The bustling main street of Hogsmeade was crowded with people, more lively than when the International Wizarding Conference was held.

Wizards from various regions gathered here, and their clothes were also unique.

At this moment, in front of the Ministry of Magic office building.

Tens of thousands of people either held signs with slogans or waved their hands, with expressions of fanaticism, anger, or excitement, and were shouting.

"Request the Ministry of Magic to put pressure on other countries to relax the exit restrictions!"

"Request to send troops to strike countries that slander the good reputation of Britain!"

These people who are already considered British wizards have simple demands, and there are no demonstrations, just collective wishes.

Some people even burst into tears, loudly telling how their relatives are living in a dark life abroad.

The Ministry of Magic did not send anyone to explain, allowing this radical emotion and white leftist ideas to brew and spread.

Just let the wizard police maintain order and let the wizard army be alert to possible disturbances.

In the conference room at the top of the building, Fudge, Lucius Burns and other senior government officials looked at the petitioners gathered below through the French windows.

Amelia was not in Shaw's confidant team, but she still ranked high. Naturally, her fair and honest style was recognized.

And the highest official in the Legislative Department was still in the dark, wondering why this petition came so suddenly.

"Minister, if you really don't issue some announcements immediately to give the public a reply, I'm afraid there will be a big mess if you continue like this."

Fudge looked sideways at his former political enemy Amelia Burns and said meaningfully.

"Announcement? What announcement?

The people have no intention of making trouble. How do you think we should write this announcement?

But the adults said that we can't block the way for the people to speak out. We, the public servants, should listen more to the voices of ordinary wizards.

Isn't it, Ms. Burns?"

Amelia's expression froze. This is indeed the truth, but it always feels wrong when Fudge says this.

She thought for a moment and asked again.

"Did Mr. Black take any action? Why didn't I see those officers from the Operations Department?"

Fudge blinked and didn't explain. Lucius on the side took over and changed the subject.

"Amelia, aren't you and Miss Penelope busy formulating a code that is more suitable for the current situation in Britain? How come you have time to come here?"

Amelia sighed slightly, and saw that these people must be planning some big action, but she didn't receive any news.

She didn't continue to ask questions, and followed Lucius' words.

"Penelope is really a good girl. The draft code compiled before is already very sound.

Now, the legislative department only needs to add specific clauses according to the actual situation, so I'm not too busy."

No one doubted Penelope's ability. After all, this young witch has been a confidant of adults for a long time.

At this time, old Barty pushed open the door and walked in.

Fudge immediately greeted her and asked enthusiastically.

"Dear Barty, was your meeting with the Muggle Prime Minister pleasant?"

Old Barty could not stand Fudge's enthusiasm and took a few steps back before speaking.

"Muggle Prime Minister Major is a very gentleman and wise man. As long as I am more patient to explain the situation facing the British magic world.

Although the other party complained a little, he was still very happy to cooperate with our work."

Fudge curled his lips.

"What wisdom can a Muggle have? Every time that person sees me, he asks questions. It's so stupid.

Forget it, as long as you can do this.

By the way, did you forget to ask him to attend the adults' banquet? I don't know why adults attach so much importance to Muggles."

Battie looked at Fudge with a trace of contempt in his eyes. After all, the other party was not a person with a long-term vision. He didn't see the adults' far-reaching thoughts.

This is good. Isn't this an opportunity for him to go one step further.

He waved his hand and walked towards the conference table.

"Okay, the International Affairs Department has compiled a list of intelligence from other countries. It's all good news. I need to inform everyone."

"Bati, report it later. I have something to consult you about."

At this time, Burns took the initiative to invite the other party to the side.

The two of them were in the same camp before, so they can talk to each other now.

Bati also needs some support from Burns, who has a good reputation, and he did not refuse to reveal some information about the possibility of war to the other party.

"Amelia, you guessed right... Although this matter has nothing to do with you, you still have to pay attention to some details when legislating.

