Quirrell found that the little lions, in particular, had a bitter face even though they were eating delicious food.

Quirrell curled his lips. These little wizards were really ungrateful. How could they be as miserable as me?

Quirrell also found that the long table of Ravenclaw was very deserted. Only a dozen little eagles were eating dinner in a distracted manner. Even though there were super delicious food, they were absent-minded.

Humph, another group of guys who didn't know what happiness was.

Some little eagles wanted to pack those Chinese food, but the food disappeared. They could only put some of the original dishes in the basket.

The basket was full. If you didn't know, you would think that Hogwarts was going to run out of food.

Quirrell knew that there was teleportation magic on the long table in the hall, and there was a long table of the same size in the kitchen, which was controlled by the kitchen elves.

So why didn't these elves allow people to take these unknown delicacies away?

He was originally planning to take some back as a midnight snack.

Hufflepuffs love gourmet food. These little badgers are eating very happily at this moment. They finish their own portion of Chinese food first before eating other food.

Although the little badgers complained that the Chinese food in the evening was not as rich as that in the afternoon, they did not notice anything for the time being.

However, the little badgers still looked at the head of the Slytherin table with envy from time to time.

Because there is no word "limited" here at Shaw, but it is richer than usual, which makes the little badgers swallow their saliva for a while.

It's so happy to follow Shaw.

Quirrell also looked at the Slytherin table from time to time, thinking of the chattering conversations of the little wizards he met on the road before.

Quirrell understood why Shaw was not afraid of him. Maybe he really couldn't beat him.

He also understood why Shaw didn't care much about the advanced black magic. After all, his tricks were also very strong, and he was suspected to have inherited Dumbledore's water prison.

Quirrell was a little panicked. If Shaw really had a good relationship with Dumbledore, he would have given Shaw a notebook on dark magic. .

Slytherin long table.

Alice and Theodore sat next to Shaw, as well as several students who won the duel for Slytherin today.

The dishes for these people were very rich, which was a kind of reward and win-over.

Well, Draco was not here. He was probably crying and dealing with sticky slugs at this moment.

Shaw wanted to help him, but he thought that even Hermione was in a state of fanaticism, but this broken child who lived with him day and night did not move.

Then just suffer a little. Only when you suffer will you remember who is good to you.

Victor and others held back their excitement. After all, they could finally sit next to the chief. Even though the dishes were very delicious, they ate more slowly.

Alice was sipping papaya and red dates soup in small sips. The chief said that this soup can beautify the skin.

She has a good habit of body management, does not eat much Chinese food, and can control certain desires.

After Alice finished her soup, she took out a set of tea sets and a small red clay stove from the small box she brought.

Once the chief accidentally said that he did not like pumpkin juice and only liked tea, she taught herself tea art.

Although Alice learned to make tea from a wild way, she is very elegant, and every frown and move is so elegant.

In the fragrance of tea, Alice had just made tea and Xiaoer had finished eating.

Seeing Xiaoer wipe his mouth, she gently pushed a cup of amber tea in front of Xiaoer, and everything was ready.

"Chief, please have tea."

Xiaoer nodded without being polite, elegantly picked up the teacup and sniffed it, then took a sip.

"Not bad, there is progress."

Alice smiled gently, glanced at Mrs. Meng at the other end of the long table, and spoke.

"Chief, Mrs. Meng wants to meet you after dinner. Maybe she wants to pledge allegiance to you."

Short took another sip of tea and said after a pause.

"Forget about pledging allegiance. He is not qualified to get the sequence poker. You can take him to work first. If he performs well, he can be developed into an outsider."

Alice nodded without questioning, and then poured a cup for Theodore who had also finished his meal.

"Theodore, try it. The chief said that this oriental way of tasting tea means that after suffering, there will be sweetness."

Theodore is not usually in this position, but he was forcibly pulled here by Shaw today, which made him very uncomfortable.

Looking at the white jade teacup, Theodore always glanced at Shaw's way of drinking tea, and then learned to hold the cup and drink tea.

Because of his inexperience, he drank a big sip, and did not feel the sweetness after suffering, but his tongue was burned and numb.

But Theodore was a ruthless man. Except for raising his delicate eyebrows, he did not show any other painful expressions, and nodded in praise.

"It tastes really good."

After that, he stood up and bowed slightly to Shaw: "Chief, I will go to complete the task you assigned."

After getting Shaw's approval, Theodore fled away.

Alice covered her mouth lightly.

"TheodoreIn fact, it's quite cute. "

Shor nodded his approval, and didn't mind Alice teasing Theodore more. Theodore needed more communication.

After drinking tea, Shaw told Alice a few things and then stood up and left first. He glanced at the other three long tables of the colleges. Their performance was expected.

It's normal for the little lions to be unhappy. They are probably happy to go to bed at twelve o'clock tonight.

As for the little eagles, in fact, after negotiating with Professor Flitwick, the door knocker received his instructions and didn't make things difficult for the little eagles today.

But these little eagles were bitten by snakes one day, so now they don't even dare to go out. Only a few fearless little eagles come out to transport food and grass.

As for Hufflepuff, they can only boil honey badgers in warm water.

I saw Quirrell was there in the corner of my eye, and their eyes happened to meet.

Shor gave him a malicious smile, and Quirrell's body trembled inexplicably.

Voldemort: "Coward! A child scared you like this? "

Quirrell: "Master, I, I'm not afraid."

Voldemort: "Then why are you shaking? I thought you were in danger and woke me up from my sleep."

Quirrell: "......."

Voldemort: "Well, what's wrong with this kid! He's not interested in advanced dark magic? Have times changed?"

Quirrell: "......."


As soon as Shaw left the hall, he was stopped by Harry who came from behind. The kid was still wiping his greasy mouth with his sleeves.

Then Harry greeted him nervously.

"Xiao, Vice Dean, hello."

Seeing Harry so nervous, Shaw touched his chin. Is he so scary now? He is still a little boy with red lips and white teeth.

Maybe he was too harsh on Harry before.

So he stretched out his hand and rubbed Harry's messy hair like an adult.

"Harry, is there something wrong? Oh, by the way, the disarming spell used during the day was good. Are you here to ask for a gift? "

Harry felt the rare warmth again, and he was no longer nervous. He smiled and said something that didn't mean it.

"No, I just saw that Draco didn't come to dinner, so I came to ask."

Shor's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he had thought of a fun idea, and he complained to Draco.

"Draco? Well, he is suffering in Snape's office now, do you want to help him share the burden? I heard that Draco has to deal with two large buckets of slugs."

Harry became nervous all of a sudden. He had dealt with slugs once, and it was disgusting.

Harry hesitated. Snape didn't like him very much, and even targeted him. In the end, he nodded bravely.

"I'll go help Draco now. He was injured by me today, so he can't be too tired. "

Shor watched Harry run away and couldn't help but smile.

"Oh, it's so hard for me. It's all Harry's fault for being too brave during the day. Draco was also implicated by you. I hope Snape is satisfied with this gift delivered to his door. I also make up for the promise I didn't fulfill before."

Shor felt a little guilty after muttering a few words, so he thought about going back to carefully prepare a mysterious gift for Harry.

Thinking all the way, he went to the Slytherin lounge.

Back in the dormitory, I found another "super easy-to-talk" fan letter sent by owl on the desk.

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