Shaw originally thought that he needed to put pressure on these students to actively pursue knowledge, but now he found that it might not be necessary.

Then he would do the opposite.


A louder firework exploded, finally stopping the chatter of the little eagles again.

Shaw quickly brainstormed.

"I announce three things!"

Without waiting for the little eagles to ask questions, Shaw spoke faster.

"First, establish a database of learning. Although Hogwarts has tens of millions of books, my Black family has also been passed down for thousands of years and has a lot of unique and profound knowledge that is rare in the world. I will donate a part of it for free, and add the mathematical, physical and chemical knowledge collected from the Muggle world to establish a database of learning."

"Second, the points system. Advanced knowledge cannot be obtained for free. If you want to obtain the knowledge in the sea of ​​learning, I need you to make certain contributions. In addition, the usual etiquette and discipline will also be counted into the points, so if you are disobedient, I guess you can only watch others swim proudly in the infinite ocean of knowledge."

"Third, that is a cliché, just like the recent rules of Gryffindor and Slytherin."

This time, after Shaw finished speaking, no one finally spoke. The little eagles fell into deep thought and digested it for several minutes.

The last seventh grade student spoke again.

"Shor, how should we..."

Shor interrupted with a stern face.

"You, asking questions without raising your hand, will lose ten points in the learning sea."

The little eagle was dumbfounded. He wanted to ask as soon as he opened his mouth, but he was afraid of being deducted again, so he could only retreat back to the crowd in dismay.

Shor secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This trick really worked.

Penelope, who was dressed very beautifully today, raised her hand.

Shor noticed that this pretty female senior seemed to be the young lady who invited him to Ravenclaw on the train.

So he raised his hand to signal.

"Please go ahead."

Penelope's eyes flashed with joy.

"Shor, may I ask when the learning sea database will be established, what are the specific rules of the points system, and can we participate in the spell guidance class you organize on weekends? By the way, you usually like..."

Shor smacked his lips, thinking that he had done nothing wrong in tricking Hermione into coming to Ravenclaw.

In terms of the attitude of asking questions and the level of being able to talk so much, many little eagles are basically the same.

After Penelope asked all the questions she had been thinking about, she looked at Shaw eagerly.

Shaw pondered for about half a minute before speaking.

"It will take quite some time to establish the database. You can study math, physics and chemistry first. Don't be proud. The difficulty of the questions asked by the door knocker is increasing every day. I don't think anyone wants to sleep in the corridor. As for the points, they will be calculated from now on. The other rules are similar to those of the other two colleges. You can naturally participate in the spell guidance class."

Shaw only answered a few questions. He was too lazy to explain some other gossips asked by Penelope.

Shaw then waved his hand.

Alice understood and began to assign people to conduct preliminary etiquette training for the young eagles.

The few Slytherin boys who came this time wanted to get into the group of Ravenclaw girls.

There was no way. The Ravenclaw girls were too beautiful and had good temperament, but they were not easy to approach, so...

However, after being looked at unkindly by Alice, the little snakes became modest gentlemen again.

Shaw retreated to the back and secretly wiped the sweat from his head. The country of women is really terrible.

Flitwick, who had been watching silently, smiled and said at this time.

"How is it, not easy."

Shaw shook his head.

"I made the mistake of empiricism. After all, I was not well prepared. I didn't expect that Ravenclaw students are usually like this."

Flitwick laughed.

"In fact, they are all good children, but they are too individual and free and easy. In class, they are still very well-behaved."

Shaw had countless complaints to spit. Isn't it your fault that the little eagles are usually like this? .

Flitwick then said solemnly.

"Are you really willing to donate your family collection? Even if your collection is not as rich as Hogwarts, it is almost as good in terms of fine and rare books."

Shor has a general plan for the future throne, so he doesn't care about the spread of family collections. Why not use a lot of tools?

Of course, he must be selfless now.

"Knowledge is good knowledge only when it can be used. It is just a pile of waste paper lying in the dark library and gathering dust."

Flitwick couldn't help but admire.

"You are a child with a big heart."

Flitwick still had doubts in his heart.

No one is truly selfless, but no one is perfect. Being able to contribute is better than being selfish.

So he didn't mean to get to the bottom of it.

The two chattedDuring the time, the etiquette team was teaching in an orderly manner.

In fact, the little eagles' usual habits were already very good, but they were not so strict.

And they were not as excited as they were when they faced Shaw just now when facing the teachings of the little snakes.

The reason was that Shaw had too many auras and mysteries, which aroused the little eagles' strong desire to explore.

So when the little eagles were receiving etiquette instructions from the little snakes, they always asked some private questions about Shaw.

Such as: Does your chief really whip a girl's back every day?

Is your chief an old monster who has rejuvenated, otherwise it would not make sense to be so strong, and not magical at all.

Does your chief have a girlfriend, what are his hobbies...

The little snakes naturally began to refute the rumors and praised Shaw as unparalleled in the world.

Of course, there are also people who don't care about Shaw, such as the big sisters gathered around Theodore.

While they pretended to agree with Theodore's guidance, they teased this expressionless and abstinent little boy.

Theodore was so regretful at this moment. He thought there would be a passionate battle to fight, but the result!

He swore that he would never come again next time.

Let Draco come instead!

After Alice arranged the teaching matters, she was going to come back to ask Shaw about the two things that he suddenly announced before, and the terms of points had to be urgently formulated.

But she saw Hermione following Shaw all the time, and the other party stood quietly without saying a word.

Alice suddenly felt very hostile.

But Hermione took the lead, she took the initiative to come over, and quickly showed the poker cards in her palm.

"Hello, Alice, my name is Hermione, I am the only student in Ravenclaw who holds poker cards, please take care of me in the future."

Alice's beautiful eyes narrowed, and a thoughtful look flashed across her eyes.

She saw that Hermione held the 10 of clubs, which was considered a very high sequence even in the future throne organization.

It can only mean that the chief values ​​this female Ravenclaw very much.

Alice immediately smiled like a flower, pulled Hermione to the side, and used her wand to set up "ear-blocking and listening" around her.

Then she said to Hermione solemnly.

"In the future, you should also call the chief the chief, don't shrug, we are followers, this is very disrespectful,"

Hermione was stunned for a moment, and then said seriously.

"I know."

Alice nodded with satisfaction and continued.

"The chief probably hasn't told you yet, in fact, holding this kind of sequence playing cards..., in the future, for the management of Ravenclaw, you need to pay more attention to what kind of talents there are."

After hearing this, Hermione touched her chin and thought seriously.

"Senior sister, I think Ravenclaw is not suitable for selecting warriors, but more suitable for discovering and researching talents, so when selecting talents, we can't only focus on the ability to release spells?"

Although Alice is arrogant, she is not stubborn. Only then did she look at Hermione with a higher opinion.

"You make sense. Regarding the talent preference of the four colleges, we really need to consult the chief."

(Is this not a writer's block? Ang ang (#゚Д゚), it's the little badger's turn in the next chapter.)

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