Hokage Arena, I am Ye Yun, Uchiha!

Chapter 59 c0: Ultimate Art

"What are you afraid of? The arena has such a powerful ability that it can even summon the dead. Are you afraid of this attack?"

"Deerman, don't be so pushy, people can smell the smell of urine coming from you even from a few people away!"


Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw the dialogue on the barrage above.

However, this battle between the master and the apprentice was not to mention the common people in the ninja world, even these ninjas were afraid of it.

At first, when everyone saw Ohnoki's appearance, they thought he was just an old man!

And even though Deidara is a member of Akatsuki, he seems to be a member of the street gang, totally coming in to make up the numbers.

But now, everyone's views are completely different.

Just the fact that Onoki can fly directly in the air without other props has already amazed countless people, and now this set of bombings makes people even more afraid of him.

"Who said that the Kingdom of Earth is mediocre before! Stand up for me!"

"We in the Earth Country are just hiding our clumsiness like stones!"

"If nothing else, the Tsuchikage is awesome!"

Everyone in the Earth Kingdom was smiling. Although Onoki's long reign was partly due to the lack of successors, it also reflected the Tsuchikage's popularity among the people, which is why he was able to be re-elected.

Among the five major countries, other countries have more than a dozen people. Only the Kingdom of Earth only has six places, and the shadow alone takes up three, which is the least among them.

This makes the Kingdom of Earth unable to hold its head high.

And now the Tsuchikage's performance has rekindled the pride in their hearts.

The second Tsuchikage Mu: "Has this boy Onoki become so powerful?"

A bag of soil shadow: "They are completely different from before. Both in terms of combat experience and strength, they have far surpassed us!"

Wu: "So what, it's not like there is a rule that only the ancestors must be stronger than the descendants! I do hope that the next generation of Onoki can surpass him in strength."

The two of them immediately shut up. After all, the Tsuchikage candidate was right next to them, and the two of them really couldn't do it.

If this Deidara had not rebelled and been cultivated, he could have inherited the great cause!

"This is too outrageous!"

"You almost hit me!"

Deidara soared into the sky and passed through the stones. The huge heat made the two-winged bird under his feet almost explode.

If he really self-destructs and dies under his own attack, he will really become the laughing stock of everyone!

Deidara's expression became serious, he knew that he could no longer look down on Ohnoki because of his age.

The mouth in the palm of his hand kept chewing, and then countless small two-winged birds flew out of the mouth, each one at a very fast speed, dozens of them came out at once, and flew towards Onoki under the command of Deidara.

Onoki directly used Earth Release to form a ball, completely protecting himself, and then slammed it towards Deidara.

Explosions were unable to break through Ōnoki's defense. Deidara frowned, eager to find Ōnoki's flaw.


The warm picture in his hand kept deforming, and finally turned into a giant dragon that flashed its wings and took off instantly.

He jumped onto the back of the giant dragon and followed the dragon into the sky.

The giant dragon spits clay from its mouth and can detonate it from any direction in the air. No matter how strong Ohnoki's defense is, as long as there are enough bombings, no matter how strong the defense is, he can break through.

Ohnoki frowned. It was indeed a bit difficult for him to deal with his apprentice who could also fly.

"Find a way to get him close to the ground so that my technique can be effective!"

Ohnoki dodged repeatedly, and his speed was staggering.

However, he went lower and lower, and finally ran directly into the forest below.

Deidara patrolled from the air, even if he stared at the modified telescope, it was difficult to find traces of Onoki.


Deidara wanted to destroy the entire forest, but performing this move required a large amount of chakra. If he controlled the dragon, he would not be able to gather so much clay in a short time.

The only way is to fly lower.

"Earth Release·Arm of Rock!"

A huge arm more than ten meters high emerged from the ground and pinched Deidara directly.


Deidara couldn't struggle away no matter what. The strength and defense of this rock arm were really exaggerated.

"Deidara, you must have never forgotten my terror!"

Ohnoki slowly landed directly in front of Deidara and placed his hands flat on his chest.

"Ya Bai! This old man is serious!"

"Dust Escape·The Art of Original Realm Peeling!"

A cone-shaped energy appeared in front of Ohnoki. This is a power that exceeds the limits of blood inheritance - blood inheritance is eliminated!

This move is Ohnoki's strongest attack.

Anyone who has seen this move knows how powerful it is.

At this time, the giant dragon under Deidara had been crushed and turned into a pile of soft clay, while Deidara was like a small insect in the huge palm.

Deidara tried to mobilize chakra, but was unable to do so.

At some point, Ohnoki arranged a sealing technique on this palm. His chakra did not obey the command at all and kept flowing towards his arm.

Now he can barely control the chakra without losing too much, and is completely unable to continue detonating clay.


"It just so happens that I've always wanted to experience what it feels like to be trapped in the Dust Escape!"

Although Deidara struggled to no avail, his words remained unforgiving.

Ohnoki looked at Deidara in front of him. Although he knew that he would not die, he couldn't bear to use this move against his former disciple.

Maintaining Dust Escape requires a lot of chakra. He was breathing heavily and said, "Deidara, give in!"

This sentence made many people's hearts tug.

"Sure enough, Onoki finally recognizes Deidara as his disciple, even though he has always been very arrogant and disrespectful to Onoki!"

"What the Tsuchikage did reminds me of my teacher!"

"Who hasn't been rebellious yet!"

"This rebellious period is too outrageous! If a few disciples were in this rebellious period, the entire country would be destroyed."

When Deidara saw what his master Onoki did, his eyes were filled with surprise and a hint of apology.

He is a person who dares to love and hate.

He knew that although Iwagakure Village was not very kind to him, Onoki didn't say anything to him.

"I advise you to get out of here, the sooner the better!"


"I finally got this opportunity, I don't want to waste it!"

"I want to show you what real art is!"

Deidara threw off Akatsuki's windbreaker, and the top was shattered inch by inch under the surging chakra, revealing the mouth sewn on a long line on the chest. It's chewing a lot of clay.

This scene is extremely terrifying.

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