Hokage Naruto, The Opening Black Coffin Shocked Konoha

Chapter 45 Summoning Technique But The Angry Beast

Naruto could have stopped his fall through other methods.

But since Jiraiya also chose this method, he simply took advantage of the fact that Reiatsu could not use it freely to study the Chakra of this body Nine Tails.

By the way, let's test whether the Summoning Technique he modified can be summoned successfully if it is fully activated with a huge amount of Chakra.

If this method is feasible, he does not need to take extra risks by opening the gate of hell to use it.

Entering the inner world, Ulquiorra knew the situation outside, and still looked calm and asked: "How are you going to deal with it?"

Naruto walked through the iron cage and walked to Nine Tails and replied: "That guy just wants to force out the power in my body. Neither you nor the fox can let the host body die anyway. Call the fox's Chakra to use Summoning. I think it should be Being able to summon a giant toad to stop its fall is what the contract was signed after all.”

"Based on what I know about you, you won't do what he wants." Ulquiorra expressed his point of view without hesitation.

Naruto smiled with satisfaction when he heard this, and patted Nine Tails' head with his hand. He was not afraid of Nine Tails breaking free and attacking him, because in this world, Naruto didn't feel that his mental power would be lost to anyone, even if the other party wasn't. people.

"Anyway, I already understand the principle. The contract has already been signed. All that's left is to inject enough Chakra. You can try this kind of thing anytime," Naruto looked into Nine Tails' huge eyes. "The opportunity is rare, of course. You want to try something new, you don’t want to die here, do you?”

Nine Tails witnessed Naruto's arrival into this world, a series of battles, and a natural understanding of his power.

"If you could just fall to your death like that, you wouldn't be here chatting with me."

"It's not stupid, so hand over your power now and we can save some steps. What's your answer?"

The reason in its mind told Nine Tails that it should obey Naruto, but it had also lived for more than a thousand years and had lived such a humble life.

Even Namikaze Minato's seal has a certain degree of room for movement, and now only a mouth and eyes are left.

Due to an inexplicable sense of pride, Nine Tails did not agree directly, but said, "What if I don't want to?"

Naruto clicked his tongue and said indifferently: "It seems that I am still too gentle with you. This is not the answer I want, and you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me."

Naruto snapped his fingers, and Ulquiorra heard the sound and drew her knife, cutting deep cross wounds on Nine Tails' face, and blood splattered.

Nine Tails' painful wails resounded throughout the space, while Naruto was bathed in the rain of blood, feeling the huge amount of Chakra leaking from Nine Tails' body.

Naruto wiped the blood from his face and said to Nine Tails: "It's best not to make me lose my patience. I hope next time, you will understand what to say."

When his consciousness returned to the outside world, Naruto could feel the Chakra from Nine Tails filling his body, and a layer of dark red Chakra could be faintly seen on the surface of his body.

Naruto took out the Summoning scroll he had written before, bit his finger and used blood to change part of the content.

"That's it, Summoning Technique!"

As Naruto poured out Chakra and released the Summoning Technique, he could feel the same resistance as last time, but this time it was completely made of a huge amount of Chakra, and the resistance was obviously much smaller.

It was unclear whether it was because of the successful connection once, but the release was obviously much smoother this time. Naruto could clearly feel that a powerful and familiar Reiatsu was 'approaching'.

The next second, a huge object fell to the bottom of the abyss like a cannonball. The huge weight caused the earth to tremble violently and made a deafening roar.

The strong earthquake was felt even in Konoha Village, and all forces were disturbed by this sudden earthquake.

With the airflow slowing down when it landed, Naruto split into several clones to slow down the impact, and landed safely without any danger.

Yammy twisted his huge head and looked around. A second ago, he was still in hell, fighting to the death with the dead Shinigami, but he was suddenly teleported by an inexplicable force, and now he was in a dark abyss of an unknown place.

"What the hell is this place? It's outside hell, and you, little fly, get off my head quickly!" Yammy's roar resounded throughout the deep valley, and the vibrations caused by the sound shook the rocks on the two walls. The thorns were shattered in large numbers.

Jiraiya above was startled by the roar. Even if his perception was dull, such a terrifying Reiatsu still made him instinctively feel dangerous.

"What does this feel like?" Jiraiya stared into the abyss, unable to see clearly what was happening at the bottom.

He could sense that Naruto had just erupted a huge amount of Chakra filled with the breath of Nine Tails, but after releasing the Summoning Technique, the summoned thing could not feel the Chakra.

Naruto jumped from the top of Yammy's head to the rock wall aside. The position was slightly higher than the complete form of Yammy's Blade Fury Beast, and he was able to see Yammy's full view.

It still looked like what Naruto remembered, full of explosive muscles, a huge hollow in the chest, the iconic zero symbol on the left shoulder, and the eight pairs of thick feet on the lower body.

"You little fly dare to stand on my head!" Yammy said and reached out to hold Naruto.

"Don't worry, it's me Yammy." Naruto said, using the Transformation Technique to recreate his appearance in Shinigami.

Yammy's hand suddenly stopped in mid-air, his pupils showed a shocked expression, and he murmured: "Aren't you dead?"

"Dead but not completely dead. I summoned you from hell to this world."

"What does this world mean?" Yammy was not the type with a quick mind. After returning to the blade, anger became his source of strength. In this case, it was even harder to understand Naruto's meaning immediately.

As Yammy's old acquaintance and one of the few people he could call friends, Naruto naturally knew this very well and immediately focused on the key points.

"To make a long story short, I need your help, and in return I can free you from hell, so you don't have to go through the endless and meaningless fighting in hell!"

Hell in Shinigami is a special existence where there is no real death, and no matter how many times you die, you will be resurrected in hell.

Those who fall into hell are trapped by the chains of hell and cannot escape from hell. There is no point in choosing to fight, but giving up the fight and being killed by others again and again is also a kind of torture.

"Escape from hell?" Yammy asked in disbelief.

"SzayelAporro has escaped from hell and helped me in this world, and now I need you!"

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