Although separated by dense spider webs, the captivating green light still instantly filled Harry and Hermione's eyes.

Then they heard a desperate "squeak" in their ears.

When they regained their sight, they saw the big spider dragging them fell to the ground with a thud, without a sound, dead.

The two were still a little drowsy, and the rustling sound of footsteps stepping on fallen leaves gradually approached.

Then the spider webs on their bodies were removed, and after being helped up one by one, Harry and Hermione saw who saved them.

"Why are you here? Don't you know that the Forbidden Forest is very dangerous? You almost died just now!"

Shaw's voice was very cold, so cold that it made people feel bone-chilling. The two lowered their heads in shame, not knowing how to answer.

Hermione couldn't help but shed tears, one was scared, and the other was wronged.

Harry was a boy after all, so he raised his head and explained.

"We, we just saw you enter the Forbidden Forest, and we just wanted to, just wanted to."

Shor didn't give him a chance to explain, nor did he want to listen to the childish remarks.

It was obvious that Harry still remembered to eat but not to be beaten, so he interrupted directly.

"Reckless man! Have you forgotten what I said to you last time? Oh? It seems that the immortal halo of the savior makes you blindly arrogant, huh~."

The disappointment in Shaw's eyes and the sarcasm in his words made Harry's face pale, and he lowered his head again without saying a word.

At this time, Hermione stood up and cried loudly.

"Don't blame Harry, it's me, it's me who clamored to come to you to ask for the most suitable spell. I overestimated my ability and thought I could deal with the monsters in the Forbidden Forest."

Harry was immediately anxious when he heard Hermione making excuses for him.

"Shor. It's me. I just couldn't help but wonder what you were doing in the Forbidden Forest. I know I was wrong."

Shor looked at Hermione with tears in her eyes and Harry with a pale face, and sighed secretly.

After all, they are two children who have not grown up. If they always use the pros and cons of adults to judge and demand, there may be problems.


But Shaw also had no intention of being a warm-hearted nanny. He snorted coldly and walked towards the dead eight-eyed giant spider.

Dun took out a special poker card from behind and pressed his wand against the fluffy corpse of the giant spider. The contact point flashed with magic light, and the corpse quickly shrank.

Under Shaw's guidance, a ray of magic gathered into the poker card.

Absorbing the magic power of this spider, about 10 scales of magic power were stored. As for why it was not absorbed into the body.

The answer is that the body is not strong enough and the upper limit has been absorbed.

His total magic scale is already 130 at this moment, which exceeds that of ordinary adult wizards.

So Shaw can only use cards to store the excess magic first, which is a good way.

It can be used to construct spells in the future, or as a magic reserve.

Shaw was thinking whether he should go for crazy exercise to improve his physique and become a golden wheel muscle man.

But he quickly denied this bad idea, the picture was too embarrassing.

Shaw just stood up and heard Harry's arrogant words.

"Shor, your card is really beautiful. Draco always shows off in front of me. Can you sell me one? I have money."

Hermione didn't care about what Shaw was doing just now, and her expression was eager to try.

The Granger family has a private dental clinic in London, which is a very superior life in the UK.

So Hermione has never lacked money since she was a child.

"If possible, I also want to buy one. I have a lot of pocket money."

Shaw was so angry that he laughed. Comparing arrogance with Black?

He turned around and showed the exquisite and gorgeous playing cards in his hand.

"Do you know how precious the material used to make this kind of card is? In ancient times when there were relatively more rare magic materials, it was also very precious, and a set of playing cards exhausted the Black family's collection for hundreds of years."

"Do you know how precious the secret recipe for making this card is? It can be said that in the entire magical world, there are no more than ten people or families who know similar secret recipes."

"Do you know how much it costs for me to ask the alchemist to make it? This is relatively cheap, 500 Galleons per card."

"Then how much do you think this card should cost?"

Harry and Hermione were stunned by Shaw's statement. Even if the two could not guess the value of the playing cards, they knew that the value was really high and there was no market for it.

Harry still did not give up.

"Then, why did you give Draco one?"

Shor put away the card and said in a faint voice.

"Because he will be unconditionally loyal to me and become my follower."

After that, he walked out of the Forbidden Forest. Harry and Hermione looked at each other behind him, and then hurriedly followed.

Harry: "I can follow you, even without the poker cards."

Hermione: "I also support you unconditionally. I said I would help you realize your ideal.. . "

"Avada Kedavra!"

Shor waved the spare wand in his hand, and a green light burst out from the tip of the wand, hitting an eight-eyed giant spider in front of him that was preparing to attack.

He walked over and squatted down to continue absorbing spirits for storage, and said without turning his head.

"You are not qualified now."

Harry still stubbornly compared with Draco.

"But Draco seems to be very weak too."

"Well, he is quite weak, but he is a Slytherin and my roommate. It's nothing to be relatively special. By the way, his family can also be used by me, so Draco is a bit useful."

While guiding the magic power to infuse the playing cards, Shaw tried to find an excuse to prevaricate.

Harry was almost angry to death.

"Why did the Sorting Hat put me in Gryffindor when I was sorted! "

Shor sighed secretly. This matter cannot be said openly.

He secretly complained about the old bee's dishonesty. If Harry was not placed in the concentration camp for reckless men, how could he cultivate the courage to die?

If Harry was not a body with two souls and Voldemort was stubborn, it would really be GG.

Shor stood up and looked at the angry Harry.

"Do you know what spell I just used?"

Sure enough, when it came to this, Harry and the others remembered this and immediately shifted their attention.

"Shor, why do I appear in a trance when I see this green light spell, and hear a woman's cry."

"Shor, this, this is evil black magic, how can you use it, this is only used by dark wizards, and you seem to be absorbing these spiders..."

Shor stood up, let the wand flash green light, and said to Hermione first.

"Yes, I also want to tell you that this is one of the three unforgivable curses. If you use it, you will be imprisoned in Azkaban. Will you report me? "

Hermione clenched her hands tightly and said hesitantly.

"I, of course I won't, but don't use it again in the future, okay?"

Shor chuckled and shook the card in his hand.

"So this is why you can't get it. You don't support me firmly enough."

Ignoring Hermione who wanted to refute, Shaw looked at Harry who looked anxious.

He touched his forehead with his wand.

"This scar was caused by the spell I just used. I can't tell you why you reacted so strongly. Just think of it as the spell causing bad memories of your childhood. "

Shor said no more and continued to lead the way out, followed by two distracted people.

After a while, an arrow shot from the front of Shaw and stuck in the ground one meter in front of him.

Looking at the trembling arrow shaft, Shaw broke out in a cold sweat and was a little careless.

At this time, a magical creature with a human upper body and a horse lower body appeared in front of the three people.

This is the centaur in the Forbidden Forest. This centaur has a black beard and six strong limbs.

It is aiming at Shaw and the other two with a bow and arrow, and warned.

"Little ponies from outside, the Forbidden Forest does not welcome you. This is the territory of the centaurs. Get out!"

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