Hokage: I Have Unlimited Skill Points

Chapter 508 Op-Op Fruit [Part 1]

Chapter 508 Op-Op Fruit [Part 1]

"It's a bit funny to say that after the fruits were auctioned, they were snatched away by others!"

Lin Yi laughed. He was a little surprised when he learned about the outcome of this matter. After all, for such a large transaction, security guards must be indispensable.

But even so, Devil Fruit was still robbed. A force appeared out of thin air. Everyone was very powerful, and their security guards had no ability to resist at all.

"What? This can all be taken away?"

Celia was obviously shocked.

"Yes, it was indeed snatched away at that time, but don't you know the more amazing things?"

"What? Is there something more magical?"

"Originally, their force was very powerful, but I didn't expect that they were sneaked away by a little kid!"

Lin Yi felt a little funny when he thought of such things, and the scene at that time even appeared in his mind.

"By a child?"

Celia definitely couldn't believe it after hearing what Lin Yi said.

After all, a large group of powerful people were watching, and no matter who heard it, they would be touched by a defenseless child. No matter who heard it, they would not believe it.

"Then you don't know that the news was known to everyone at the time, so in order to save his father, the child relied on his own strength to steal the fruit!"

"The most important thing is that they don't take a child seriously at all. No one would think that a child would have such courage to come and touch such a thing!"

Lin Yi recalled in his mind that the owner of this story told him the truth at that time.

A little boy has grown up with his father, who is also his only relative in the world.

His daily source of livelihood is his father working odd jobs throughout the town to earn extra money. Although his daily life is not very good, and sometimes he is full and hungry, but even so, she feels I am the happiest child in the world.

But when the bad news suddenly came one day, his father was very tired and could not survive the bad news in the end.

However, the high cost of surgery was something that he as a child simply could not afford. Their life was originally very poor, and his father was the mainstay of both of them.

Looking at his father lying in front of him, he resented himself very much, hated himself for not being able to help his father, and also hated himself "Why do I usually eat so much."

If he wanted to give all the food to his father, he felt that at least his father would not be like this, but it was too late to say anything now.

It was at this time that the child overheard a piece of news, that is, the news of Op-Op Fruit.

After all, it can be sold for a high price of 5 billion, who can’t be tempted?

The little boy also knew that as long as he had these five billion Baileys, his father's disease could be cured.

After the little boy heard such news, his eyes flashed, and he had already thought in his mind that after he got the five billion beli, he would have to stay in a different high-end hotel every day, and the recipes would not be the same every day, and he would have to take all he had. Eat everything you have eaten.

Finally, he glanced at his father lying on the bed. His father's condition could no longer be delayed. If not treated in time, he might never see his father again.

He also knew very well that it would be very difficult to snatch away five billion, but no matter what, he had to give it a try.

Although this news has already spread among the pirates' eyes, everyone knows that the pirate group that owns the fruit is not weak, and it is also extraordinary to be able to produce five billion people. Strong.

Although there are many pirates hiding around the island, no one dares to act rashly. After all, this is a hot potato. Even if you steal it yourself, you must have the strength to protect the Devil Fruit.

Because this matter has already constituted a threat, a war is about to break out. Of course, Marine cannot just sit idly by and ignore such a thing, or they will come over to share a piece of the action.

After all, most of those who want to grab the fruits are pirates. If there is no force to restrain them, I am afraid that this area of ​​​​the sea will become desolate.

But this simple little boy didn't think so much, and he didn't know that the world could be so dangerous.

Although he said that he had been treated coldly by others since he was a child, he had become accustomed to it and never thought that this world could be so dangerous.

Because he had no money, he secretly went to other people's cruise ships. Every night, he secretly ran out to find food.

He himself didn't know how long he had been here. Fortunately, such a shocking thing attracted many curious people, and the cruise ship also happened to arrive on the trading island.

This is the first time the little boy has been out, so far away from home. Seeing the sea of ​​people in front of him, he feels a little scared. He doesn’t know what these people are here for.

Is it the same as myself?

The little boy became more and more nervous. Looking at the group of fierce and strong men around him, he became more and more frightened.

Later, he came to a corner by the wall. Frustrated, he felt that he shouldn't have come to this place, at least that way he could still be by his father's side.

When he was sitting in the seat at the venue, he was pushed away by those strong men. He was helpless and had no ability to fight back. He was trembling in his heart and looked around. With all the fierce faces, he felt how helpless he was at this moment.

Then he decided to leave this place, and now all he could think about was returning to his father.

When he came to the corner of the venue, he accidentally fell on the bed.

During his landing, he now felt that he was about to accompany his father. After all, if he fell from such a high place, he would be killed or injured.

Fortunately, a man just passed by, saw this scene, and helped him.

The kid didn't know at the time that the man in front of him was the red-haired one of the Four Emperors.

"This is not the place your child should be, go back quickly! Don't cry again next time |

The red hair grinned at the little boy, which filled the little boy's heart with hope for life. .

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