Land-of-Waterfall, a Little Town on the south side.

In a shop, Boss, who is nearly 50, was so excited that the forehead shined with shine and sweat could not stop falling. He scolded the folks under his hands for work and moved out the food stored in the warehouse.

A small amount of food can be bought and sold. Great sect is prohibited to buy and sell food, but it is not the Land-of-Waterfall law that is violated, but the Order of Country of Fire.

Land-of-Waterfall As a friendly country of the Country of Fire, Konoha has a good relationship with Hidden Waterfall Village. Hidden Waterfall Village is in a sense the second Great Ninja Village which is second only to five Great Ninja Village, but allocated from Shodai Hokage At Bijuu, Hidden Waterfall Village was eligible for Shichibi, and one small item in a big scheme was visible.

Land-of-Waterfall borders Country of Fire and Country of Earth. It can be said to live in the gap, but compared to the bad luck egg on the three sides of the Country of Rain, Hidden Waterfall Village is much better, and the village has a huge Waterfall defends nature, owns its own Bijuu at the same time, and Strength is quite strong.

So Stone Ninja went south a few times, and chose Country of Rain as the breakthrough, and put the Hidden Rain Village on the slump. Konoha also happily put the battlefield in the Country of Rain. Anyway, compared to Hidden Rain Village, a little bitch, Hidden Waterfall Village, however, has always maintained a friendly relationship. It was probably scared by Shodai, so it was more obedient.

So it ’s miraculous that the five Great Ninja Villages are fighting endlessly. The Hidden Waterfall Village is peaceful and stable, but the peaceful and stable also means that the Ninja in the village is a bunch of recruit eggs, and the Shinobi World War did not participate , Hidden Waterfall Village is even more embarrassing.

Hidden Waterfall Village has a sufficient number of Ninjas, but lacks sufficient actual combat experience. Not to mention the tried-and-tested Great Ninja Village, which is a neighbor who has been mocked by them. Hidden Rain Village has also risen Hanzō of the Salamander this awesome big guy.

In desperation, in order not to be involved in the war, Hidden Waterfall Village can only continue to hold on to the big brother of Konoha, so the order of Country of Fire is also effective in Land-of-Waterfall, and the sale of great sect food is a felony.

“Lord, all of the quantities you want are here. You have already received your order and are ready.” The slightly bald Boss showed a charming expression, and such a big business might make a profit.

“Zi, go and pack all the goods.” Yuehua said softly, and the next Zi immediately took out more than ten space-time scrolls, and then took away all the grain, which was enough for one hundred people to eat for a month, but Orochimaru Base now There aren’t that many people, even if they are brought back to the experimental body, it is estimated that there will not be a few who survive.

looks at Zi confirms the grain, then all the income is space-time Scroll, Yue Huacai looks towards the side, the boss of the anxious tweak one’s ears and scratch one’s cheeks, takes out the thick banknote from his sleeve, and passes it.

“This is the other half of the money, you order a little bit.” Yue Hua looks at beaming with joy of Boss. When Boss finishes counting the banknotes, Yue Hua takes out a stack from his sleeve again, “Next month, I also need a batch, This is a deposit. “

“Just rest assured, you are our old customers. The same quantity will come over to pick it up.” Boss patted his breast to ensure that the fat on his smiling face trembled up and down, and the small mung beans are all big eyes Crowded.

Yuehua was nodded, didn’t say much, and left with Zi Shi Shiran. Until now, the items listed on the list have been almost bought, not only the space-time scroll that Zi carries is full of things, Yuehua is no exception Now, there is only one thing left, and that is to collect the experimental subjects.

“Zi, you go back to inn to rest first, and I’ll do the rest.”

Standing at a fork in the street, Yuehua looks at Zi disappeared at the corner of the street, and then she looked back.

“Next, it is the experimental body.” Yuehua eyes looked around, looked around, found a bakery, and immediately walked over.

The remote and desolate edge of Little Town is home to the poor, beggar, and all kinds of people who are engaged in gloomy activities.

The beggar’s gathering place is an abandoned grassland occupied by the town’s beggar as a stronghold, but at this time there is a group of gorgeously dressed Samurai.

“Huangmao little demon, you are a wild species. There are things no one wants in life. Our boss can look after your younger sister. It is a blessing that your family has repaired in eight lives. Tonight, I will send you your younger sister. Or let you know how to write dead words. “

Samurai, with a slightly feminine complexion, scolded the beggars in front of him, and the group of Beams of Behind were also contented, glaring at the busy leisurely people around.

In front of Jinyi Samurai, a shabby blond youngster worn by the whole body, a pair of beautiful golden eyes, at this time glaring at Samurai in front of her angrily, extending her arms, like a hen, protecting the behind shivering Younger sister.

“I won’t give the younger sister to anyone, especially Ono’s fat pig, get away from me, you damned running dogs.” The blonde youngster hated gnashing one’s teeth with eyes full of very ruthless , But helpless himself is not the opponent of these guys at all, otherwise rushed up and scoured the scoundrels.


Jinyi Samurai’s face was a bit gloomy, but when she saw the beauty behind youngster behind, she couldn’t help suppressing the anger in her heart. If this girl really became the Ono Lord, then they could not afford to offend, so they have never dared to use strong of.

“Little demon, this afternoon is the last time, you think about it carefully, if you still don’t know, then I won’t be so polite, Ono Lord’s patience is limited.” Jin Yi Samurai said after leaving his sleeves and left, behind The Samurai also left, but the blonde youngster knew that this slum area must be full of Ono’s fat pig’s eyeliner.

“Big brother, what should we do?” Although the soft golden haired girl is smeared with soot on the face, it is difficult to hide its beautiful face, especially the bright golden eyes, and the tears are accumulated in the eye sockets, even if it is iron heart. , But also feel pity.

“Little pupil, don’t worry, I’ll think of a way.” Youngster clenched the younger sister’s palm, a mess in his heart, anger and fear were intertwined, and he couldn’t think of any way to get out of this sinister situation.

Youngster’s eyes turned to all around to ask for help, but normally a beggar partner silently avoided the sight of blonde youngster, lay on the haystack to sleep, preserve strength and store up energy, so that I could eat more at night.

“Big brother, it’s useless, everyone scans the snow in front of the door, and we are not familiar with them normally.” The girl named Hitomi drew youngster’s tattered sleeves, and the tears in her eyes had disappeared, replaced by cleverness Rays of light.

“Hitomi, do you have any ideas?” Youngster hurriedly asked, the younger sister was smarter than herself, but she was afraid of being born and her courage was a bit timid.

“There is nothing to do for now.” The young girl smiled bitterly, thinking of seeing that Ono, who was fatter than a pig, on the street, she felt sick in her heart, and couldn’t help but hug the big brother’s arm.

“That’s it!” Youngster sighed in disappointment, and continued to meditate, seeking a solution.

“Are you going to eat onigiri?” Just then a soft voice sounded.

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