Hokage God-Level Development

Chapter 14 The Angry Uchiha Field

Hokage office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the final battle results in the crystal ball leisurely, with a happy smile on his face, the little guy is good, he used the Flying Thunder God Technique in actual combat so quickly.

Uchiha Hiroshi, the patriarch of the Uchiha family, looked at the picture in the crystal ball blankly.

"Master Third Generation asked me to come here just to see this scene?" The genius of his own family was defeated by the civilians. To be honest, Hiroshi Uchiha was very unhappy.

"No, fighting is not the reason. What I want to say is that you Uchiha clan always trouble Kushina. I think it's time to remind you, otherwise you won't know what mistakes your clan made." Sarutobi Hiruzen paused and sucked Smoking continued.

"Kushina is a member of the Uzumaki clan, and his role is to succeed Mito-sama. I think you should know what I mean when I say this, but you Uchiha clan have troubled her one after another. This time it is even more extreme. That Uchiha ashes obviously understands. Killing intent."

Sure enough, when Sarutobi Hiruzen mentioned the role of Kushina, his pupils shrank. Of course he knew that Mito-sama is the Nine Tails Jinchūriki of this generation, and Kushina succeeded her, which means that this is the new generation of Nine Tails Jinchūriki, and Konoha is obviously very Follow her.

But the Uchiha clan keeps making troubles, and what's more serious is that they want to kill the future Jinchūriki, which is fatal, because others will not think that you Uchiha don't know, but deliberately.

"I know Lord Third Generation. I will restrain the group of people not to trouble this girl any more. If anyone goes again, Master Hokage can handle it by himself." After Uchiha Hiroshi finished speaking, he withdrew.

"Hiro, no matter how badly your Uchiha clan is injured this time, you can't find the person who defeated him, because she is the most important bond of Nine Tails Jinchūriki, and I don't think you want Nine Tails who got out of control to come to you one day Let the Uchiha clan go make trouble."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said again at this time, but this is not a threat, because if Nine Tails really loses control, then not only Uchiha will suffer, but Konoha will also suffer, which is not what he wants to see.

Of course Hiroshi Uchiha knew the consequences of Nine Tails' loss of control, and immediately nodded cautiously, expressing that he would not act recklessly.

Konoha Hospital.

Uchiha Hui's grandfather, Uchiha No stood beside Uchiha Hui with a blank face.

Since the medical ninja told him that his grandson was useless, he had no other actions. As for the medical ninja's suggestion to find Tsunade, he automatically ignored it.

He knew Tsunade would never treat his grandson.

And he already knew the cause and effect clearly, but it didn't mean he could bear it.

Especially those two bastards who encouraged their grandson to avenge them, but in the end they ran away without a trace, even if it was his younger brother's grandson, he would never let him go.

Of course, there is also the culprit who kicked his grandson's spine, he will not let it go, because he is the great elder of the Uchiha clan, if his grandson is treated so miserably and can swallow his anger, then he doesn't have to hang out in the family anymore up.

"Take the young master home." After a long time, Uchiha Ye showed a frightening look in his eyes, and after giving instructions to his subordinates, he returned home with a blank expression on his face.

"Yes, Great Elder." Two people from the Uchiha clan hurriedly carried Uchiha ashes home.

When Uchiha returned to the family and learned that the patriarch had summoned him, he hesitated for a while, but planned to meet him.

"Elder, I have heard about Hui, but there is one more thing I want to tell you clearly." After Uchiha Hong returned to the family, he naturally learned of Uchiha Hui's tragic end.

But it was about Nine Tails Jinchūriki, he had to ask Uchiha to come over for a talk, as for how to choose, it was up to him, his only grandson became like this, if he could bear it, then he was not the great elder of the Uchiha clan.

So after telling Sarutobi Hiruzen to Uchiha, "The choice is up to you, after all, it is your grandson."

Originally, he promised Sarutobi Hiruzen that no matter how many injuries he suffered, he would not pursue it, but it is obviously impossible now. The injury will always heal one day, but being crippled is a lifetime thing. Although it is the same injury, the concept is completely different .

"Asshole Sarutobi Hiruzen, does he really think that being a Hokage is great? I am the only grandson who has become like this. Can he pass by with a simple sentence? This is impossible. Nine Tails Jinchūriki I may not move, But the civilian who broke my grandson's spine was absolutely doomed."

Sure enough, after listening to Uchiha Hiroshi's words, Uchiha's anger, which he had held back for a long time, suddenly exploded, and Sarutobi Hiruzen was deceiving too much.

Uchiha Hiroshi sighed on the surface when he heard that, but deep down he began to secretly laugh.

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