Black's old house.

In the basement, Shaw was sorting out some equipment.

For example, a cloak that can block human detection, a wand suitable for releasing black magic, and a polyjuice potion.

And the most important thing, a bunch of hair that Albert, the general agent of Muggles, helped to find and looked very similar to Voldemort when he was young.

He put all the things into the ring, and just as he went upstairs, Kreche came to find him.

"Master, the master in the portrait on the second floor is looking for you. He is angry and said he has something important to tell you."

Shaw couldn't help but hold his forehead.

Strictly speaking, Philias Black is Shaw's great-great-great-grandfather, six generations apart.

Foreign translations have to add a long string of prefixes, so Shaw usually calls Philias his great-grandfather.

Now the other party has come back from Hogwarts, and I don't know what's going on.

In fact, there is an unspoken rule in the magic world for making magic portraits, that is, the original owner can inject his life experience and shape his personality, but cannot inject magic experience.

This is to prevent the outflow of some profound family magic, or to prevent some portraits hanging on public walls from misleading others.

As for whether anyone violated the rules in private, it is unknown. Anyway, as a portrait that needs to be hung in the principal's office, Philias will definitely not violate the rules.

Since he can't teach people magic, Shaw is too lazy to talk to the mean and foul-mouthed Philias.

Seeing Kleche looking at him eagerly, Shaw estimated that the other party may have served Philias, after all, Kleche is really old.

The old Shaw wanted to give him a good life, but he didn't dare to say it.

However, since Philias ran back from Hogwarts, maybe there was something important.

Shaw thought about it and went to the family tree display room on the second floor.

Pushing open the door, there was a family tree on the wall.

Looking at the lush family tree, the Black family is actually still very prosperous.

It's just that the direct lineage is a bit more miserable, and there are many burnt holes in the direct lineage, including Sirius.

Before Shordo could sigh, Phileas's angry roar came from the side wall.

"Boy, are you so filial? It's really unreasonable. You didn't release me last time. You are as insidious as Dumbledore. How could the Black family have such a person like you...,..."

When Shor came in, he put on "ear plugs" and watched Phileas blowing his beard and glaring with interest, his mouth opening and closing constantly.

Well, it wasn't until half an hour later that Phileas closed his mouth in boredom. After all, scolding or scolding without an opponent was too boring.

He just glared at Shor.

Shor untied the magic and bowed slightly.

"Hello, great-grandfather, do you have something important to tell me?"

Phileas said unhappily.

"Hmph, you still know I'm your great-grandfather? You thought you could be so proud of defeating the Dark Lord..."

"Close your ears and plug your ears."

Shor waved his wand with a smile and cast another spell on himself.

Philias: ……. . .

Philias was so angry that he almost jumped out of the portrait.

He pointed at Shaw, his face flushed, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak for a long time.

Shor immediately canceled the spell and said with a warm face.

"Great-grandfather, don't be angry. We Blacks are all noble people. How can we be so foul-mouthed? Okay, let's talk business. You came here from Hogwarts just to scold me, right?"

Philias took a deep breath, although he couldn't breathe anything.

"Two hours ago, I got a message from Dumbledore. He was trying to find out about your mother's background."

"Dumbledore suspected that you have Nordic or Roman ancestry, and your eyes are not pure black, but purple and black or green and black. Because of the gray pupils of the Black family, they look pure black."

"You, do you know who your mother is?"

Shor was stunned. There is such a thing? How come he doesn't know?

He quickly took out a mirror from the ring and looked at it carefully.

Looking at his deep and delicate eyes in the mirror, Shaw did find something strange.

A deep purple luster flashed from time to time in the pure black pupils.

Well, it's good that it's not green.

Then he admired the old bee's sharp observation. He had never noticed these details.

Philias on the wall said impatiently.

"Is it purple or green? Who is your mother?"

Shor did not answer immediately. He asked after a pause.

"Great-grandfather, can you still be legilimency now?"

Philas was stunned for a moment, then said with great admiration.

"As expected of someone who can defeat Voldemort, you are very thoughtful. Don't worry, I am notOld and confused, the Black family's anti-peeping magic was used when the memory was injected. Even a Legilimency master like Dumbledore couldn't detect it. "

Shor understood, thinking that although Phileas was a bit harsh, he was still good to his family.

Besides, he was the headmaster and the patriarch of the oldest pure-blood family. He should have a lot of experience, so he began to ask.

"Do you know what race people with purple eyes are? Have you ever heard of a person or race named Feoqin?"

In the portrait, Phileas stroked his mustache and fell into the search of memory.

After a while, he was surprised and doubtful.

"Pure-blood families have always studied hair and pupils to distinguish bloodlines. I only found one kind of people with purple pupils from the injected memories, and that is a Eurasian hybrid.

So far, the first record of purple eyes in history was 133 years in the Christian era, but this phenomenon can be traced back to the distant Nordic region in the Middle Ages.

Coincidentally, Pheogen is the mother of Thor, the god of thunder, in the "God of Gods" created by the legendary wizard Odin, also known as Jod, and your name Shor can also be translated as Thor.

Interesting, Regulus is really interesting. He quietly found a poor pure-blooded Nordic woman as his wife. "

Shor's forehead was full of black lines when he heard this, and he didn't know how many complaints he wanted to vomit.

The background arranged for him by this damn system is really ridiculous!

I was bold enough to imagine that at most I would build a magic empire, rule the world, make wizards great again, and let Muggles and wizards live in peace and prosperity.

But after all this time, I became a descendant of "God"?

What kind of screenwriter dares to write like this?

As for Odin being a legendary wizard, I am not surprised. In the magic world, this is all expected.

Philas then popularized "Norse Mythology" and the more ancient "Greek Mythology" to Shaw, not only mentioning Salazar Slytherin, but also the despicable Herpo.

For a long time.

Shor came out of the room, feeling a lot of emotion, not to mention those "myths" that were too far away for him for the time being.

Just this chattering great-grandfather, in addition to his temper Although it is a bit harsh, it still has its shining points.

I can talk about it later, ahem, we can talk more.

I have always reminded myself not to judge people by stereotypes, but I have not achieved unity of knowledge and action.

I still need to reflect on myself from time to time in the future.

I looked at the sky outside the window and it was already evening.

Shaw called Kleche to prepare food, and then sat down in the restaurant, thinking about attacking the pure blood in the middle of the night.

Well, let's draw a lottery to strengthen our strength first.

After completing the task of snatching the reputation of the savior, in addition to the task rewards, the little wizards in Hogwarts also contributed a lot after killing Voldemort.

Although there was no large-scale publicity about this matter, it still caused quite a stir and also gained a lot of faith points.

So Shaw now has 12,000 first-level, 286 second-level, and 6 third-level faith points.

"Let's draw twelve consecutive times to warm up!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 1 skill point. ”*3

“Ding, thank you for your patronage.”*4

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining level 3 Apparition.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 1 talent point.”*2.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 magic points.”*2

Shor took a look at the rewards of the first-level lottery, and was particularly satisfied with Apparition. Then he drew the second-level one without hesitation.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining Puppetry.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining Necromancer Shield.”

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