For example, when more wizards of different races disagree on some concepts in the future..."

Lucius watched from the sideThe Malfoy family has its own political philosophy.

There is no need to judge right from wrong, just guess the thoughts of the most powerful person, or become an irreplaceable subordinate.

Let alone the power struggles that will happen at any time.

At this moment, after deploying the mission, Shaw is actually no longer in the UK.

The northeast corner of the United States, Massachusetts.

The world-renowned universities Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are both located in this state.

The highest peak in the state, Mount Greylock, is the location of Ilvermorny School of Magic.

At the top of the mountain, the school is cast with a variety of powerful magic, so that people who can't do magic can't see its existence, and sometimes it will appear in the clouds.

A quiet town at the foot of Mount Greylock.

Shaw transformed into a romantic traveler, strolling on the cobblestone path full of rural atmosphere, and chatting with the enthusiastic town residents from time to time.

Elegant and handsome people will be welcomed everywhere.

Shaw refused the invitation of the beautiful country girl to dinner for the umpteenth time and walked slowly towards his temporary residence.

After returning to his residence, he went upstairs without disturbing the landlord.

In his room, there were several capable people waiting silently, including Alice who came from New York.

Seeing the chief who pushed the door open and quickly changed back to his original appearance.

She suppressed her excitement and bowed dignifiedly.

"Chief, long time no see."

Shaw looked at Alice with blue hair, still so elegant and beautiful, but he always felt that there were some inexplicable emotions in her eyes.

Thinking of old Fry who had disappeared for many days, Shaw shook his head and subconsciously stopped the idea of ​​continuing to spy.

"Alice, why are you here? I am alone here, you should continue to stare at Harry."

Alice rolled up her hair and poured a cup of hot tea for Shaw who sat on the sofa.

"There is only Harry and his godfather, and the progress is not very fast. I have asked people to push it secretly.

And the chief also said that Ilvermorny is a trap, so I thought about coming to help."

Yes, Shaw is not stupid.

Naturally, he knew that Ilvermorny refused to hand over the snake wood, and even refused to continue to communicate on this topic. It was definitely not because of the public prohibition of the outflow of personal relics.

However, the snake wood must be obtained as soon as possible, so he still chose to come to the United States.

The idea is to use the trick against the trick.

To make trouble, it depends on who has the better means.

Although Shaw knew that Alice should be able to help him when she came.

But in his heart, he didn't want the other party to stay here for no reason, so he gave a serious instruction.

"Alice, the Purgers should be an important force of the Twin Snakes in the United States.

So you should go back to New York and keep an eye on it yourself, and try to get rid of this evil anti-wizard organization as soon as possible.

If we can make a fuss sooner, it can also distract the Twin Snakes from my actions here."

Alice's eyes were tangled, and her hands were clenched tightly under her seat.

She wanted to say that her grandfather was watching over in New York, but she remembered her grandfather's instructions, try not to mention him in front of the chief.

But the chief's orders could not be ignored.

With Alice's understanding of Shaw's temper, this was already the final "ultimatum".

Alice sighed and stood up, saluting the majestic chief.

"Yes, chief, I'll go back to New York now."

Shor just nodded and said with concern, "Be careful on the road," and didn't say anything else.

Then, Alice and several subordinates came outside.

She looked up at the top of Greylock Mountain surrounded by clouds in the distance, and led the way out of the town.

A wizard who was a servant of the Fly family reminded in a low voice.

"Miss, don't we just Apparate back to New York?"

Alice said coldly without looking back.

"Just follow me, don't ask too many questions."

In the room.

Shaw watched Alice lead people out of the room, without retracting his gaze, and the impatience and irritability in his heart remained unabated.

After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't figure it out. There was nothing wrong with the various arrangements.

He shook his head and thought that seeing Alice would remind him of old Fly, and then he thought of the letter that had been sealed in the ring.

So he didn't think much about it, but took out a file about all the faculty and students of Ilvermorny and read it.

