Rare internal strife occurred in Hidden Stone Village, beyond a thousand miles, and in the tree-lined Country of Fire Konoha, it was not peaceful at the moment.

At Konoha Hospital, Kakashi’s eyes are bitter. His Konoha First Technician is really about to die. He was hospitalized for the injured injured, and was last defeated in the hands of Uchiha Itachi. He lay in the hospital for so long.

This time with Akatsuki’s personnel hand to hand combat again, and was injured by the poison needle on the opposite side. If not, Guy opened Hachimon Tonkou and opened seven-gates, forced back the opposite side, and then Asuma took someone to help, Saved him and Guy, otherwise I’m afraid bode ill rather than well.

“Kakashi, how are you feeling?” Tsunade pushed open the door, and asked Kakashi, who was lying in a daze on the bed.

“Hokage-sama.” Kakashi struggled and sat up. “It feels a lot better, the numbness of the body has completely disappeared.”

“That’s good.” Tsunade nodded, waiting for Tsunade to turn around before revealing Nara Shikaku behind him, smiling and waving, greeting Kakashi.

“Kakashi, how do you feel this time with Akatsuki hand to hand combat?” Tsunade straight to the point, she asked directly, but she didn’t have a temperer for procrastinate.

Kakashi blinked his eyes before he started to talk for a while. “It’s very strong, everyone is strong. No matter who plays Puppet or the Hidden Stone Missing-nin using explosive Secret Jutsu, it’s a tricky guy. “

“I have some information here about the identity of Akatsuki member. Among them is a person who mentioned the use of Puppet Technique. It seems to have a deep holiday with Orochimaru. I don’t know if it is him, you take a look.” Tsunade said softly, at the same time Shikaku took out a document and gave it to Kakashi.

“·· Sasori of the Red Sand ···· It should be him. Does his companion really call him” Sasori “, is Missing-nin of hidden sand? No wonder there is such terrifying Puppet Technique.” Kakashi Looked at the information in the hand, murmured.

Tsunade and Shikaku glanced at each other. Tsunade said: “Kakashi, take a good rest. Please remember that the information about Akatsuki is now highly confidential. Do n’t divulge it. In the end, take care of your injuries. There are many Quests waiting for you.”

Looks at the departure of Tsunade and Shikaku, Kakashi grouped the data in his hand, then flashed lightning on his hand, tortured the data, completely destroyed it, and then stuffed it into the trash can.

“Sasori of the Red Sand … is it another S-Rank Missing-nin? Akatsuki is really a headache organization. Why are all these abnormal in it?” Kakashi sighed, collapsed on the bed, and turned his head to gaze at the blue sky outside the window “I have to work harder. I’m still not qualified now! Obito, I’m too weak, I can’t protect you and Rin, I can’t protect sensei, and now I can’t even protect my Disciple, it’s a failure.”

Hokage building office.

Tsunade sat in the chair, rubbing his head with a headache, looks at Shikaku, “Shikaku, what about this? Any ideas? Akatsuki’s Strength is simply amazing.”

“Hokage-sama, how was your last conversation with Danzō Lord?” Shikaku asked slowly, not at all to answer Tsunade’s question immediately.


Tsunade suddenly rang Danzō’s old fellow, and in his heart was an unstoppable disgust. How could that annoying old bastard not die? It was a scourge for a thousand years.

“It’s been almost the same. I agree with Ao’s request. Anbu and Gen support Ao 幡 月华 at the same time and provide him with information. Otherwise, Anbu and Root will share it.”

This kind of condition Tsunade directly exploded, destroying the Root Base. He is Hokage. He should provide information unconditionally. He dared to bargain with her, but finally had to hold his nose to recognize it. Who asked Ao to 幡Yuehua is Disciple of Danzō, and Danzō is a shameless guy who likes to rely on age to show of age. As a result, Tsunade now continues to decline in favor of Ao Yueyuehua.

“So, then you might as well send the news to Hidden Sand Village, Sasori of the Red Sand is the genius Puppeteer of the hidden sand. I remember that I defected before the Third Shinobi World War, when Sandaime Kazekage disappeared mysteriously. This is also Third. The fuse of the Shinobi World War … We can say that it was Sasori of the Red Sand that sabotaged Sandaime Kazekage and brought in the hidden sand to fight Akatsuki together. “

Shikaku said slowly, he didn’t know he was smitten. After Sasori and Kakashi they hand to hand combat, not at all used Human-Puppet of Sandaime Kazekage, but Shikaku used the collected information to compile such a half true half false Information.

“The Sandaime Kazekage is known as the strongest Kazekage of all generations, and has a high prestige in Hidden Sand Village. Until now, many Sand Ninjas miss him. This matter spreads out. Whether true or false, the hidden sand will definitely act, and this can also relieve it. Let ’s take a look at Akatsuki ’s pressure alone. Besides, Akatsuki ’s goal is Bijuu. Let ’s just say Akatsuki will collect from Ichibi to Kyuubi. Do n’t worry about hidden sand. ”

Shikaku laughed with a black belly. Hidden sand is different from Konoha. Since Shodai Kazekage, he has been committed to using Bijuu’s strategy, focusing on Jinchūriki’s research. Hidden sand is extremely important to Ichibi.

“Well …” Tsunade couldn’t help laughing. As one of Sannin, she was not a kind-hearted person. It was a good idea to tie the hidden sand to the waistband and deal with Akatsuki’s big trouble together.

“Let ’s do it, Shikaku, and you will be in contact with Hidden Sand Village.” Tsunade lay down in his chair.

“I see, Hokage-sama.” Shikaku nodded, seeing that there was nothing else, he quietly retreated.

“Orochimaru, Ao 幡 月华, Danzō, Akatsuki, Sand Ninja … Hokage is not so good!” Tsunade exhaled heavily, as if trying to spit out the block in his chest.

Orochimaru Base.

Yuehua stood outside the laboratory and looked at her through the glass windows to help Takuya adjust her body and prepare for cell transplantation.

“Yuehua Lord, is there any problem?” Hitomi Huali’s eyes were deeply disturbed, gaze at Yuehua.

“I don’t want to lie to you. The highest success rate for this operation is 50%, half alive and half dead. It is life or death that depends on Takuya’s luck … and his willpower.” Yuehua stared at him lying quietly Blonde youngster on the operating table.

“Has it been half?” Hitomi’s eyes showed a utter determination, “Yuehua Lord, I also want to undergo surgery.”

Amazing looks at Hitomi. Yuehua didn’t think about getting Hitomi to undergo surgery. Based on Hitomi ’s outstanding ingenuity, Yuehua wanted to specially train Hitomi’s Ability to handle various chores, instead of treating him as capable. Subordinates.

“Are you sure?” Yuehua’s voice was calm.

“Well, I want to be with the big brother.” Hitomi’s golden eyes were full of determination, without a trace of shake and fear.

Yuehua Qing was lightly sighed, and she said, “Well, I hope you can survive, and it took me so much effort. If I didn’t give me two excellent subordinates, wouldn’t I have lost money.”

“En! We will survive, Yuehua Lord.” Hitomi’s corner of the mouth was slightly raised, with a smile.

Thanks to azreal520 book friends for the reward! (∩_∩)

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