Although Shaw's voice was light, it was full of contempt and arrogance, which made Kenneth, who was feeling proud, feel a chill and a little uncomfortable.

"You said it!"

He twisted his stiff neck and waved his hand back, and five students came up from the Lion and Snake Houses respectively.

Among the Gryffindor students, the twins were there, and among the Slytherin students, the two who had just deliberately lost the game were also there, including Gloria Nott.

The remaining rebels in the Snake House felt a little guilty, after all, they had no scruples about the glory of the college. If they couldn't win, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Not only would Shaw retaliate against them, but Dean Snape would probably poison them. .

The twins, with crooked mouths and squinting eyes, quickly took out the small alchemy props they had prepared and distributed them to everyone.

"These are lightning-proof boots, and these are lightning-proof clothes."

"These are smoke bombs, and these are reinforced ears."

"This is an enhanced version of the big dung egg. For your own good, remember to wear a mask."

Xiao Er smiled, but did not interrupt. In fact, strictly speaking, the twins are indeed talented, but their personalities are too jumpy.

But they are still the ones who remember food but not beatings. It is difficult to change without experiencing great sorrow and pain.

Kenneth assigned the positions of the people from the two colleges, roughly forming a three-talent situation to surround Xiao Er.

Kenneth nervously held the magic wand and said to Xiao Er, who was still calm.

"Xiao Er, we are ready."

Xiao Er did not take out the magic wand, but casually brushed off the non-existent dust on his shoulders, and said in a slightly cold tone.

"You challenge me, and if you win, you can discredit me, but on the other hand, even if you lose, it seems that there is no loss. This world is all equal exchange, so if you lose, you need to pay the price."

Kenneth said with his neck stiff.

"If you don't accept the challenge, we will make Slytherin lose the duel. Isn't that enough?"

Shor's eyes were calm.

"But so what?"

"If I'm in a bad mood, why not end the duel in advance?"

"You have an opinion? It's not important!"

Shor paused, and his aura gradually radiated outward.

Although his handsome face was calm, the coldness and contempt inside made Kenneth and others feel indescribably uncomfortable, and their faces flushed with shame.

It was as if they were a group of monkeys who were jumping up and down to provoke a giant python.

Yes, if Shaw really didn't want to play with them, he could just cancel the game directly. It would not damage his dignity at all. This was originally organized by him, and even if there was a little loss, it would not be a big deal.

And these people, they used something they thought was very important to threaten other people's games.

It was really funny.

Although Kenneth was a little embarrassed, the arrow was on the string and had to be shot.

"What do you say? Although you don't care, there are hundreds of eyes watching you in Slytherin. You don't want them to be disappointed."

Shor smiled faintly.

"It's very simple. If you lose, you will wash the smelly socks of students from the two colleges for the next month. You have to use your bare hands."

The atmosphere just now was still solemn and heavy, and it was immediately shattered by these words.

Including the two college students who had not dared to speak in the audience, they had not dared to breathe, waiting for Shaw's decision.

Now everyone couldn't help but laugh, and then they all cheered.

"The chief must win, the chief must win!"

"The vice-president must win, the vice-president must win!"

After all, as long as Shaw won, except for the provocateur, no one would have to worry about being attacked by biochemical weapons for a month.

Kenneth and others looked ugly, and the twins looked more and more like they had a stroke.

The twelve people quickly gathered again and discussed it carefully. They also knew that at this point, even if they didn't fight, they would not have a good ending if they returned to their respective colleges.

If they beat Shaw, they would be heroes who defeated the big devil, and the treatment would naturally be different.

A little snake gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and took out a bottle of light golden potion from his pocket.

"This is the Fuling potion, one drop for each person, I have invested a lot of money, and I can only win this battle!"

With him leading the way, the others also took out the things they had in the bottom of the box, especially a few rich pure bloods, who provided perception potions, violent magic potions and other good things, which could be regarded as a fight with their backs against the water.

Shaw looked at the dozen people who were mobilized and couldn't help but smile.

Some of the duel principles that Professor Flitwick said were indeed very correct.

For him, skills are only useful for people of the same level.

For these people who want to defeat the strong, Shaw still believes in the truth that "big is strong, showing off is handsome" and "one force defeats ten skills".

After seeing them take the medicine and stand still again, Kenneth, who took the Fuling potion, was more confident and arrogant again.

"We are ready. Don't say we are bullying you because we have more people. You should strike first.. "

Shor ignored the idiot, slowly pulled out the wand from his sleeve pocket, and gently stroked "National Collapse" with his other hand.

"Today, we will fight side by side again."

The wand trembled, and it was also very excited, and the purple-red spiritual light kept flashing.

Shor shook his wand lightly, and as the magic power surged, the wand was quickly wrapped in purple magic light and quickly turned into a three-foot-two-inch lightning sword.

The flowing light and mysterious runes engraved on the sword made it so dazzling that it instantly caused a cry of surprise.

"Merlin's crooked nose, what kind of spell is this? It looks so cool!"

"Love it, love it, even if the chief doesn't take action, he's still handsome."

"Well, is it the same as the legendary Godric Gryffindor's goblin sword?"

"Damn, has Shaw become stronger again? This is not magic!"

"......。 "

The audience was clamoring and not mentioning him, but Kenneth and others not far away were somewhat doubtful and horrified.

They just felt a lot of pressure, and the sweat and hair on their faces seemed to be electrocuted by the static electricity emitted by the thunder sword in the air.

Kenneth knew that this was not the time to show off, and shouted to others.

"Intelligence error, rush to attack!"

Others understood, and several Gryffindors began to transform the gravel on the ground into birds and beasts.

Sensitive leopards, eagles with spread wings, majestic brown bears, etc. appeared one after another. Thanks to Dean McGonagall, the master of transformation, the students of the Lion Academy learned the transformation better than those of other colleges. Although the internal structures of these animals were very vague, the formation was still first-class and bluffing.

Then these dozens of vivid animals roared and howled, and rushed towards Shaw one after another.

"All petrified!"

"Shattered into pieces!"

"Smashed to pieces! "


After firing several powerful single spells, the Slytherins were ready to defend against the gorgeous cards spinning in the sky and the water that might appear around them.

The audience was even more excited and nervous, watching the dozens of deformed beasts on the stage that shook the ground and quickly attacked Shaw, followed by five or six colorful spells.

I wonder how this genius who far surpassed ordinary little wizards would respond.

In the field, Shaw's black hair was blown up by the strong wind caused by the sudden change in air pressure.

Looking at the approaching attack, his eyes flashed, he took a half step forward on one leg, leaned forward and twisted his waist.

The wrist followed his body, and he drew a half-moon slash with the lightning sword in his hand.

He also whispered coolly.

"At this moment, the time of annihilation!"


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