"That's weird, pull up your clothes." Jiraiya frowned and ordered Naruto.

Naruto followed Jiraiya's instructions and pulled up his shirt, revealing the seal on his stomach.

Jiraiya looked at the seal, and he recognized the purpose of the seal cast by the Fourth Hokage, which was to convert the leaked Nine Tails Chakra into Naruto's Chakra.

But what makes Jiraiya strange is that he can't feel the Chakra belonging to Nine Tails at all. In order to find out, Jiraiya directly placed his hand on Naruto's belly, intending to feel the Chakra situation in Naruto's body more intuitively.

This time he did feel the Chakra belonging to Nine Tails. Suddenly, a blurry scene appeared in front of his eyes. A fox-shaped creature was wrapped in countless strips of cloth, with a large number of iron thorns inserted into its body.

And sitting above the giant fox was a black-haired man in white.

Ulquiorra also felt Jiraiya's prying eyes. She just glanced in Jiraiya's direction and warned coldly: "Leave."

Jiraiya's spirit was instantly forced out of Naruto's inner world.

Jiraiya was stimulated by the powerful mental power and subconsciously retreated quickly, landing in a hot spring not far away. A few drops of liquid that could not be distinguished from sweat or steam fell from Jiraiya's forehead.

"What was that?" Jiraiya had not yet recovered from the shock. He had never experienced such a level of mental shock.

Naruto was aware of what had just happened, and he deliberately did not stop it, in order to take this opportunity to intuitively feel the gap between his own mental strength and the strong men in this world.

The result is naturally obvious. After all, the time spans of the two worlds are different. Even if the characters in Hokage have grown significantly in a short period of time, just a few decades still cannot make up for the gap of thousands of years.

This is undoubtedly good news, at least for Naruto's future plans, there is considerable room for development.

Naruto pretended to be concerned as he stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong, Mr. Jiraiya?"

"Ah? Ah, it's okay. I just checked on Chakra for you." Jiraiya came back to his senses and casually tried to prevaricate Naruto.

"Jiraiya-sensei has such a big reaction, does that mean I'm terminally ill?"

"No, no, on the contrary it's very healthy."

The sight he saw inside Naruto was truly shocking.

He couldn't believe that there was a terrifying existence in Naruto's body that could suppress Nine Tails. He had never felt that kind of mental pressure, whether he faced his master Sarutobi Hiruzen or he had fought against Hanzo.

Jiraiya was worried that his behavior just now had disturbed that existence, so he planned to conduct some investigation in secret for the time being.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. What ninjutsu do you want to learn first?" Jiraiya asked.

"I'm curious about Summoning Technique. If possible, can Mr. Jiraiya teach me this first?" Naruto didn't hide it either.

"Summoning Technique is no problem," Jiraiya seemed to think again, the seal on Naruto's body did not work, and the Nine Tails Chakra did not transform into Naruto's Chakra. He then said, "What are the ninjutsu you know now? Give them to me first." Show it."

Naruto nodded and displayed the Change Technique, Multiple Shadow Clone Technique and Stand Technique in sequence.

Jiraiya asked with some confusion: "Isn't it right? Is it gone?"

"No, I only mastered these ninjutsu." Naruto scratched his head in embarrassment.

Jiraiya raised his eyebrows and said dissatisfiedly: "No, why wasn't the ninjutsu you used to attack me just now included?"

"That's not ninjutsu, Jiraiya-sensei, didn't you just let me show you ninjutsu?" Naruto pretended to be innocent.

"It's not a ninjutsu? Show it to me again."

Naruto waved his hand, and the virtual mask instantly appeared on his face. He stepped out of Shunpo to behind Jiraiya and punched quickly.

Jiraiya quickly turned around and caught Naruto's attack with one hand, feeling the strong force coming from his palm.

‘It was just a random punch, but it was so heavy? ’

Jiraiya was thinking in his mind, and his hand quickly switched from defense to offense, taking advantage of the situation to grab Naruto's wrist, and Naruto responded with a Kong Chan.

Kongchan is an advanced move of Shunpo in Shinigami. The visual afterimage produced by high-speed movement misleads the enemy, making the enemy think that the attack worked, but in fact it only hit the clothes remaining in place.

Naruto appeared behind Jiraiya again. His hand did not attack, he just put it on his back and said calmly: "Jiraiya-sensei, you are careless."

Jiraiya looked at Naruto's jacket in his hand and was really surprised. Originally, he didn't take Naruto's killing of Jōnin seriously, nor did he take Naruto's statement just now that he had fought Orochimaru as a serious fight.

Now he felt that he might be wrong, very wrong.

Jiraiya didn't expect that he would reveal a flaw in a place like this. In a life-and-death fight, such a flaw would be quite fatal.

Even if the opponent doesn't kill you with one blow, it is enough to cause heavy damage. It is basically impossible to reverse the outcome of a battle under heavy damage.

Moreover, the mask on Naruto's face also reminded him of the black-haired man he just saw inside Naruto, which was very similar to the broken mask on the black-haired man's head.

'Could it be that this power is the power predicted by Toad Sage to cause Naruto to initiate bloody changes? ’

"This is indeed not a ninjutsu, boy, what is this called?" Jiraiya handed the coat back to Naruto and asked with a serious expression.

"Not sure, I'll call this Hollow for now."

"Hollow..." Jiraiya muttered and quickly took down the scroll of the Summoning contract. He now had too many questions and wanted to find answers.

He was simply going to teach Naruto Summoning Technique first, and then take advantage of Naruto's practice to investigate. If necessary, he was also going to talk to his teacher, Sarutobi Hiruzen, about this matter.

"This is a contract with the Summoning toad that has been passed down from generation to generation in my family. Just write your name in your blood and stamp it with your five fingerprints to make it effective. When you use it later, you only need to use the toad that signed the contract. In your hand, just gather the Chakra and give it an ideal position to appear. This is a type of time and space ninjutsu." Jiraiya patiently introduced the Summoning Technique.

But Naruto did not immediately follow Jiraiya's request. Instead, he continued to open the scroll and carefully observed the contents of the scroll.

It was discovered that the scroll was densely recorded with information about the contracted toads. It was not just a simple record, including their habitat location, history from ancient times to the present, clan members from past generations, and various details of the contract.

Naruto's eyes lit up with golden light, and he gradually understood the principle of the so-called Summoning Technique and the role of this contract.

In Naruto's view, this contract has two main functions. The most important is positioning. Through various detailed information, the target of the contract is locked, but it is the signing of the contract.

A smile appeared on Naruto's lips. He had already thought about how to try it, and even thought of the first person to summon.

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