In the Prime Minister's office, the current Prime Minister John Major sat uneasily behind his desk, looking out the window at the sky from time to time.

There was yearning and nervousness in his eyes, which was very inconsistent with his usual calmness.

In front of the guest sofa, Barty Crouch, who came first, was drinking tea calmly.

"Mr. Crouch, when will your partner arrive? Do wizards really live in the sky? In the legendary Asgard?"

I don't know how many times it was, John Major asked again.

Barty put down the teacup and said patiently.

"Mr. Major, please don't be nervous. I told you that ordinary wizards don't live in the sky, but in a sparsely populated hidden place.

And the place where you are invited to the banquet today is the floating island palace of our wizard leader.

Even ordinary wizards rarely have the opportunity to visit there.

Your first stop in the magic world today is the leader's residence, which is enough to prove that the leader attaches great importance to you and Muggles."

Major nodded. Barty had explained to him in detail many details about the magic world before.

The two sides have reached some not very important cooperation, such as the exchange of meat and vegetables.

As for medical potions, scientific and technological magic cooperation research and more confidential cooperation, it is necessary for the leaders of both sides to make the final decision.

The serious wizard in front of him has a much better attitude than the previous minister. He does not have the arrogance that looks down on Muggles from the bones.

In fact, Major is also a little undecided about cooperating with wizards.

Before, all the chiefs knew the existence of the magic world from the talking figure painting on the wall.

But except for occasionally helping wizards block the streets and arrest wanted criminals, such as the murderer Sirius.

At other times, the two sides have been at peace and lived their own lives.

But now, the magic world actually wants to further cooperate with Muggles and even invites himself to visit the mysterious magic world.

Not to mention those very sincere cooperation intentions, as a mortal, who grew up listening to all kinds of fairy tales, who can not yearn for the magical world full of magic?

If there is a chance, who can not want to be a wizard who can do magic?

Although Mr. Crouch has emphasized that wizards are born and cannot be transformed, Major still has some expectations and extravagant hopes in his heart.

While he was waiting impatiently, he suddenly saw Barty Crouch standing up.

Knowing that those people were coming, Major hurriedly looked at the sky outside the window, but there was only a big dark cloud in the sky.

The air defense alarm he expected did not sound. Although he was amazed at the magic of magic, he was more afraid.

If satellites and radars can be shielded, what else can prevent these wizards?

As the prime minister of a country, in addition to satisfying his own interests, Major is still very professional.

Instead of going on a tour this time, why not explore whether Muggles have bargaining chips against wizards?

Reality is cruel. Under the huge difference in strength, there is only exploitation and being exploited.

Equal cooperation is based on strength.

At this time, people wearing purple cloak-like robes suddenly appeared in the office.

Prime Minister John Major now has some experience. Although he was frightened, he was not surprised.

Wizards are so magical, coming and going without a trace, and sometimes they can suddenly come out of the stove. It is really hard to guard against killers.

He strengthened the security force outside, at best to give a little comfort in his heart.

By the way, I seem to have a few political enemies, is it okay?

Batty stepped forward and nodded to the visitor without saying anything polite. He knew that this group of people would not recognize any relatives and would only follow Shaw's orders.

The purple-clothed man in the lead was a bishop under the Guardian. He spoke to Major in an aria-like voice.

"Mr. Prime Minister, the Kingdom of God has arrived right above your residence. Are you ready to ascend to heaven?"

Major, who was still imagining things, was slightly stunned. Why did the other party speak like the priests and bishops in the Church? They were also dressed similarly.

He was a smart man, guessing that the magic world might be a political structure that combined theocracy? The leader that Batty mentioned also served as a position like the Pope?

"I'm ready. Do you need me to call others in?"

"Okay, thank you."

The purple-clothed man held back his contempt and said politely.

Major pressed a button on his desk and then gave instructions to a hidden microphone.

"Bring the guests in."

This time, the guests invited to Asgard were not only the British Prime Minister, but also the heads of several other countries and some big businessmen.

After one of Major's confidants brought these people in.

Among them, there was oneThe newly emerged investment giant in the Muggle business world is none other than Albert, the representative supported by Shaw in the Muggle world.

The purple cardinal waved his hand, and each of his subordinates walked to the side of those who were curiously looking at them, and took their arms without question.

Although the first batch of Muggles who came to visit the magic world were specially selected, they were all people who were obsessed with metaphysics and subconsciously believed in the existence of magic.

But they are also well-known and powerful people in the Muggle world. They are used to being pampered and have a bad temper.

Among them, several heads of state could not hold their temper and immediately questioned dissatisfiedly,

"What do you want to do? I am your guest!"

"Let me go, please be polite, I am not your prisoner, it is rare that wizards can ignore the law and morality?"

"If you do this, I will call the bodyguard."

On the contrary, those businessmen cooperated very tactfully, and Albert was full of expectations, and he could finally witness the magical world where his boss was.

If Lord William had not repeatedly warned them before departure, the purple-robed believers would have resisted the urge to cast a tongue-locking curse on these noisy Muggles.

The bishop was also a little impatient, and without explaining, he gave the order directly.


Explosions rang out in the office, and the purple-robed believers led people, spinning and turning into afterimages and disappearing one by one.

Major subconsciously reached for the Browning pistol in the drawer, and then withdrew his hand awkwardly.

Batty came to him, stretched out his hand and said kindly.

"If Mr. Major feels that he will feel safer with a pistol, then take it. Okay, I will help you Apparate, it may be a little uncomfortable."

"Okay, okay, thank you."

Major hesitated, but still put the small and exquisite Browning pistol into his pocket. People like him only believe in the weapons in their hands.

Then, under Batty's leadership, the two also Apparate and disappear in the chief's office.

The sky over London was clear and blue today, but suddenly a huge and isolated round cloud appeared, which was very strange and eye-catching.

Some people with wild imaginations asked if it was a UFO?

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