In front of the platform, six warriors stood in a row along the water. After Shor announced the start of the game, they couldn't wait to cast a spell on themselves.

Krum took his hateful eyes away from Shor and began to use his half-baked human transformation.

After his short-haired head squirmed for a while, his upper body turned into a shark with a ferocious mouth.

The other five warriors were quite well-behaved and chose the Bubble Head Curse without any prior agreement.

As the real host of the game, Bagman didn't dare to be dissatisfied with Shor's announcement of the start of the game. At this time, he hurriedly added to the little wizards who cast the spell.

"Listen, everyone, you have a full hour to take back the most beloved thing that was stolen. When I count to three, we will all go into the water together.


"Splash!" "Splash!",,

Before Bagman counted to three, the six warriors had already jumped into the water one after another.

This made him shut up embarrassedly.

I felt a little sorry that I didn't have time to talk to Harry alone, and quietly revealed some information about the second competition.

He made a lot of money in the peripheral betting of the first competition.

As the warriors entered the water, cheers and applause broke out in the stands in the cold and still air.

But within a few minutes, facing the silent lake, the audience was a little dumbfounded and came back to their senses.

What are we watching in this hour?

Dissatisfied discussions began to sound in the audience, and they all made dissatisfied noises to the referee's seat.

"The organizers of the event are too irresponsible!"

"That's right, are we going to let tens of thousands of people wait for an hour in the cold wind?"

"Ah, I am eager to watch the fierce competition live, not the lake that looks like stagnant water."


In fact, it was not until this moment that the judges realized that when designing the competition, they only cared about testing the warriors' abilities and really didn't think about the experience of watching the game.

Let alone the audience, what standards should they use to score later? Simply calculating who will rescue people first?

The other headmasters frowned and looked at Dumbledore, the host.

But Dumbledore seemed to be oblivious to everyone's gaze.

He was eating a pile of cockroaches while thinking about the design of the retirement home.

Gale urged him every day, which was a headache for him.

Bagman, who was also unemployed and unable to host passionately, was sweating profusely and spoke first.

"Principal, why don't you come out to appease the audience first, and then we will urgently discuss a proper solution."

"Oh? Oh? Okay."

Dumbledore came back to his senses, his eyes under the half-moon glasses were full of confusion, but when he looked around, he quickly figured out the situation.

Then he smiled.

"It's okay, someone will take action."

The referees followed his gaze, looked down at the surface of the Black Lake, and extended their gaze to Shaw on the anaconda in the distance.

The audience, who were just talking and making noise, also gradually stopped boiling.

On the water, after hearing the voices from the audience, Shaw also felt that it would be bad to let the audience wait in the cold wind for an hour, which would cool down the heat of the championship.

He thought for a few seconds and began to cast a spell.

His body created layers of magic ripples that swept across the lake, and six blue water pythons jumped out of the lake water below and swam bravely towards the floating platform.

The lake water in front of the floating platform immediately surged violently, and as the audience exclaimed, it began to rise rapidly, as if it was held up by six huge water pythons.

When the surging lake water was level with the platform, a huge amount of lake water began to flow back, splashing waves and mist.

The lake water that remained in the air formed a huge, ring-shaped blue mirror.

The six water pythons continued to drag the circular lake mirror, lifting it upward while standing the mirror upright.

The huge circular lake almost surrounded the floating platform in the middle, making the audience suddenly feel like they were in a mirror China.

Before they could exclaim again and again.

The crystal-clear and smooth circular mirror was divided into six vertical areas from top to bottom, and some blurred images began to appear hazily.

This immediately attracted everyone's attention again.

"Ah! What is this?"

When the circular lake was guarded by six water pythons and suspended above the audience, the image on it became clear.

In the six vertical mirrors, there were 6 six warriors playing underwater.

Due to insufficient light under the black lake, the field of view of each lens can only see the scene within a radius of ten feet.

It was dark, hazy, and silent.

The jungle composed of black water plants was tangled and tangled, scattered with shiny pebbles and mud, wide and flat.

These clear underwater scenes made every audience feel amazing.

Because the lens was displayed by the circular lake mirror layer, giving everyone an immersive illusion.

It was as if they were the contestants.

Shaw had a sudden idea and let the wizards experience 3D viewing first.

"Oh, so cool! As expected of the chief, this is a big deal!"

"So cool, the chief is so powerful!"

"Your Excellency is still so extraordinary."

"Your Excellency understands us so well, and he even broadcasts for us without any airs."

The audience admired Shaw while watching the intense and interesting competition in person.

In the picture, the warriors stayed underwater for 10 minutes, and now they have almost become familiar with the bottom of the Black Lake, which is a little different from the past.

Gays of Ilvermorny put away the bubble head spell after entering the water.

At this time, a green light appeared on her forehead, and she twisted her slender waist, like a long-horned water snake swimming freely under the water.

The warrior Furong from Bubbaston continued to explore carefully under the bubble head spell.

The warrior Boris from Cordozdoriz was born with a very good swimming ability and was more accustomed to the severe cold.

He was the most comfortable in this closed, oppressive and cold bottom of the black lake, and swam happily.

The warrior Krum from German Shepherd Strong may have changed his temperament after transforming into a half-great white shark. He was now colliding back and forth in the dark water with his teeth bared.

Behind him followed a group of Grindylows, a kind of water monster with horns on its head and long claws and sharp teeth.

Krum didn't seem to have any intention of saving his beloved, but stared with blood-red shark eyes and searched for something everywhere.

The two warriors Harry and Draco from Hogwarts naturally stayed together.

They were relatively smooth. They encountered a few pestering Grindylows on the way, and they were solved by the two of them in a few moves.

At this time, Draco led the way, with his wand extended forward, shining with fluorescent light.

He opened his eyes wide, his gaze penetrated the Bubblehead Curse, and carefully observed the gray and strange lake water.

He was afraid that a vicious water monster would suddenly jump out.

Harry, who was left behind, followed behind, with a spell flashing on his wand that could be activated at any time, and he was also on guard against the darkness in the distance like a thief.

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