Many of them began to resent their weak Muggle bodies, otherwise they could have tasted more of these magical foods that can strengthen the body and even rejuvenate.

Shaw, who sat majestically on the throne, did not eat, but just silently watched the scene of all kinds of people below.

In order to arouse the desires of these Muggle politicians and big businessmen, he also spent some time on this banquet.

In the past, he had the idea of ​​making a medicinal diet system for magic potions, but later there were too many things to do, so he delayed it.

Now, in order to give these Muggle high-level people a little sweetness, he picked up this idea again, and even put some diluted elixir of life in the medicinal dishes of the banquet.

Otherwise, there would be no such obvious effect.

This can be regarded as a case of not sacrificing the child to catch the wolf.

On the crystal dining table, Lockefino silently finished the little food on the plate. He looked at his skin, which was much smoother, hesitated for a moment, and stood up, and bowed respectfully to Shaw on the high platform.

"Respected Lord God, my name is Simmons Rockefeller, thank you for your hospitality.

Your kindness and generosity have allowed me to see the possibility of coexistence between wizards and Muggles. In the future cooperation, I, on behalf of the Rockefeller family, will do my best.

As a humble Muggle, I just want to ask Lord God, can Muggles really not be transformed into wizards?"

The guests who were amazed before immediately shut up, not caring about the previous lessons, and all looked at Shaw on the throne again.

During the previous tour, some people did not give up and asked whether Muggles could become wizards.

Batty had no choice but to explain to them from the root.

Muggles' bodies are not actually without any magic power, but they are relatively weak, otherwise there would not be so many examples of little wizards whose parents are all Muggles.

But it is simply a fantasy to solve the problem of Muggles' weak magic power.

This reference group of Squibs still exists.

For thousands of years, even the Squibs who have wizard relatives have not solved the problem of enhancing their own magic power, let alone making Muggles with even weaker magic power become wizards.

But now Simmons has turned his attention to the God King, and their extinguished delusions have been rekindled.

After all, this powerful God King whose appearance cannot be seen clearly is probably the strongest existence in the magic world. He should be able to do things that ordinary wizards cannot do, right?

Shaw looked at Simmons, and was surprised when he heard the other party's surname Rockefeller.

Rockefeller is the originator of the oligarchic economy, and he is a Taishan Beidou in the political and business circles of American Muggles.

I didn't expect that members of this family would also be among the invited guests this time.

Speaking of which, the Twin Snakes Society, which calls itself the world's controller, naturally has a spokesperson in the Muggle business world.

After Shaw's investigation, it was the Rothschild family, which is known as the world's first family. There is no need to say more about the wealth of this family.

The founder of the Twin Snakes was also Jewish, so this was not a coincidence.

Of course, the Rothschild family was not the first Muggle business family supported by the Twin Snakes, but was newly supported in the past few hundred years.

When the Rothschild family was about to infiltrate the emerging American economy, they were immediately blocked by the largest family in the United States, the Rockefellers.

Now half of the American economy and politics are controlled by the Jews, which means that Rockefeller was the loser.

It is not surprising to think about it. The American magic world has never participated in Muggle affairs, but the Rothschild family has the Twin Snakes behind it.

It is already remarkable that Rockefeller can still exist now, and even still be an important family in the American Muggle world.

Shaw even thought that Rockefeller came to the magic world to seek foreign aid? But for now, let's deal with the other party's demands first.

He considered it and really understood this topic. It is indeed a century-old problem.

But I don't have time to overcome it now, but if I can overcome it, it will definitely have an unparalleled effect on the process of magic fusion.

Shor thought about it and gave a more understandable explanation.

"Whether a person can become a wizard depends on the concentration of magic in the blood.

In scientific terms, it is whether there are more gene chains in the DNA that can give birth to magic.

Now you should know how difficult it is, at least the current stage of magic research cannot do it."

"This, isn't this unlocking the gene lock?"

"Well, you can understand it this way."

The people present didn't expect that this high and mighty God King actually understood science.

But Shaw's affirmation immediately made Simmons despair.

A big family like Rockefeller naturally has huge investments in biological research and understands this best.The difficulty of it.

Others also looked disheartened and sighed.

Batty tried to smooth things over.

"Don't be so disappointed, everyone. Sometimes you don't need to perform magic yourself. Just like the magical food you just ate, didn't you benefit from it?

We still have many alchemical props that can be activated without magic power. These props also have magical functions, allowing everyone to experience the charm of magic firsthand."

His words slightly eased the guests' disappointment, but compared to the temptation of becoming a wizard who can cast spells freely, those are okay.

Shaw thought about it and decided not to discourage these people too much. It was just the right time to use this matter to start some cooperation.

Well, he hasn't made promises for a long time.

"You don't need to be so desperate. Learning never stops. Whether it's magic or science, it's always progressing.

The goals that our predecessors couldn't achieve may be conquered in the next moment.

And in Hogsmeade, a pure wizard city, I set up a laboratory that combines magic and technology.

If a lot of manpower and material resources are invested in related research, even if Muggles can't become wizards immediately, it's a hope, isn't it?

Maybe one day in the future, your descendants will benefit from it and become a real wizard from a Muggle."

These words immediately made Simmons' eyes bright. Families like theirs are best at long-term investment.

He immediately made a decisive statement.

"Lord God King, the Rockefeller family has 12 biological research companies and a large number of related scientists.

I am willing to donate the laboratory you opened for free and share the later investment."

Major, the British Prime Minister, wanted to talk to Shaw first. After all, they are all British.

But Simmons had been the first to do so again and again. If Major had not been afraid of the other party's identity, he would have done so long ago.

Seeing that the other party was so generous now, Major immediately expressed his opinion.

"Lord God, the Royal Academy and Cambridge University also have a large number of world-class scientific researchers."

With someone taking the lead, other Muggle guests did not want to be outdone and began to donate money and materials.

In fact, Shaw did not lack these small things. Even if it was scientific research talents, he could have tied up a group of them.

But it would be more beneficial and less troublesome to mobilize the subjective initiative of the Muggle senior executives.

Shaw did not say much about the details of the cooperation afterwards, which was too cheap, so Barty did it for him.

But suddenly, he felt a sense of malice among this group of Muggles.

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