"Are you still distracted when facing Sharingan?" Kakashi noticed Zabuza's gaze and spoke to try to attract his attention.

"Of course I want to meet the legendary Sharingan, but the small talk ends here. I have to kill the old man quickly."

Zabuza said and knocked Kakashi away. He quickly retreated and stood on the water, having completed the seal in his hand.

"Mist Shinobi Technique!"

In an instant, thick mist rose up, and in just a few breaths, everyone was wrapped tightly in it.

Covered by the mist, he could only see two or three meters in front of him.

"Don't be careless. When Zabuza was an Anbu in Kirikage Village, he was already a master of silent killing techniques!" Kakashi paused, "My Sharingan cannot be fully used, so don't be careless."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Naruto tried to sense Zabuza's Reiatsu. Although he seemed to be moving quickly, he could still clearly sense the Reiatsu on Zabuza's body.

"Don't worry, Mr. Kakashi, I sense that he will remind you."

Although it is not impossible to kill Zabuza with Naruto's current methods, the price to pay is too high.

Jōnin is extremely physically strong, very vigilant and versatile, and Naruto does not understand the ninjutsu mastered by the opponent and does not want to take this risk.

When it's time to hug his thighs, it's better to hug his thighs. With his own help, it won't be difficult for Kakashi to defeat Zabuza.

Along with the thick fog, there was a strong murderous intention everywhere, which made Sasuke and little Sakura's hair stand on end, always in a state of suffocation.

What's funny is that Tazuna didn't feel such a strong feeling, because the murderous intention that Naruto used to threaten him was much stronger than this, which actually made him immune to this feeling to a certain extent.

"Throat, spine, lungs, liver, carotid artery and subclavian vein, kidneys, heart... I don't know which one you want me to attack better?"

Zabuza's voice was as ethereal as a ghost in the thick fog, and it was completely impossible to tell his location through his voice.

"Destroy yourself, Rondanini's black dog. Burn it completely at a glance. Cut your own throat!" Naruto chanted quickly and softly, while tracing his hand in the air.

Zabuza's figure instantly appeared in front of several people, and he was about to swing the huge beheading sword, but Kakashi instantly appeared to resist.

But that Zabuza turned into liquid after being attacked by Kakashi, and was a fake of the water body.

Naruto turned around quickly and said, "Nine Strikes of Bakudō!"

The red beam sank into the real Zabuza's body. Naruto had already discovered that the opponent's target was him, and was waiting for the opponent to take the bait.

"Did you find me?" Zabuza said in disbelief, his body stiff and unable to move.

Naruto could feel that Bakudō's Nine Strikes were loosening under the opponent's resistance. He himself did not expect to be able to subdue Zabuza with just strikes. With his own strong qualities and good Reiatsu talent, this was the inevitable result.

Naruto only needed these three seconds, he jumped up slightly and waved the kunai accurately, while saying coldly and mockingly: "This is the price you pay for underestimating the enemy, you will die here today."

The kunai easily split Zabuza's pupil, and blood spurted out.

"damn it!"

The threat of death and extreme anger made Zabuza's strength reach its peak in a short time. He broke free from the restraints of the attack and quickly formed seals with his hands.

Seeing this, Kakashi activated Sharingan, quickly imitated Zabuza's seals with his hands, and surpassed the opponent.

"Come behind me, Water Style·Big Waterfall Technique!"

The turbulent water appeared in an instant, blasting the blind Zabuza away, and finally crashed into a big tree in the distance and could not move.

Just as Naruto and Kakashi rushed out at the same time, ready to finish off.

Three silver needles shot out from nowhere and pierced Zabuza's neck. Zabuza maintained that unbelievable expression and collapsed instantly.

A masked man stood on a branch in the distance and spoke to everyone: "I have been looking for an opportunity to ensure the killing of Zabuza..."

"The Lord! The mask of flesh and blood, the universe, the flying wings, the thing named after humanity! Scorch and chaos, rolling back to the south across the sea, step forward!"

Naruto gathered the terrible Reiatsu in his hand, and when everyone looked at him in surprise, the chanting was over.

"Hadō Thirty-one Red Fire Cannon!"

"What are you doing!" Bai noticed Naruto's strange behavior.

Kakashi, who had stayed beside Zabuza to check his life signs, withdrew instantly. He had seen the Red Fire Cannon.

He also understood Naruto's intention at the first time, although he was still a little surprised at the reason why Naruto was so decisive.

Is there anyone who knows whether a person is dead or not better than Naruto? How could he let such a powerful soul escape!

With a loud bang, the Red Fire Cannon exploded violently, completely smashing Zabuza's head. Before the flames completely engulfed his body, he twitched painfully twice.

Bai's mind was blank. He didn't expect this result. He had no time to rescue him at that distance just now.

Naruto judged from Bai's reaction that this guy must be wrong. If he really wanted to kill Zabuza as he said, he shouldn't have this reaction when he killed Zabuza completely.

There are only two possibilities. Zabuza's body has some secrets. He came for this, but he ruined his good deeds.

The other is that the attack just now did not completely kill Zabuza. It was simply a means to paralyze himself and others.

No matter which one it is, the other party's interests are in conflict with ours. How to verify it will be subdued first.

A red beam shot at Haku, and after confirming the hit, Naruto began to chant: "Self-destruct, Rondanini's black dog, burn it all at once, cut your throat! Bakudō's Nine Strike!"

This is the technique of chanting later, which ensures that the enemy is hit at the first time through chanting, and then strengthens the effect through additional chanting.

" Teacher Kakashi!" Naruto called out decisively.

Kakashi was still thinking about this suddenly appeared Mist Shadow Ninja, but he didn't know that Naruto was faster than he thought, so he could only sigh and leap onto the treetop to control Haku.

Sasuke and little Sakura's brains obviously didn't keep up with the development of the situation. They were relieved that Zabuza was killed in the previous second, and Naruto launched an attack in the next second, and he and Teacher Kakashi cooperated tacitly to subdue the ninja who appeared in an instant.

Kakashi brought Bai to the front of everyone and pinned him down, rubbing his brow with his other hand and asked, "Naruto, explain the reason for your actions."

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