Lupin inside the door couldn't help but touch his forehead, but didn't say anything. Grindelwald smiled brightly again.

"What a wonderful decision.

You should come to ask Remus for help to appease those little wizards. He is indeed a good helper.

You guys talk, I'll leave first."

After saying hello, Grindelwald walked away talking to himself.

"Hey, Albus is too lazy now. He actually asked me to help him manage the school. Has he forgotten that I am also a centenarian..."

Hermione resisted the urge to cover her mouth and laugh, turned around and greeted Lupin.

"Professor, long time no see."

Lupin put down his hand touching his forehead and invited warmly.

"It's cold outside, come in and warm up by the fire first."

Lupin's office is very simple. In addition to a set of clean and tidy office furniture, there is only a sofa and a coffee table in front of the burning fireplace.

The two sat down on the sofa, and Hermione put the wolfsbane potion on the coffee table first.

"Professor, this is the potion that Professor Snape brewed for you."

Lupin picked up the potion, looked at the strange-colored potion inside, and smiled gently.

"Oh, is it the full moon night again? Hermione, thank you for helping me deliver the medicine."

"Professor, you're welcome, but is this potion really drinkable?"

"Although the wolfsbane potion brewed by Snape tastes a bit unpalatable, the effect is quite good.

Even the potion brewed by Mr. Black, the inventor of the potion, does not have this effect."

Hermione blinked and didn't ask more questions, and couldn't wait to ask another matter of concern.

"Professor, did the acting headmaster just come to argue with you again about how to shape students' ideology and morality?"

Lupin poured Hermione a cup of steaming hot tea, and then said slowly.

"I guess you heard some rumors in the school when you just came back? In fact, it's not as serious as the little wizards said.

Mr. Grindelwald and I are just having a normal academic discussion."

Hermione pursed her lips, obviously not believing this set of rhetoric. Professor Lupin was fooling her as if she were an ordinary little wizard.

"Professor, I actually support your method."

Lupin looked at Hermione's expression and continued without further explanation.

"In fact, I also know that the current situation is serious. A war that will affect the whole world may break out in the wizarding world at any time. There is really no time for me to guide slowly."

"Then have you compromised?"

In response to Hermione's question, Lupin subconsciously stroked the wand in his sleeve.

Then he reached out and picked up the teacup, lowered his head and took a sip of hot tea, with an intriguing look in his eyes.

He also asked Hermione.

"You are Shaw's true confidant, don't deny it. I have been teaching for half a year and I see some things very clearly.

Now tell me, with Shaw's current strength and power, what kind of subordinates does Shaw really lack?

Is it Draco who is good at monopolization and speculation, or Neville who is truly loyal and pious and simple-minded?"

Hermione was stunned and didn't understand what this meant for a while.

But as smart as she is, after savoring Lupin's words carefully, she gradually understood.

As someone who sticks to Shaw's bottom line, Hermione knows much more about the Chief than most people.

Shor is now the youngest legend, and his potential is huge, and the power he controls is even more huge.

The wizard troops officially belonging to the Ministry of Magic can rival the total number of Aurors in the world, and there are top combat soldiers such as the Dragon Legion and the Werewolf Legion.

And the hidden strength is even more unfathomable. In addition to the Witch Party that secretly controls countless Ministry of Magic, there is also the Nordic Pure Land Society that suddenly appeared waiting for the Chief to inherit.

If it weren't for the sudden emergence of the Twin Snakes.

If the chief now says the king of the world, I'm afraid not many people will object.

But the greater the strength of a force, the more complicated the various thoughts and interests.

At this time, in order to stabilize the rule, the leader needs to unify the thoughts from the bottom up in addition to excellent means of controlling people.

And what Lupin and Grindelwald really argued about was not the ideological education of a family or a school, but the ideological education of the entire organizational system centered on Shaw.

When Grindelwald ruled the Witch Party, it seemed that he used lofty ideals supplemented by personal charm and strength to control his subordinates.

He also implemented very iron-blooded and strict discipline, and the effect has always been very good.

So now he also wants to use this set to help Shaw consolidate his rule and train new troops.

But when the army base is sufficient, the requirements for elites will be more stringent than before.

And Lupin's real thoughts, Hermione was a little confused for a while, feeling very complicated and contradictory.

She suddenly recalled Shaw's strict selection of confidants when he first entered the school.The degree, especially the requirements for character, can be called abnormal.

Even if I am as good as myself, I almost failed to be selected, and Draco, who got in through the backdoor, does not count.

And now, listening to Lupin's subtext, he gave two vivid examples of young wizards.

It seems that the other party is not against training more iron-blooded soldiers for Shaw.

Instead, he wants to train more pure-hearted and loyal confidants for Shaw in school!

Hermione was still a little uncertain, so she asked directly.

"Professor, do you want to subtly cultivate some special concepts in the young wizards when they are still young? For example,,"

Lupin waved his hand to interrupt.

"I didn't say anything, I was just fulfilling my responsibility as a professor."

Hermione was inexperienced after all, and was a little dizzy by Lupin's confusing words.

"Hermione, let's not talk about this, this is all our professor's business.

Are you here now to ask me to help you with psychological treatment for those kidnapped and detained little wizards?"

Hermione was attracted by this topic and nodded.

"Yes, professor, I need your help."

Lupin gladly accepted the commission, and then the two discussed this topic for an hour, and Hermione left with satisfaction.

But she didn't have Neville's amnesia, and she still said mischievously before leaving.

"Professor, Tonks asked you not to hide from her."

Lupin, who was about to close the door, paused, a blush flashed across his face, and more of his eyes were tangled.

Hermione thought about it and still advised.

"Professor, you and Tonks are really a good match. The discrimination against werewolves in the British wizarding world has been basically eliminated. You don't have to worry so much."

"I know, thank you for your concern, goodbye."

Lupin's expression has returned to calm, nodded and closed the door.

He returned to the sofa in front of the fireplace and sat down.

He stared at the fireplace in a trance, the flickering flames reflected in his brown eyes, and his hand subconsciously stroked the wand in his sleeve.

After a while, he muttered to himself an ambiguous metaphor.

"Although the flame of a large log is long-lasting and fierce, bringing warmth and sunshine to the world, it also requires the self-sacrifice and auxiliary burning of small firewood."

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