By the shore of the lake, the smoky flames rose, and through the smoke screen, you can see the dust-like dust gathering and flying, and the lost body began to reunite again.

“That guy is from Edo Tensei. There is an Immortal Body. There are only two ways to solve him. The first is to seal him. But to do this requires a strong Fūinjutsu. The second is a uniform pocket.” Kakashi quickly Said, looking at the lost position, he did not dare to relax for a moment.

Bai’s brow frowned slightly, looks at reuniting the lost position of the body, I don’t doubt Kakashi’s words, it is just a powerful Fūinjutsu, which is a little hard to find. Fūinjutsu is proficient in Fūinjutsu because of its remote use and difficult training. Experts are rare, and five Great Ninja Villages also need to set up special seal classes to train and master Experts in Fūinjutsu.

His Hyundai also has a seal-like effect, but to say that the Yondaime Mizukage, who has lost his position, is not very sure. He has taken a clever approach to his research, not as violent as Hyōrinmaru.

“Kakashi Senior, Yondaime Mizukage Lord entrusted me to deal with it, I may have a way to deal with him, you go to solve that guy, be careful with that guy, he has a lot of trump cards.” Bai said softly.

Kakashi raised his eyebrows and looked at the white of the eye. Not saying anything further, he walked away, moved towards the pocket and killed it, and handed it over to Bai.

Space ’s technique was so shocking when Bai ’s hand was just now. He did n’t have any doubts about Bai ’s Strength. At least, if he let him take Bai, he ’d probably have to use the last trump card. It ’s possible to come to Edo Tensei. Yondaime Mizukage, Bai can play procrastination like he did before, even if he loses.

I’m not in a good mood right now, Anko’s Strength is really not weak, far more than he expected, but worthy-of is the former Orochimaru-sama’s discipline, plus Sakura who masters Chakra Enhanced Strength and Hinata who is proficient in Gentle Fist. Side help, let him spend a long time and failed to clean up the three people.

That’s all, he has the advantage anyway, and the Mokuton cells transplanted are extremely endurance, not afraid of long battles, the longer the time drags on, the higher his Odds of success.

What really worries him is Kimimaro’s side. He senses that Rasa seems to be in a stagnant status. No matter what he does, he can’t let Rasa act. It seems to be sealed. I don’t know what happened to Kimimaro and Chongwu. Did not stop Yuehua and other troubles, making him feel heavy.

The appearance of Bai and the others made him even more upset, and it was as uncomfortable as eating dead flies. The Kakashi guy also moved towards him, and the last calm smile on his face disappeared.

“It was a miscalculation. I didn’t expect Yuehua Jun to be so strong.” He pushed his glasses and pulled away from the battle group. They looked at Anko and Kakashi and they calmed down.

The eyes quickly swept away, he knew the current situation well, Ghost Pill was still overdrafting Chakra, echoing Sanbi far away, hindering the progress of the seal, and the white side overcame them. It was difficult to separate outcomes, and they were in full swing. Shot.

All these changes are due to one point, that is, the strength of Yuehua. Originally, according to his plan, not to mention ten guarantees, but Odds of success is also great, but Kimimaro three people dragged by Yuehua ’s mighty forces joined forces, and as a result, Rasa Being sealed, Kimimaro, and Chonggo are unclear, even if they can support it, it will not last long.

You must let go, and success is naturally the best. If you fail, you should slip away as soon as possible. You must not wait until Yuehua to share the outcome and make a determination suddenly.

“Fortunately, I kept one hand before, although the quality was a little bit worse, but I barely survived it.” Both hands quickly sealed the hand, and a yin-yin smile appeared on the face again, “Edo Tensei.”

A coffin rose from the ground, a series of shuriken clang clang clang nailed to the coffin board, and then the coffin board was lifted to the ground. A silhouette walking trembling came out, and it seemed that his return to life made him a little uncomfortable and walked None are secure.

“The jerk thing is this damned operation again, Orochimaru you despicable villain, I will definitely kill you.” The people who reincarnation roared angrily, it seems no stranger to this technique of Edo Tensei, not the first time reincarnation is back.

“No. Sandaime Kazekage Lord, unfortunately Orochimaru-sama is not here, it is myself that brings you back to life.” He walked to the Expert from Edo Tensei with a smile.

A pair of deep blue hair, yellow pumps, blue clothing, and white cloak gently sway, it is the first Sandaime Kazekage.

“Not Orochimaru …” Sandaime Kazekage glared at big eyes. Although he could not move the body, but he could sense to the Bestowing Technique. It was not Orochimaru, but this time the surgeon also had a very powerful and evil Chakra. “Who are you? Will I be reincarnation to hand-hand combat with these Konoha guys?”

Sandaime Kazekage stared at Kakashi and Anko. The four people took a look around. Sharingan, Byakugan, and Ninja are all Konoha. Hinata ignored it, and Sakura and Anko didn’t look at it either.

He firmly stared Kakashi, as if he had met an acquaintance, “White Fang ····, you are not the White Fang guy, White Fang’s asshole is dead, what is your relationship with White Fang?”

“White Fang is my father, Your Excellency Sandaime Kazekage.” Kakashi’s eyes were very dignified, and this jerk actually revived a movie. The previous Yondaime Kazekage, Yondaime Mizukage, and now there is another Sandaime Kazekage, this Hidden Sand Village Known as the strongest Kazekage in history.

“White Fang’s son! It’s been so long, you and Laozi are so much like you.” Sandaime Kazekage’s anger gradually subsided, but it was a little bit sorrowful.

“Sandaime Kazekage Lord, gossip end here, this time I will help you to solve these guys of Konoha.” With a smile on his face, he took out a special kunai with a spell on it and stretched out his hand. The spell was put into Sandaime Kazekage’s brain.

“Miscellaneous … ·····”

Sandaime Kazekage cursed, his voice kept lowering, and he quickly closed his mouth. Only yellow and blank colors remained in the yellow pumps, and his personality and consciousness had been suppressed by the spell.

“Trouble is serious, this Quest is really not done by humans.” Kakashi forehead wrinkled the chevron pattern, and the face under the mask was absolutely bitter. This hell Quest felt like he was about to take his half life.

Anko ’s nerves have also been stretched taut to the extreme. She does n’t know as much as Kakashi, but also knows that Ninja can become a movie. It is definitely the strongest of tens of thousands of Ninja. Simply speaking, combat power is definitely stronger than pocket.

“Jiton, iron sand spear.”

The blackbirds lance floated in midair, the sharp lance tip pointed at Kakashi them.

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