The purple shadow is much bigger now. After folding its wings, it can stand on the snow as tall as an adult.

If it doesn't shrink deliberately, it can't stand on Shaw's shoulder.

It raised its right paw and signaled Shaw to take the letter.

Shaw reached out to take the letter and rubbed the purple shadow's increasingly stunning crest.

The purple shadow is not so clingy now, and tilted its head to stop Shaw from touching it.

Shaw didn't care, and nodded apologetically to the others, preparing to read the letter first to see if he could find an excuse to slip away.

Helena and Maxim didn't have the patience to wait for Shaw to read the letter first. It was hard for them to be intimidated by Nickleme's name and the threat of hiring a bounty hunter with wealth,

so they continued to press on step by step.

"Mr. Black, other things can be put aside for now. What we are discussing now is related to the international situation, which is the most important thing at the moment."

Shor was too lazy to continue the conversation and winked at Fudge, letting this lackey deal with it.

He then opened the letter sent by Alice from the United States.

But he had just opened the letter and had not had time to read it when he was attracted by the noise made by the purple shadow.

Just now, the purple shadow walked to the side and spit out a gem from his mouth when he was bored, and kicked it on the snow with his claws like a ball.

The red light emitted by the gem was like blood, reflecting the nearby white snow in a deep red.

Before Shaw said anything, Maxim's reaction was even greater. The big woman covered her mouth with her giant hand and exclaimed.

"Ah! This is the Philosopher's Stone! You, you, you actually gave it to your pet as a toy!"

Her words startled the others.

"What? The Philosopher's Stone!"

"Ah! Is this really the Philosopher's Stone?"

"Oh my God! How can you give such a precious treasure to your pet as a toy?"

No one doubted that Maxim could recognize the Philosopher's Stone. Not to mention the gemstone that Ziying played with, all the characteristics were consistent with the legendary Philosopher's Stone.

For example, Nicolas Flamel, the maker of the Philosopher's Stone, was the largest school director of Bubbaston. He was quite familiar with Maxim, the headmaster of Bubbaston, so it was normal for him to have the honor of seeing this ultimate alchemical item.

Fudge was also shocked and started to talk nonsense.

"Haha, if you say that, Britain can also have unlimited wealth and hire a large number of bounty hunters, but the adults are too, too wasteful, actually,

Ahem, the adults really spoil their pets."

Then, these people remembered that Dumbledore announced that the Philosopher's Stone had been returned to Nicolas Flamel and destroyed.

Is it possible that Britain cheated?

Maxim was panicked after being surprised, and his face was as red as if he had been slapped.

The biggest bargaining chip I used to threaten Shaw just now was nothing more than Nicolas Flamel and the Philosopher's Stone he made, which could create endless wealth.

Now, all of this looked like a joke.

She pretended to be calm and said loudly with a timid look on her face.

"It should be a gem that looks like the Philosopher's Stone. There can't be a second Philosopher's Stone in the world, and no one can be willing to use it as a toy for a pet!"

Others nodded in agreement, as the fake was well-founded.

In fact, Shaw's eyes flashed with surprise when he saw the Philosopher's Stone kicked by Ziying.

But he accepted it quickly, and when several people exclaimed and Ziying looked at him with dissatisfaction, he took the Philosopher's Stone into his hands.

After rubbing it for a while and contacting Ziying's divine thoughts, he knew what was going on.

Old Percy's alchemy skills were indeed amazing.

In his spare time, he used the powerful and magical souls of the gods hunted by Ziying and the basilisk to integrate into the original Philosopher's Stone fragments.

Only then did he get this genuine magic stone that could only be used a few times. Even if Nick came, he couldn't find any faults.

Facing Maxim's doubts and anti-counterfeiting.

Shaw was still calm and composed, and he stimulated the magic stone in his hand to emit a more blazing red light, shooting it on the snow in front of Maxim.

In the eyes of everyone in disbelief, the snowflakes turned golden with the naked eye.

Shaw put it away and collected it, and then threw it to Ziying like throwing garbage.

Several principals twitched their mouths at Shaw's Versailles behavior.

Too much!

But they immediately squatted down like children and gathered around the snow that turned into gold, looking at it carefully.

Maxim didn't give up, and kept casting various advanced spells on the gold.

But the result made her feel like she had drained all her strength, and she sat down in the snow, muttering in a panic.

"This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible, what should I do, what should I do, Britain actually has a magic stone that can create endless wealth!"

Helena also put away the magic wand she was using to cast spells, and her mood was not much better than Maxim's. She looked atShaw, who was reading the letter, had a look of fear in his eyes.

The other two male headmasters were all happy.

After reading the letter, Shaw felt a little strange, but he thought it was a good opportunity.

He glanced at the people with different reactions.

He said to Fudge, who was holding the gold in his arms and was so happy that he had no nose or eyes.

"I have something to do and I will leave first. Please entertain you well."

Fudge nodded hurriedly, flattering and confidently assured loudly.

"Don't worry, my lord, I know what to do next."

The two female headmasters opened their mouths and wanted to say something, but their throats were dry.

Force and wealth are not available, what else can we say?

Shaw waved to the purple shadow who kicked the Philosopher's Stone and asked the other party to take him to teleport.

Then a beetle suddenly flew up from the rockery next to it.

He caught the beetle in his hand without leaving a trace, and then Apparated away under the guidance of the purple shadow.

Fudge also straightened his back and said to Maxim and Helena with a little arrogance.

"Ladies, you have also seen that Britain is not short of wealth. Mr. Black even disdains to use the Philosopher's Stone as a toy for his pet.

So there is no need to plunder the wealth of various countries through the magic potion trade. These are all your imaginations and misunderstandings.

The British Ministry of Magic is full of humanistic spirit and humanitarianism. It just wants wizards all over the world to use cheap magic potions, stabilize prices, and improve everyone's happiness."

The two female headmistresses were too lazy to pay attention to Fudge, who was talking nonsense. After looking at each other, they walked out of the castle together.

They had to report back that Shaw had the Philosopher's Stone.

In addition to Karkaroff, Nekosov also left in a hurry. Russia is very poor. Since it follows Britain, its thigh is so rich now.

Then it is natural to plunder some hair.

Shaw went to the underground cave and checked that Percy's progress was not delayed, and then went to the headquarters of the Pentagram.

Then he summoned Wingo, Carol, Daniel, Abernathy and other leaders who controlled the troops, and arranged a series of combat tasks.

Finally, he discussed with Vita for a long time, and then he felt that there were no loopholes.

The new year is about to begin, and Shaw is ready to make trouble!

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