The headmaster's office was filled with the aroma of tea. Except for the gurgling sound of boiling water, the room seemed so peaceful and quiet.

At this moment, Shaw was no longer here. Only Dumbledore was left drinking ginseng tea at his desk, thinking about the three rules Shaw had just agreed with him.

Shaw's sonorous voice seemed to still echo in his ears.

"First, I will not promote overly dangerous ideas in school. I will only restore the appearance of a school."

"Second, I will help the headmaster protect Harry and keep a close eye on Quirrell."

"Third, based on the few words left by my father, it is inferred that there are at least 5 to 7 Horcruxes left by Voldemort. I can help the headmaster slowly find them."

The information contained in these three messages was really too huge.

As for Shaw's promise not to promote overly dangerous ideas, this can only be observed later. He did not object to temporarily improving the self-protection ability of the little wizard.

He was worried that Shaw would take the same path as Voldemort. Power and prestige would breed ambition.

But compared to Grindelwald's affairs, these are temporarily out of my time.

After all, it is impossible to really imprison Shaw or send him to Azkaban.

When I have time in the future, I must give Shaw more care and guidance.

And Voldemort is really crazy, daring to play with souls like this! Split so many Horcruxes!

How many clues did Shaw's father leave for Voldemort's former confidant Regulus?

Who is Shaw's mother? It has not been found out yet.

For Shaw to help me find the Horcruxes, and it is already being implemented, it is also good. Someone is running around for me, a centenarian, which is always a good thing.

And Shaw actually noticed my concern for Harry and my suspicion of Quirrell.

But after flipping through a few pages of Shaw's notebooks on Voldemort's Fiery Curse and Serpent Trick, the old bee was relieved.

"Such a keen observation, doesn't he yearn for super strong black magic? This kind of snake magic is quite powerful."

While Dumbledore was thinking, he drank a pot of fragrant ginseng tea unconsciously.

Suddenly, he felt a little hot.



Shaw left the principal's office and came to a balcony to enjoy the morning breeze.

Slowly relieved his nervous heart.

Just now, Dumbledore was not a man of honor and actually used Legilimency on him.

Although it didn't work on Shaw who had a full-level brain occlusion.

But this represents the attitude of the old bee.

As a last resort, he could only offer three rules to barely deal with this conversation.

"Huh, it's so difficult."

Shaw's current situation is in a dead loop.

The more attention Dumbledore pays, the more he has to speed up the pace of conquering Hogwarts, and then be more concerned by the old bee.

But to qualify for the chess table, strength is the foundation.

Conquer the four colleges, gain legendary points and faith points, then defeat Quirrell/Voldemort's remnant soul, gain a lot of faith points and reputation, and then improve your strength again, and then attack the pure blood at Christmas.

This is a virtuous cycle.

"Can't let the old bee be so idle, why do old men stare at my kind little boy every day, perverted!"

"Hmph, I need to call someone!"

Shor thought about it in his heart, and then strode to the Slytherin lounge.

"Super easy to talk to" pen pal, it all depends on you! "

After Shaw rushed to write a letter to Grindelwald, Dumbledore left Hogwarts on Tuesday.

The saints suddenly made a big move. Several small magic ministries in Northern Europe sent news that a large number of saints were catching a mutant thunderbird.

So Dumbledore had to leave.

The campus life at Hogwarts is generally leisurely.

The years passed in a flash.

More than a week has passed, and the reorganization of Ravenclaw has been quite smooth. They are very self-motivated in morning and evening self-study. The progress of mathematics learning is amazing. Now they have started to learn elementary physics and chemistry.

Shor is very satisfied. The progress of the task of conquering Hogwarts (Second Ring) has reached 70%.

Just It was Victor who always mentioned that the girls from Ravenclaw kept talking about him and Theodore, and asked people to send many small gifts.

Shaw even found a small cake containing aphrodisiac in those gifts.

These girls were too fierce, and now Shaw and Theodore are not willing to go to the hall for dinner.

On this day, Shaw finished a difficult potion class and saw that Snape still didn't blink at him.

He had to say goodbye to the other little snakes, left the classroom in a chic manner, and prepared to go back to the dormitory for dinner alone.

On the way, he was stopped by a group of little badgers.

Hufflepuff's handsome, sunny and handsome Cedric stepped forward and greeted him shyly.

"Shor,Hello, I'm Cedric Diggory. Sorry for interrupting you. I want to talk to you on behalf of Hufflepuff. "

Shor was stunned for a moment, but he didn't feel surprised.

After all, the badgers have been boiled in warm water for a week, so they must be tasty.

These little badgers must have cried in the toilet for a long time, but now they can't help it.

Shor smiled warmly and shook hands with Cedric.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

Cedric was a little embarrassed to speak, but he felt the burning eyes of his compatriots behind him, so he just said it directly.

"It's like this, why is the Chinese food getting less and less recently, but the amount of the other three colleges is not less, we went to the kitchen to ask, and the elves who used to have a good relationship with us didn't make it for us alone. After thinking about it, we can only ask you. "

Cedric swallowed his saliva when he said this, and his friends behind him were similar to him.

Shor showed a look of realization, and then he was heartbroken and exaggerated and talked nonsense.

"I'm so sorry, the supply of Chinese food has been integrated into a reward and punishment system called the Xuehai Points System, and the other three colleges are involved."

"In fact, the three colleges do not supply unlimited quantities, they exchange them with points."

"As for the decreasing supply of Hufflepuff, I'm very sorry, some of the raw materials of Chinese food are shipped from tens of thousands of miles away, which are very precious."

"It's already very tight to satisfy the students who exchange points for food. I've tried my best to provide Hufflepuff with a little bit to satisfy their cravings."

Shor's "sincere" speech silenced Cedric and a group of badgers.

They are all loyal and kind people, and they understand Shaw's "difficulties".

But his stomach is really disappointing.

"Gurgle. ”*N.

The gurgling sound immediately became like the croaking of frogs.

Cedric scratched his head, smiled apologetically at Shaw, and turned back to talk quietly with several seniors.

Shor waited patiently.

More than ten minutes later, Cedric came over again, looking a little hesitant.

“Shor, if, I mean if, if Hufflepuff is also included in the academic points system you mentioned, we can only exchange points for food, can you allocate resources in this area?”

Shor almost broke his defense, are the badgers so thoroughly rotten?

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