“Go and die! Life Return Willow Relentless! ”

Immediately, the male lion snuggled and flicked the tin staff in his hand, like a willow branch blown by the breeze, but it instantly became extremely fierce, with an incomparably powerful murderous aura, penetrating towards Pucao’s body!

At this moment, the originally weak grass suddenly opened his eyes, and a pair of eyes were like jewels in the dark night.

“I am a demon! I won’t lose! ”

Pu Cao burst out, and at this moment her eyes bloomed with black light, as if she was no longer the little loli before, but a real little devil.

“What’s going on? What exactly is this chilling breath? ”

The male lion was taken aback, and somehow he felt a piercing chill, moreover, it seemed to emanate from the grass in front of him.

“This little girl… How is it possible to emit such a powerful force, this is impossible! ”

The male lion snuggled up to determine that this amazing chill was emanating from Pucao, and suddenly looked at Pucao’s body in disbelief.

“No matter! Go to hell! ”

The male lion was so disturbed by this chill that he simply brandished his tin staff and stabbed towards the grass.

At this moment, a frying pan suddenly floated in front of the grass, fending off the attack of the male lion.

“What’s going on? How is the pan so hard this time! ”

The male lion snuggled and found that this time, his finger gun Q could not penetrate the defense of the pan, and the grass had been completely imprisoned by himself, how did this pan come about?

However, the male lion didn’t have time to think about it, and the scene that shocked him even more had already appeared in front of him.

Behind Pucao, hundreds of knives and forks floated behind Pucao, all aiming at the male lion.

“This… What the hell is going on here! ”

The male lion was taken aback, this time the attack was far from comparable to before.

The male lion couldn’t help but tremble, and the palm holding the tin staff began to tremble.

He instinctively let go of the grass, and immediately flew away.

However, he didn’t retreat fast enough…

The grass landed firmly on the ground, and then with a wave of his hand, these hundreds of knives and forks shot directly towards the male lion, so that he didn’t have time to dodge.

“Abominable! Can’t dodge! Pieces of iron and steel! ”

Seeing this, the male lion immediately used iron to resist this attack from Pucao.

However…… Everything is just in vain.

This huge impact seems to be ten times the power of the lion’s finger gun, and it is hundreds of rounds, directly hitting the lion’s snuggling body.


For a while, the sound of metal clashing continued to sound in the hall, and then all these knives and forks disappeared and became invisible after hitting the body of the lion…

“No… No…… Probably…”

The male lion finally spit out these three words, his whole body was covered with blood holes, looking very terrifying, and his consciousness was blurred, and then collapsed backwards, falling heavily to the ground.

And the light of Pucao’s eyes disappeared at this moment, returning to its original state, looking at the fallen male lion in front of her, she couldn’t help but smile slightly.

“Did I do it? That’s great…… Ryosuke… I’m going to go… I’ll help you…”

As soon as Pu Cao took a step, his eyes turned black and fell directly to the ground.

Although this battle was won at the last moment, she was already injured in the eyes and could not continue to move forward.

The battle on the first floor has been divided, and on the third layer, the battle between Sharis and Kalifa continues.

“Finger gun!”

Kalifa slammed her finger gun towards Sharis.

“Electric light!”

Sharis did not dodge, and a powerful thunder and lightning condensed on her palm, directly towards Kalifa’s attack.

“Let’s take it!”

With a “bang”, the attacks of the two collided together, and then the huge impact shook both of them out, and Sarith landed firmly on the ground, while Kalifa used the moon step in mid-air, changed direction and rushed towards Sharis again.

“Electric spark!”

Seeing this, Sharis’s hands immediately condensed the current, and the friction in front of her was rapid, and under the friction of the current, Mars suddenly splashed, and immediately, a large flame appeared directly in Sharis’s hand.

And Sharis immediately used this flame fist to swing towards Kalifa.


Not expecting that Sharis would launch a flame attack, Kalifa saw this, and immediately threw her hand, and a huge soap suddenly appeared in front of her to wrap her.

Sharis’s flame punch hit the soap bubble, but it didn’t even penetrate the soap.

“It’s so hard!”

Sharis was taken aback, and at this moment, the soap slowly turned into soap bubbles and dispersed, and Kalifa sneered and looked at Sharis and said:

“I didn’t expect you to be able to force me to use my fruit ability… Although I have just mastered this ability, the use of it is not very mature… But…… Enough against you! ”

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