Wiltshire, England, is an area where pure-blood wizards are relatively concentrated in the UK, similar to Godric's Hollow and St. Catchpole.

Malfoy Manor is also located in this relatively sparsely populated but beautiful place.

There are several pure-blood families nearby, and unfortunately, the headquarters of the Pure-Blood Society is also in a dark castle not far away.

The usually deserted castle has been bustling with people recently, but they are in a hurry.

In a luxuriously decorated conference room, there are only twelve or thirteen people sitting at a large round table with 28 seats.

The Pure-Blood Society, which was once prosperous and had a domineering influence in England, now seems to be somewhat lacking in succession.

Many families either have no descendants, such as Gaunt, or are still squatting in Azkaban, such as Lestrange.

There are also seven or eight holy pure-blood families that have directly left this loose organization, such as Burns, Longbottom and Crouch.

A middle-aged man with a cold face and bloodthirsty twisted eyes looked at Lucius and said sarcastically.

"Lucius, your son hasn't found out the depth of Shaw's strength and the secret of his growth? Isn't it said that little Draco and Shaw have a good relationship?"

This man is the crazy old Nott, Theodore's father.

Immediately, someone in his group continued to tease.

Flint: "Hehe, won't the Malfoy family be the first to jump across and have already joined the new savior?"

Travers: "I think it's possible, after all, this is a convention. Haha."

Lucius was dressed in a gorgeous golden robe, as classical as a bishop, and he stood out in this crowd of black robes.

He raised his head slightly, his face could not tell whether he was happy or angry, and he didn't reply to those weird guys.

But he didn't speak, but his followers would.

The tall old Goyle and old Crabbe immediately stood up and drew their wands to point at the few people who had just spoken.

"Old Nott, say it again?"

"Damn Flint, you are just as stupid as your giant bucktoothed son!"

The three or four pureblood family patriarchs who were huddled together on the opposite side also stood up and drew their wands.

"Haha, do you want to start a war?"

"I've been feeling mad lately, so I'm just going to vent my anger on you, a big fool."

Don't look at these people who look like a bunch of people outside. In front of people of the same class, they are actually not much better, just like hooligans.

Few of them can be called true nobles.

At this time, a sinister tall and strong man slammed the table.

"Enough, you are always like this, forgetting the glory and manners of purebloods, and a position meeting has been arguing for a month without discussing a result!"

The man's name is Yaxley (the one who chased Harry's trio in the Ministry of Magic in the Deathly Hallows movie), an extremely fierce and cold guy.

The confronting people glared at each other fiercely, and took the opportunity to get off the hook and sat back in their seats.

The cunning Borgin and Burke, the owner of the largest dark magic shop in Knockturn Alley, was playing with a bloody eyeball and said in his greasy tone at the right time.

"No matter what, we still have to confirm the specific situation of the Dark Lord. Has no one received the Dark Lord's message?"

Everyone shook their heads, silent but knowing the truth.

With the Dark Lord's character, he would not take the initiative to meet these slaves when he was down and out.

Even if he really met them, he would only choose one or two of the most loyal people to help resurrect. As for those two-faced people, haha, they are all here.

After all, the most loyal Death Eaters are squatting in Azkaban eating black bread.

Borgin and Burke sighed and then suggested.

"As for Shaw, judging by his performance at Hogwarts, he is not against pure-bloods, but he just doesn't like the idea of ​​pure-blood supremacy. If it is confirmed that the Dark Lord has really fled, or is really no match for Shaw, then Shaw can be recruited. Black already has a place here."

The remaining pure-blood family patriarchs, such as Avery, Selwyn, and Travers, nodded.

"I think it's okay."

"It doesn't matter who you follow, or if you don't follow."

"Anyway, I didn't swallow up much of Black's property, so you'd better spit out what you have swallowed."

But Old Nott and his people still refused.

"No, a young boy like Shaw is worthy of my bowing to him?"

"Hmph, let's not talk about the Dark Lord. Dumbledore is not dead yet. We will discuss this later."

"Stop talking nonsense. I support the Dark Lord. Only by following him can we restore the glory of pure blood."

"Yes, I also support the Dark Lord. Tsk tsk, I really want to ruthlessly kill those lowly people again!"

These opponents are not only the biggest beneficiaries of the Black family's property, but also want to follow Voldemort to kill innocent people.

The foundation of the British Pure Blood Association is naturally not just these people in front of you, but those old antiques are not pure blood.In the face of life and death, they usually don't show up.

Even Voldemort didn't have the face to let those people come out to support him.

So no one could calm the situation, and it was probably another meeting that ended in vain.

Lucius looked at the people who were divided into three factions and shook his head. He stood up and walked out with his ceremonial stick.

Thinking all the way back to the manor, he saw Draco sitting on the sofa with his head down in the hall.

Lucius was stunned, a trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes, and then his face became stern.

"Draco, didn't I give you a task and let you stay at the Black family for a few days?"

"And what makes you so embarrassed?"

Draco raised his head and looked at his father. He wanted to rush over and hug his father's legs and act like a spoiled child like before.

But he paused and drooped his head again, and his platinum hair covered all his expressions.

Lucius hated him for not fighting, and felt a little distressed, but his father's duty did not allow Draco, his son, to be weak.

Lucius walked up quickly, threw the etiquette stick aside, put his hands on Draco's small shoulders, and said very seriously.

"Thinking about loyalty again? Why are you still so naive! Forget what I told you? In front of the family and relatives, everything else can be used as a bargaining chip, as long as the Malfoy family name can be passed down forever."

Draco raised his head, tears were already blurry in his eyes, but he tried not to cry out loud.

Narcissa, who was making delicious food for her son in the kitchen next door, walked out quickly after hearing the noise.

Seeing the serious husband and the aggrieved son, her heart was clenched, and she quickly stepped forward to push her husband away and hugged her son in her arms.

"Xiaolong, don't be afraid, your father didn't mean to be mean to you."

Lucius was pushed away, but he didn't blame his wife. He sat on the sofa next to him with a somewhat depressed look.

"Sissi, now is not the time to pamper Draco. He should take certain responsibilities for the family!"

Narcissa rarely refuted Lucius.

"Shore is not only strong, but also very close to our family. Moreover, the child has such a close relationship with Xiaolong. What is there to hesitate about?"

Lucius shook his head and sighed. His proud expression was gone. He rubbed his temple and said.

"You don't understand. The situation has changed suddenly recently. Not only has the Dark Lord returned, but I heard that the Witch Party has also revived. Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic are also very tense. Now there is the Shaw incident. If we make a wrong choice, the destruction of the family is imminent!"

Narcissa was stunned. Didn't expect that the seemingly peaceful magic world was already so precarious?

Draco, who had been curled up in Narcissa's arms, suddenly broke free from his mother's arms, stood up, wiped away his tears, and made himself decent.

Under the surprised eyes of the couple, he asked solemnly.

"Dad, as a follower, what qualifications should I have."

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