure out her thoughts and is willing to be the pioneer for the king.

Then the other party is worth cultivating.

Alice felt guilty when she saw Xiao Er looking at her all the time.

"Chief, is my opinion wrong?"

Xiao Er didn't say anything, took out his wand and placed a few "ear plugs" around to prevent people from eavesdropping.

Then he took out three special playing cards from the ring and spread them on the table.

The cards were the Duke of Spades (formerly King), the Marquis of Spades (formerly Queen), and the Earl of Spades (formerly Jack).

(Note: After all, Shaw is the only king. The Queen card is easy to deal with, but it is not easy to get four kings, so it was changed.)

After laying out the playing cards, Shaw said lightly.

"Alice, your idea is very good. This is also an idea I have had for a long time. The name of the organization: Magic Throne!"

"These three spades are high-level sequence cards exclusive to Slytherin. I gave Draco a spade 10, but I don't know what position you can match."

"So I ask you, no matter what organization needs a program, but do you really understand my philosophy? What are your own ideals?"

Alice was secretly happy that the chief had already planned, even the name and organizational structure of the organization were already there.

But after hearing the last question, she was stunned, and her eyes gradually became empty.

In addition to prohibiting blood discrimination, the chief seems to have never expressed his political views.

Those actions implemented in Slytherin are nothing more than restoring the founder's academic philosophy.

Alice unconditionally supports Shaw, one is that her grandfather forced her to do so, and the other is that Shaw also showed unparalleled strength.

Alice was at a loss, so she had no ideals at all?

Speaking of which, Alice's life experience is also very pitiful. She is not actually the granddaughter of old Fry. She is very grateful and has been proving herself and not letting her grandfather down.

Fifty years ago, the Fry family, the Rosier family, the Carrow family and other British pure bloods all joined Grindelwald's witch party.

After the two sons of old Fry died in the war, old Fry chose to live a low-key life after returning home.

He looked down on Voldemort, who was only bullying and cruel, and did not join the Death Eaters.

Later, he adopted Alice and carefully cultivated her since childhood.

The idea that has been instilled is "Since we are fools and can't see the direction, let's follow the strong who can show us the way!"

Old Fry always tells Alice the story of the loyalty of Grindelwald and his female assistant Vita Rozier.

When Alice thought of this, she seemed to have a sudden inspiration and said devoutly.

"Chief, I don't have any ideals, but my grandfather said that the world is wrong now and needs to change. I am not smart enough, so I can only follow wise men and strong people like you."

"I wish you what you wish, see what you see, follow your path, and follow you all the way."

Alice became more and more excited as she spoke, and her magic power even boiled, breaking the "closed ears and blocked ears" around her.

She stood up, pulled out her wand and pointed it at the sky, and shouted enthusiastically.

"I will charge wherever the chief's wand points!"

The little snakes who were still eating nearby looked puzzled, but seeing Alice shouting so passionately, several little snakes who were easily excited also took out their wands and pointed them at the sky and shouted.

"I will charge wherever the chief points his wand!"

The enthusiasm is contagious, and soon the little snakes all drew their wands and pointed them at the sky.

"I will charge wherever the chief points his wand!"

Although Draco didn't know what was going on, he ran back and stood on the long table, shouting with his wand pointed at the sky.

"I will charge wherever the chief points his wand!"

The students from the other three colleges started eating melons again. Well, they also envied the unity of the Snake College and Shaw's prestige.

Some people have already speculated wildly whether Shaw is going to lead people to defeat Snape and overthrow Dumbledore's rule?

Shaw looked at the admiring eyes of some little snakes, and his vanity was overflowing.

But he was not blinded by vanity.

If they made such a fuss, there would probably be trouble later, so he said coldly with a stern face.

"What are you doing? Sit down!"

After the little snakes sat down obediently, Shaw looked at Alice speechlessly again. Although he was speechless, he was also very satisfied. He had to have someone who could play the supporting role.

And in the system, the level 3 faith value finallyA little bit of money has arrived!

Displaying the target, Alice Foley (fanatical)

Alice has the potential to become someone like Bella.

Shaw coughed twice and pushed the Earl of Spades card in front of Alice.

"Very good, this Earl of Spades card is yours. I hope you can show some performance in the future and let me think you deserve a better card."

Shaw thought about it and decided not to make it public now. He didn't want to be invited to tea by Old Dumbledore, so he added quietly.

"By the way, the organization's affairs must be kept secret for now. You should observe the suitable candidates in secret."

Alice bowed devoutly and took the Earl of Spades card with both hands.

"Yes, Chief."

The other little snakes who didn't know were envious, but they suddenly realized that the Chief was flattering and showing loyalty.

Theodore Nott, who had never received Shaw's attention, suddenly realized something.

Draco came over and was about to ask something.

Shaw stood up and walked towards the herb greenhouse. This morning was the herb class.

Draco had to turn around and ask Alice.

"Senior, what were you doing just now? Are you going to attack Gryffindor?"

Alice looked at Draco and thought to herself that this guy was really lucky. He had already got the 10 of spades without knowing anything.

"You think too much. I was just expressing my loyalty to the headmaster just now. I hope you don't let the headmaster down."

Alice said, and stood up to greet the little snakes of the same grade to go to class.

Draco's ahoge turned into a big question mark "?"

The herb class was very interesting.

In the greenhouse, Shaw not only took the class seriously, but also observed the Hufflepuff students and their dean, Professor Sprout.

This fat and kind witch was optimistic, tolerant and compassionate.

The badgers also had similar personalities, loyal, low-key and easy to satisfy.

Shaw could now intervene in Gryffindor's affairs, just waiting for the evening to show his thunderous means.

I am also confident that I can intervene in Ravenclaw in the future.

I just can't do anything about Hufflepuff.

The little badgers don't fight or compete at all, so what can I use to tempt them?

"As the saying goes, if you have no desires, you will be strong. The ancients are not deceiving me."

Shaw shook his head and sighed.

Of course he would not give up. He also knew that people have desires, so he would just look for it slowly.

There was no class in the afternoon, so Shaw began to wander around.

First, he wanted to meet Ms. Grey by chance and explore the secret of Ravenclaw's crown.

Second, he wanted to confront Quirrell.

Of course, he didn't fight with the other party directly, but rejected the other party's invitation.

He is a busy man now, so he doesn't have the time to play the "conquer" game with Voldemort.

He is now focused on earning more level 2 faith points and drawing a unique attack skill.

If the European Emperor is possessed, it will be even better to draw a thunder spell.

Then he will be sure to fight against Voldemort's residual soul, knock him down in public, and harvest faith points!

If Voldemort dared to get angry and attack, Shaw would, would, would dare to shake him and crush Fawkes' tail feathers.

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