Ao Cuigu wood, showing the original natural fresh aura, the birds were repaired on the green leaves, fluttered their wings suddenly, and flew away in surprise, silhouettes passing by quickly, stepping on the thick branches

“A Captain with enemies behind it.” Sensor Type Ninja in the team whispered.

“How many people? Ueda.” Zi Leng asked in a cold voice.

“There is only one. Speed ​​is fast. According to his current speed, we cannot escape except Natsume.” Ueda responded quickly.

Zi was silent for a moment, and made up his mind, “Natsume, you go back first and report the information to Lord. The rest and I stay to solve the chase.”

“But …” Natsume face changed, staring at big eyes, she had to refute, but when she saw Zi’s indifferent eyes, she suddenly froze, but still muttered, “I can stay and solve the enemy …”

“Natsume, we are carrying out an important Quest, and we have to pass information back to us. This time, it will kill our primary schedule.” Zi coldly reprimanded, at the same time, stopped and ignored Natsume. It just directs everyone to set a trap.

Natsume jumped at the corner of her eyes, sprinted away, galloping with glittering lightning, and disappeared into jungle as a phantom. She just cooperated with everyone ’s Speed, not at all full power, and now she is the fastest. Speed.

Having been devoted to researching Raiton and studying Raiton’s living reinforcement, Natsume finally made great progress. Combined with various practice methods drawn from Cloud Ninja’s head, Natsume has worked out the method that suits him best.

“Oh! Amazing Speed ​​… Even Cloud Ninja, not many people can reach this Speed.” Ueda exclaimed, feeling the speed at which Natsume departed, it was a little far away in an instant, it was a bit Scary.

“Don’t make nonsense, give me an ambush carefully. Since the opposite side dared to catch up, it means that I have confidence in my Strength and don’t carelessly.” Zi snapped.

Of the six of them, who are really better at fighting, I am afraid that she and Natsume are the only ones. The others are very professional, such as torture, sense, tracking, traps, etc., and they are really not good at fighting.

I ca n’t underestimate these guys. In special cases, their Ability is very useful, so they ca n’t sacrifice without sacrifice.

Zi glanced at the arranged trap, both hands hand seal, the whole person slowly sinks into the earth, converging aura to the extreme, it is not difficult for Sensor Type Ninja to detect her existence.

The rest of Ueda, Tianhai and the others also hid one after another, controlled Aura, and minimized their own existence.

The loud sound of the waterfall, even if far apart, is like the thunder that sounds from the sky. Hōng lòng is never cut off, and a lightning flashes through the forest.

Mitsui raised the Speed ​​to the limit, and still felt too slow. When he thought of the tragic situation of the younger brother, his anger went straight up, and he could almost burn his mind.


Stepping on the underfoot tree trunk, Mitsui smelled a dangerous aura. Unfortunately, he was a Sensor Type Ninja.

Gaze at the jungle that was slightly silent in front of him, years of fighting instincts suppressed the anger in his heart, Mitsui’s eyes calmed down, and he immediately performed sense Ninjutsu to investigate the movement.

“Hmph hmph ··· Do you think you can deal with me like this? Dare to touch my younger brother, give me go to hell, a bunch of idiots.” Mitsui corner of the mouth raised, exposing bloodthirsty excitement Smile, both hands quickly hand seal. “Raiton, ground-breaking cone.”

The dazzling lightning condensed together to form a shining cone, the blue-white lightning arc crackle beating, the considerable Lightning force was forcibly compressed together, and then split second fiercely chiseled forward to the earth.


The Lightning chisel easily tears the earth, and the shining lightning diffracts out, just like cutting a rag, and the ground is shattered, exposing a deep gap.

In the blink of an eye, the earth was overturned, and the flat land was beaten away from Shatter, and a huge tree was dumped and planted, then the Explosive Tag above was triggered, and a series of hōng lòng rumbling explosions sounded, and the dancing fire was straight into the sky.

“cough cough cough!”

Zi quickly rushed up from the ground, the corner of the mouth shed a hint of redness, and coughed a few times before she was able to escape a bit slowly. She was hit hard on her back and almost did not bury her directly underground. .

To be honest, Zi ’s luck was a bit back, and she tried to ambush the enemy many times using the stealth technique, but every time she was pierced by the opposite side, she hurt herself, and her strength was greatly reduced.

The ground-breaking cone is a Ninjutsu developed by a genius Cloud Ninja. It was specially designed to deal with the stealth technique of Stone Ninja. It was a good idea to die, and I tasted the formidable power of this move.

“I didn’t kill you, little mouse.” Mitsui’s surprised look at Azusa retreat quickly, her eyes frozen coldly, “then kill once, Raiton, Thunder Spear.”

A shining Lightning lance shot out, with a faint thunder, and approached Zi in an instant.

“Doton, return from land.”

Regardless of the internal injury of the body, Azusa both hands hand seal, lifted a huge rock covering in front of him, at the same time try to lower the body as much as possible.

The Thunder Spear broke the Rock Shield, but the remaining strength had weakened, and Azusa evaded in time, hiding from this wave of Attack.

“sou sou sou! ”

Shuriken’s breaking sound came from all directions, making Mitsui brow raised, underfoot lightning flashed, and figure flashed easily to avoid each shuriken.

“It seems to resolve your restless clutter first.” Mitsui murderous aura revealed, Speed ​​rushed to an ancient tree, pulled out Longsword on his back, “dead!”

Waving the cold Longsword flashing cold light, without giving any chance to fight back, the head flew out, the blood spewed three feet high, stained Mitsui’s sleeves.

“Tianhai, retreat.” Ueda shouted, and the one closest to Mitsui was Tianhai, and Tianhai, who was good at torture, was obviously not Miponi’s opponent.

Tianhai gritted his teeth, not at all heeded Ueda’s advice, threw Shuriken desperately, then both hands quickly sealed, “Katon, Phoenix Immortal Fire Jutsu.”

Balls of Flame flew over in the sky, blasted on the big tree on which Mitsui stood, and blew up the thick tree trunk, but Mitsui had disappeared.

“It’s too slow. At most, your level is a Chunin. It’s too tender to deal with me.” Mitsui’s voice sounded from in the sky, and the shiny blade light fell with the sound.


The cold voice sounded, and Azusa staggered on the ground, holding it out with one hand, releasing a group of Orange red Flames, and the fire group Speed ​​swiftly hit Mitsui in midair.

“Annoying guy.” Mitsui brow raised, and the Longsword lightning flashed in his hands, and threw it straight out, hitting the flying fire group in front, successfully stopping the fire group, at the same time, kicked himself, and struck Tian Hai’s chest, Kicking Tianhai directly, wow spit out a blood, Tianhai has no movement, Life and Death do not know.

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