After Kakashi's interrogation, the ninja who saw his companion's miserable state told all the information.

They were actually hired by the rich to kill Dazna.

"If a ninja appears, the mission level must be at least upgraded to B-level. Both the price and difficulty are not comparable to C-level missions. Even if you have any difficulties, concealing information is already a big problem." Kakashi said seriously.

Little Sakura's expression eased a little, and he suggested: "In principle, C-level missions are the limit of our team. It's too early for us to do B-level missions, right?"

Sasuke didn't speak, just stared at Kakashi and waited for a decision.

Dazna saw that there was no way to hide the matter, so he sighed and told everything.

"Maybe this mission is really a bit reluctant for you. The guy who wants my life is the owner of the shipping company, Cardo!"

Dazna spent about five minutes to explain the conflict of interest between Cardo and himself.

In a nutshell, Cardo hopes to control the island nation of Wave Country by controlling maritime traffic, and needs to stop the construction of the bridge to ensure the implementation of the plan.

"I think we should give up this mission. After all, the content of the mission is different from the C-level mission we originally agreed on." Kakashi said calmly. In his opinion, except for Naruto's relative maturity, this team is not enough to undertake B-level missions.

"Forget it, there is nothing we can do about it. Next, I can only wait for death. The only one who will feel sad for my death is my granddaughter who is just ten years old." Dazna laughed self-deprecatingly.

Naruto, who had been silent for a long time, spoke at this time: "How can we stop here? Teacher Kakashi, in this way, we have lost the reward for the C-level mission, and blocked the content of the B-level mission for him in vain, and saved his life at the same time. If we end it here, we will lose a lot of money in this business."

Dazna looked at Naruto with some fear. He didn't expect this guy to refuse to stop the mission.

Kakashi simply asked directly: "What do you think? Tell me, Naruto."

Everyone's eyes were focused on Naruto, who said calmly: "Not only can we not give up, we must continue the mission, and even ensure the success of the mission, but the premise is to increase the money!"

Give up the mission? What a joke, it's not easy to get a chance to kill and harvest souls legitimately, how could Naruto give up this opportunity.

When Dazna heard Naruto's words, the fire of hope that had just ignited in his eyes was instantly extinguished, and he said dejectedly: "But I can't pay a higher reward now. If I had money, I wouldn't just submit C-level missions at the beginning. Wave Country is a poor small country..."

Naruto interrupted Dazna's words directly.

"You old drunkard, your brain is not bright. I don't know how you, with your pig brain, became a master bridge builder. Although I said I would pay more, I didn't ask you to pay immediately. Do you understand what I mean?"

At this time, Dazna was not angry because of Naruto's venomous tongue. Instead, he immediately asked: "What do you mean?"

"Since a wealthy man like Cardo is optimistic about your country of waves, I am naturally optimistic about your future. In addition to the C-level reward you are supposed to pay now, I also want you to pay the reward for the B-level task in the next three years, and it is double!"

Looking at the two fingers that Naruto stretched out, Kakashi was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Naruto to be able to do this.

Little Sakura complained directly: "You, a money-minded guy, can actually propose twice the reward for a B-level mission. Who would accept such an offer? Do you know how dangerous a B-level mission is?"

"I also agree to continue the mission." Sasuke rarely expressed his opinion, because in his opinion, only life-threatening battles can make people grow the most, and more battles can quickly bring him and Naruto closer. difference.

"Is there such a way?" Dazna murmured to himself.

Naruto looked at Tazuna who was lost in thought. He knew that a guy who was about to fall into a certain death situation could not let go of any life-saving straw.

Naruto looked at Kakashi and pointed at Tazuna making eye contact.

‘This guy will definitely agree, what do you think, Mr. Kakashi? ’

‘If the other party agrees, then there is no problem on my side. ’

With Kakashi's approval, he turned into a greedy salesman and whispered devilishly in Dazuna's ears.

"It's very cost-effective. As long as the bridge can be built, a large part of the country's foreign trade will not need to rely on the sea, which can greatly reduce costs. By then, the rewards for just two B-level tasks will not be easy. And I’ve given you three years of grace, so there’s no problem.”

Naruto paused and continued: "You don't want to see your granddaughter sad, right? The construction of the bridge failed, and the entire Kingdom of Waves fell into Cardo's control. He will inflict his hatred on your family on your family. , They must have a very painful life, right? It doesn’t seem like a good deal.”

As he spoke, Naruto secretly released a weak killing intent to 'help' Dazuna better imagine how painful his family's life would be after his death.

He even imagined his granddaughter crying his name after being inhumanly abused.

Dazna gritted his teeth, his eyes became more determined, and he said, "What if I promise you that you can guarantee my safety? What if I suffer revenge from Cardo after that?"

Naruto smiled and patted the dust on Dazuna's body, and said: "Don't worry, as long as you are willing to cooperate, these are easy to discuss. You owe me payment. How could I let my precious customer die so easily?"

Naruto immediately asked Kakashi to draw up a supplementary contract. Watching Dazuna sign the contract with his own hands, little Sakura couldn't help but show a worried look.

Naruto confidently whispered to little Sakura: "Don't worry, of course I will protect your safety. You are much more important than him."

Listening to Naruto's words, little Sakura's heartbeat inexplicably accelerated, and a blush appeared on her face.

He crossed his hands in front of his chest, turned his head arrogantly, and immediately retorted: "Who wants your protection!"

When everyone was about to take a boat to the Country of Waves, Naruto suddenly used multiple Shadow Clone Techniques. Several clones looked at each other and moved separately, disappearing into the woods.

Seeing Naruto using Shadow Clone, Kakashi frowned and asked in surprise: "What are you doing with these clones?"

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