When Shaw's figure disappeared in the Death Hall, only the purple light of the magic circle remained in the Death Hall.

After an unknown amount of time, the slightly swaying curtain suddenly began to shake.

Waves of gray mist suddenly overflowed from the ancient archway, transforming into undead warriors wearing tattered armor and with a ray of soul fire flashing in their eyes.

The magic circle immediately responded, and purple arcs exploded, carrying the power of faith, sweeping towards the misty undead warriors.

The undead warriors did not resist, but endured the attack, and were soon defeated into curling green smoke.

Afterwards, the death curtain returned to a state of swaying and dragging, and the hall returned to a dead silence, as if nothing had happened just now.

The most peculiar thing is that the warning measures of the magic circle were not activated, as if they were blocked by some kind of power.

So the changes here did not attract the attention of the outside defense and Shaw.

Shaw left the Department of Mysteries, walked into the magnificent hall invisibly, and prepared to go back to school.

When he was chatting in Asgard before, he took the time to chat with Grindelwald for a while. The other party mentioned the issue of ideological education in the school and praised Lupin highly.

So Shaw planned to meet Lupin now.

While he was delayed in the Hall of Death, Fudge, Lucius and others happened to return to the Ministry of Magic.

Of course, the two headmasters of Ilvermorny who did not give up also came with them. They could not get an answer from Dumbledore, so they could only go to the Ministry of Magic.

At the door of the Minister's office, Fudge was blocked by Helena and Fontana and was very annoyed. He turned his face slightly.

"Can you go to Barty Crouch? This matter is under the jurisdiction of the International Exchange Department!"

Shaw happened to see this scene, stopped his feet and listened for a while, then remembered that it was about himself.

After the last trip to Ilvermorny, this matter was thrown behind his mind, and he couldn't find anyone.

Fudge and the others thought that he was in seclusion preparing for the summer competition, so they didn't dare to bother him with such a "small matter".

Shaw pondered for a while, but he didn't feel any guilt, but this matter was not small, and it was worth asking about it.

If it is used well, it may be an opportunity to completely conquer the great magic world of the United States.

The situation in the current magic world is no longer the same as it used to be.

The five Nordic countries and most countries in Eastern Europe, including Poland, Germany, etc.

The Ministry of Magic in these places has almost been secretly controlled by the Witch Party and the Pure Land Society for a long time, and now it is naturally Shaw's.

And other European Ministry of Magic, such as Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, etc.

After Britain's violent attack on France and the strategy of potion dumping, the domestic rule is basically shaky, and can only follow Britain's lead.

Britain almost secretly rules the Ministry of Magic in the whole of Europe.

And Russia, India and other magical powers are now semi-vassal behind Britain.

As for the small and medium-sized Ministry of Magic in other regions, such as Africa, South America and South Asia.

After being colonized by magic potions and not daring to resist, wizards began to migrate to Britain in large numbers, and the rulers of those regions almost began to give up.

Although there are still countries like Italy, the United States and Egypt that are "fighting stubbornly".

But no matter what, the power of Britain has already expanded to a level that ordinary wizards can hardly imagine.

If it were another era, it would be qualified to establish a magic empire.

Of course, all this can be regarded as heroes made by the times, and it is caused by various opportunities.

The decisive factor is that there is a twin snake society secretly eyeing it, otherwise the righteous people in the magic world would have stood up to oppose Shaw long ago.

For example, the International Wizard Association (no one would think that this organization has no background), the Knights of Merlin, the Extraordinary Medicine Association, the Alchemy Exchange and other international organizations.

Grindelwald was defeated by these people in the past.

Now these people can watch Britain expand its power so wantonly. It must be said that the deterrent effect of the evil twin snake society is not small.

Connection makes Shaw a real enemy-raising and self-respecting!

Of course, Dumbledore, the greatest white wizard of this century, also played a very important role in this. He used his reputation to support Shor.

For example, Nick Flamel and others were invited by Dumbledore to visit the UK one after another.

Let those people experience that Shor had no selfish motives, and also revealed some thoughts about the future of magic wizards.

This centenarian man has good intentions.

(No one will think that the old bee is really bad again)

Of course, all of the above are superficial situations.

The Twin Snakes have been operating for thousands of years, and the power they have shown is already very strong, and it is unknown how much is hidden!

So the world today is a battle between the two dominant forces of Britain and the Twin Snakes, one bright and one dark.

Shor's current mentality is veryTenacious, will not be arrogant because of the huge power in control.

Clearly understand the principle of one thing rising while another falling, know that the more power you can control, the more chips you have, which are crucial to future victory.

Then the strategy of the United States cannot be ignored.

He has lurked in Ilvermorny, and he has realized the importance of this magic school to American wizards.

Wizards are a race without "beliefs" and do not have a strong sense of submission to the country. This can be seen from the fact that wizards from various countries are actively immigrating to the UK.

The American magic world has been established for a short time, and the Magic Congress does not have many things that can unite the hearts of wizards in the country.

For American wizards who graduated from Ilvermorny, their alma mater is considered a pure land in their hearts.

Now that Ilvermorny is half destroyed, in fact, the American magic world has long been complaining and the people are boiling.

Rather than urging Britain to pay compensation, Vice Principal Fontana is here to avoid disaster.

Shaw thought for a moment in his heart, turned around and went into Lucius's office.

In the General Administration Office, Lucius was behind a large solid wood table, dealing with a pile of documents.

Now Britain has too many things to deal with, both at home and abroad, and a large number of financial and personnel matters must be reviewed and approved by Lucius, the head of the administration, so naturally he is very busy.

He looked a little tired, and would yawn secretly from time to time.

The clerks of the exclusive administration office kept coming in and out, conveying the documents and orders revised by the deputy minister. There were seven or eight errand runners alone, which shows how busy it is here.

Now not only is Shaw powerful, but Lucius and other pure bloods who bet early have also received more generous rewards than expected.

But let's not talk about others, Lucius did not feel happier than before.

Just like now, he was still celebrating his son's good grades in Hogwarts, and then he had to rush back to the Ministry of Magic to handle official business.

Lucius couldn't remember how long it had been since he had a leisure holiday, and he didn't even have time to correct his son's seemingly distorted emotional outlook.

But it was unrealistic to ask him to give up power and wealth, give up the glory of his family once again, and concentrate on accompanying his family.

Is this also another kind of pain and happiness?

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