Chapter 357 Amnesia

After the red-haired Shanks pirates heard Lin Yi's story, they were so surprised that their jaws almost dropped.

They never dreamed that the guy in front of them turned out to be the second-in-command of the revolutionary army.

It's really amazing.

"I didn't expect that at such a young age, Your Excellency has already become the second-in-command of the revolutionary army."

"Yes, heroes really come from youth. I never thought that the second-in-command of the revolutionary army would be so young.

"No wonder the revolutionary army has been so popular in recent years. It turns out there are such talents."

Everyone in the Torch General Pirates group was talking about it, looking at Lin Yi with eyes full of envy.

The red-haired Shanks Pirates are basically old men, and there has been no fresh blood to follow.

Even the Whitebeard Pirates, a powerful group that has been galloping on the sea for so many years, has been recruiting its own members.

But in the past few years, the red-haired Xiang 06x has almost never received anyone else except some members of his pirate ship.

For the members who had just been left behind by Red Card, looking at such a rising star, they were certainly very happy and jealous in their hearts.

Of course they hope to have talents like Lin Yi in their pirate group.

"As expected of Luffy's brother. Unexpectedly, he has become the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army."

The red-haired Shanks smiled broadly as he watched Lin Yi nodding his head.

He suddenly had a feeling.

I feel that Lin Yi is a very amazing guy.

"Sorry, I have one more important question. Can you answer it for me?"

At this moment, Beckman suddenly spoke.

After hearing Beckman's words, all the members of the red-haired Shanks pirate group shut their mouths.

They knew that Beckman wouldn't speak easily.

Once he spoke, it meant that the guy in front of him must have something to say, which made Beckman feel very strange.

Maybe this is also something very critical.


Lin Yi replied with a smile without hesitation.

Perona next to her was very nervous.

This guy's eyes seem to be able to see through everything, which is really scary.

Perona felt that there was something strange about Beckman, but she couldn't tell what was strange about this person.

"Since you have grown up to this point, why have you never met Luffy and Ace? And Luffy has never said that he has a big brother like you for so long. What happened between you? ? Could it be that the relationship between you has broken down and you never talk about each other? "

Beckman expressed the question that puzzled him the most.

This is also the key to all problems.

After hearing Beckman's words, everyone in the red-haired Shanks pirate group suddenly realized in their hearts.

After they heard Lin Yi's story before, they always felt a little strange in their hearts, as if something was wrong.

But they didn't know when this feeling was wrong.

After hearing what Beckman said, all the members of the red-haired Shanks Pirates finally came to a realization.

Only then did they realize that what they felt was wrong in their hearts was because the relationship between Lin Yi and Luffy seemed to have been completely severed the moment he left his hometown.

There seemed to be no more contact between the two parties.

What exactly happened between these two people?

In other words, what happened between the two brothers Sabo and Luffy Ace?

"Mr. Beckman, you are indeed the person with the highest IQ on the entire sea. You are actually able to guess such an idea."

Lin Yi smiled slightly, looked at Beckman without changing his expression and said.

"Your Excellency, you have given me the award. I just want to know more about the relationship between you and Lu Fei.

Beckman just smiled faintly.

"This thing is actually very simple. After I was attacked by Sea Kings from the sea, I lost my memory."

Lin Yi explained.

After hearing this, everyone in the red-haired Shanks pirate group shouted in surprise.

"What? Lost your memory?"

"is that a lie?"

"No wonder we have never heard that Luffy actually has an older brother for so long. Now it seems that is the case."

All the members of the red-haired Shanks pirate group became noisy.

Everyone seemed to be very shocked.

They thought about many possibilities, and even thought that the guy in front of them was just a liar, and everything he said was just a scam.

But everyone never thought that Lin Yi would tell such a bloody incident as amnesia.

After all, such a thing is such a coincidence.

No one would easily believe such a lie.

"Don't you think this matter is very strange? Is it because you lost your memory that Luffy and Ace completely lost contact with you?"

Beckman smiled slightly, seemingly not taking Lin Yi's words as fact.

757After all, this matter is really nonsense.

No one can believe it easily.

"In fact, this matter cannot be said to be his fault. Maybe everyone's experience is different. Maybe this guy is really Luffy's eldest brother."

The red-haired Shanks pondered for a moment and then said slowly.

He would rather believe in the guy in front of him, just because this man knows Toll too well, not only Toll, but even Ace and the two of them's childhood experiences.

It was definitely not a coincidence that such a person suddenly appeared in front of him.

Maybe he really came to this place for Luffy and wanted to say thank you for Luffy.

Just like Ace did before.

"Okay, I reserve my own attitude on this matter, but Sir, there seem to be some loopholes in the story you told, but these things are no longer relevant. If you are Luffy's eldest brother now, it is so late, On behalf of our red-haired Shanks Pirates, we would like to extend our sincere welcome to you.

Beckman took a puff of cigarette, and after a moment of silence, he finally spoke what was in his heart.

This sentence also represents that the entire red-haired Shanks pirate group has finally completely accepted the fact that Lin Yi exists.

Now that Beckman has dispelled his doubts, the other members are naturally happy. .

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