In Shaw's plan to seize the snakewood wand, there was naturally a section on disguise and lurking.

He didn't want to make too much noise if he could get it quietly.

After all, there is some tacit understanding between the two snakes now. At least before the life and death arena, both sides try to avoid open confrontation.

For example, when Shaw found two strange legends in Hogsmeade last time, he choseHe chose to turn a blind eye.

As for the secret incitement and stirring up of emotions of ordinary wizards and British wizards in various countries, as well as the intention to attack France, these have nothing to do with the Twin Snakes on the surface.

Of course, it is hard to say whether they are really related.

Anyway, these are also one of Shaw's plans to distract the attention of his opponents.

And the trigger point of everything is in New York.

When Shaw quietly sneaked into Ilvermorny like Grindelwald disguised himself to sneak into the Magic Congress.

After more than ten days of tracking and tracing, Harry and Sirius finally "seemed to have divine help".

Finally found the Nth generation Salem in an angel shelter in a slum.

In the legend of the dark underground circle, the fanatical anti-wizard Purger leader is a murderous and evil cult leader.

But who would have thought that the other party would be a very loving and angelic head of an orphanage?

Outside the asylum, Harry and Sirius were observing from a hidden place.

They still couldn't imagine that the woman in the moon-white nun's uniform, who was distributing candy to children, would be a demon!

Harry: "Sirius, did we make a mistake?"

Sirius felt that this was a good opportunity to raise a child, so he used his dog's paw to dig crooked words on the snow.

"Harry, don't look at the angelic look of the other party now.

But those extremely cruel people dared not breathe when they saw her. They were like quails."

Harry felt that his three views were refreshed again and had to sigh.

"The chief said that the human heart is like the moon at the bottom of the well. Sometimes you can only see the beautiful surface. When you touch it with your hand, maybe the moon will be broken, and the tip of your hand will only be left cold."

Sirius listened to the profound words of his godson and looked at his dog paddle again.

The dog's eyes were full of confusion. He didn't understand it as deeply as a child.

Suddenly, his dog's ears stood up and it barked at Harry.

Harry also turned his attention back to the pretty and kind Salem.

After driving a group of cute children back to the dormitory, he said a few words to several volunteer nurses and walked out of the shelter.

One person and one dog followed quietly. After repeated confirmation, the two decided to kidnap each other tonight and force a confession and a list of purgers.

Behind them, a wizard team quietly followed all the way. Even Sirius, who was experienced in combat, did not notice it at all.

"Why did the black dog bring Harry along tonight?"

"Is he going to kidnap me?"

"Don't these two idiots think that Salem is an ordinary woman?"

"You can't tell what they think."

"Boss, let's send a message to Miss Alice."


Just as the situation in New York was about to break out, Shaw was teaching the little wizards in Ilvermorny.

Even though the courses in Ilvermorny are basically derived from those in Hogwarts, the names are different to cover up the shame.

And the professor Shaw disguised himself as was Ford Graves, the professor of Charms.

The original Professor Ford had a very good reputation in Ilvermorny School of Magic and Witchcraft, even though he was the descendant of one of the 12 Aurors and was very humble.

In terms of personality and background, he met Shaw's requirements very well.

And now, Shaw is worthy of being taught by Vita and Grindelwald, and has received the knowledge of Ravenclaw.

He had been lurking in Ilvermorny for a week, and still hadn't aroused any suspicion, and was becoming more and more popular.

The classroom for the spell class here was very clean and tidy, and the young wizards with bright skin sat in their seats in an orderly manner.

Listening carefully to Professor "Ford"'s detailed explanation of the "Separation Spell".

"Split left and right!"

Shor, dressed in a moon-white professor's uniform, gracefully waved the oak wand in his hand, easily splitting the solid wood podium in front of him into two, with a smooth cut like a mirror.

"Any spell actually has one thing in common, that is, the influence of will.

So these spells have strong plasticity as the will changes.

As you can see now, if I don't say it, everyone will think it's a cutting spell."

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