Hokage Naruto, The Opening Black Coffin Shocked Konoha

Chapter 80 Bankai Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King

Orochimaru heard Kabuto's words and carefully observed Naruto's resistance and said: "This is very strange. With Naruto's habits, it is impossible not to use this method. It is possible that he has no way to summon that thing again. "

Orochimaru still remembers that during the second test of the Chūnin exam, after Naruto's true form came back, he immediately launched a full-force attack on him.

So Orochimaru has reason to believe that Naruto has no choice but to use the Summoning Technique again.

But out of caution, Orochimaru added: "That Naruto guy, the sword he summoned, doesn't attack very fast. When controlling the Summoning beasts, don't let them have the chance to be attacked by Naruto at the same time. Be careful to contain them."

Orochimaru and Kabuto had obviously discovered Naruto's lack of flexibility. Under the control of Orochimaru and Kabuto, the two giant snakes attacked Naruto in tacit cooperation, causing Naruto a lot of trouble.

Whenever Naruto seizes the opportunity to launch a fatal blow to one of the giant snakes, he will be restrained by the other giant snake, affecting the attack.

Naruto also discovered that the opponent was much smarter than he thought, and there was no way to simply end the battle. He looked at Tsunade in his arms, and he still looked completely frightened, and there was no way to calculate his combat power.

It's actually quite troublesome now. Using Hollow directly and instant coax may be enough to kill one of them instantly, but if you follow up, the remaining person plus two big snakes will also be very troublesome.

Moreover, such close combat is not the best for such giant summoned beasts, because their huge bodies will dilute the power of close attacks.

Then there is no other way. The best way now is to use that.

After making up his mind, Naruto stood firm.

"I didn't plan to take it out so soon. You should feel honored. You will be the first to see it." Naruto said calmly.

Naruto activated the Reiatsu on his body to Ultimate and roared in a low voice: "Bankai. Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King!"

The body of the black-armored warrior of the Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King suddenly appeared, and his original attack became even more fierce, directly cutting the giant snake under Kabuto into two pieces, and scarlet blood sprayed on the ground.

Tsunade in Naruto's arms also stared blankly at the scene in front of him that broke through his understanding.

Orochimaru's eyes widened and he looked in disbelief at the extremely huge black-roped King of Heavenly Punishment in front of him.

"What the hell is this?" Orochimaru cursed.

At this time, Kabuto jumped on top of the giant snake where Orochimaru was.

"What should we do now? Orochimaru-sama." Kabuto has obviously never encountered this kind of situation. If the Black Rope God's Scourge King is a summoned beast, it will give them a completely different feeling.

Orochimaru has never heard of a summoned beast that can frequently appear part of its body to attack when it is not summoned.

Orochimaru frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "Attack the big guy in front of you first, and after finishing him, Naruto will have no room to resist, summon all the snakes!"

"Yes." Kabuto immediately helped Orochimaru after hearing the order and released the Summoning Technique.

A behemoth whose body was far larger than the two giant snakes combined appeared instantly.

Wan She glanced at Orochimaru with his huge eyes, and cursed: "Damn Orochimaru, don't always leave this kind of mess to me! Be careful I swallow you!"

Kabuto was worried that the secret of Orochimaru's hands would be discovered by Wan She. If this happened, Wan She would probably switch sides on the spot. He said anxiously: "Please don't do this, Lord Wan She, we will definitely give you a tribute afterwards."

"You brat, who asked you to interrupt? Remember to prepare 100 living sacrifices for me afterwards." Wan She scolded.

After saying that, the two snakes rushed towards the Black God's Scourge King at the same time. The Black God's Scourge King directly killed the remaining giant snake under Naruto's instructions.

Wan She had already arrived in front of the Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King, and its huge body instantly wrapped around him. At the same time, it opened its bloody mouth and bit the Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King's neck.

Under this powerful attack, cracks appeared in the armor and stomach of the Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King, and the armor at the neck was shattered on a large scale.

The armor on the Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King was actually infused with Naruto's life force, so these injuries also appeared on Naruto's body.

Naruto's whole body spurted out a faint mist of blood, and the most powerful thing was that a large amount of blood spurted out from his neck. The blood even stained Tsunade's face.

Tsunade looked stunned and asked, "Naruto?"

Naruto just gently wiped the blood from Tsunade's face and said, "It's okay."

But the next moment, with the double blessing of the High-Speed ​​Regeneration ability brought by Ulquiorra and the recovery power of Nine Tails in Naruto's body, he quickly recovered completely.

At the same time that the scars on Naruto's body were completely restored, the armor on the Black Rope God's Scourge was also restored.

This is actually the reason why Naruto uses the Black Rope Tenshu Mingou as the first Zanpakutō.

Unlike his previous master Kashiwamura Sajin, Naruto, who has extremely strong recovery ability, is able to stretch the sword's long-lasting combat capability to the limit. After all, there is no way to repair all slashing swords damaged in Bankai's case, and The Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King is the only exception.

Wan She could feel that the Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King, who was controlled by him, not only was not weakened by his control, but his resistance was getting stronger and stronger.

"Thanks to you for coming forward and saving me the time to catch you." Naruto looked at the snakes wrapped around the black rope coldly, "Go to hell now!"

Naruto controlled the Black God's Scourge, holding Wan She's body with one hand, and swung the other hand, piercing the huge Scourge into his abdominal cavity.

"Damn it! You guy!" Wan Snake let out a shrill wail.

It struggled to escape from the body of the Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King. To do this, it did not hesitate to let the Heavenly Punishment open a long wound on his body, and blood poured out like pillars onto the earth.

At this time, Orochimaru rushed towards Naruto from the snakes, spit out the Kusanagi sword from his mouth, and prepared to harvest the lives of Naruto and Tsunade at the same time.

Naruto waved the Zanpakutō in his hand, removing most of Orochimaru's strength. At the same time, he changed the direction of the attack to avoid Tsunade, and the Kusanagi sword entered Naruto's shoulder.

The piercing pain from the sharp blade still made Naruto gasp.

Naruto bared his teeth and said to Tsunade in his arms: "Tsunade-senpai, how long do you plan to escape?"

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