Hokage: Ninjutsu Can Only Be Gained By Being Shocked

Chapter 17 The Idol In The Heart Of The Dance King

"What happened! Why can't I move?!"

Panic spread among the Black Riders.

They have fought large and small battles, and experienced all kinds of incredible ninjutsu and bloody inheritance limits.

But this was the first time I encountered such a strange thing.

The leader of the Black Cavalry, who was at the end, was not affected.

"Asshole! What did you do!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, the leader of the Black Cavalry was a little panicked.

"Didn't you see everything you did? Why ask even though you already know?"

Uchiha Jing raised his head with a smile, and the sword-shaped Sharingan turned strangely.

"Man... Mangekyō Sharingan! You are from the Uchiha clan!"

The leader of the Black Cavalry recognized it at a glance as the iconic Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, and his heart beat uncontrollably.

The Senju clan and the Uchiha clan have absolute say in this land, and a pair of Sharingan scares many people.

They dared to arrest Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara because they were still young.

If Uchiha Madara already had Sharingan, they wouldn't dare even if you gave them ten courages.

Now, an Uchiha with a Sharingan suddenly appeared, and he was also a Mangekyō level!

The leader of the black cavalry panicked...

"Keep your shocked look, otherwise..."

Uchiha Jing enjoyed the buzzing sounds in her head, with a harmless smile on her face.

"Kill you."


The black knight swallowed his saliva.

The next scene is interesting.

Hundreds of black knights were motionless.

The leader of the Black Riders remained shocked.

The incredible Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

as well as…

Harmless Uchiha Jing.

"Brother, are you from the Uchiha clan?"

The very nervous Senju Hashirama approached him with curiosity on his face.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

Uchiha Jing touched Senju Hashirama’s watermelon head.

"No way, I've never seen you in Uchiha."

Uchiha Madara also came up with a look of confusion on his face.

"Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean I'm not one."

Uchiha Jing stretched out his evil hand to Madara and stabbed her head. It felt great.

“The Uchiha clan does not represent all Uchiha.”

Madara wanted to hide, but suddenly realized that she couldn't move and could only let him touch her.

"Senior...Senior, um...our Hejian clan has no intention of becoming an enemy of Uchiha. There may be some misunderstanding."

The leader of the black cavalry took courage and spoke tremblingly.


Uchiha Jing clicked his tongue and marveled, "What a misunderstanding. It seems that the Hejian clan is not very capable, but they are quite thick-skinned. They have said such ambitious things, and they can still say these words with a sullen face, tsk."

Waved again.

This time, Madara, who was very close, felt it.

A suppressive power from the blood spread from Uchiha Jing.

That is the ability to change the nature of the world!


There was a soft sound, and hundreds of black knights who were frozen in mid-air discovered in fear...

Their bodies are melting!

Turn into bubbles bit by bit!

"Senior! No! We know we were wrong!"

The leader of the Black Cavalry's eyes turned red. He watched the elite members of his clan dissipate little by little. At this moment, he regretted his inflated ambitions.

"If you know you're wrong, you have to accept the punishment."

Uchiha Jing looked at the scene in front of her calmly, feeling somewhat shocked.

Is this the pupil technique called Uhiki in Mangekyō?

While creating all things, it also changes the nature of all things.

It's so terrifying!

A few seconds later, the mighty hundreds of black knights all turned into foam that filled the sky and floated into the distance with the wind.

"Don't... don't... the Hejian clan, will the Hejian clan be destroyed like this..."

The leader of the Black Cavalry collapsed on the ground, tears flowing freely.

Just because of his own ambition, he destroyed all the elite members of the Hejian clan, leaving only the old, weak, sick and disabled.

During this Sengoku period, the Hejian clan was considered extinct.

"Before you do something, think about your own end."

Uchiha Jing had no sympathy for him. He waved his hand and the leader of the Black Cavalry turned into foam.

Anyone who does something wrong must pay the price.

You may not be able to bear this price, but you must accept it!

After dealing with the Hejian clan, Uchiha Jing turned his attention to the two people beside him.

"How about it? With such strength, can I be your teacher?"

Hashirama nodded frantically without thinking.

But Madara was lost in thought.

"We Uchiha cannot worship our teachers privately."

It took a long time before Madara said this.

Uchiha Jing nodded clearly.

He had read Uchiha's clan history. The Sengoku period was different from the Ninja Village period. Important matters such as becoming a teacher usually required the consent of the clan leader.

Not to mention that Madara is also the young patriarch of Uchiha.

"Then let's go to Uchiha first."

To be honest, Uchiha Jing also looks forward to the Uchiha family in this period.

After all, things that are not in the anime have some great appeal to him.

The three of them officially set off for the Uchiha clan land.

On the road, Uchiha Jing was not idle either.

First, he checked the current status of the two people.

As characters in later legends, there are not many surprising things about Hashirama and Madara at this time.

Madara is okay, although she has not awakened Sharingan, Chakra has barely reached the Genin level, and her combat awareness is far beyond her age.

He is barely a genius.

Hashirama is much worse. He has very little Chakra, and his kind personality makes him have no interest in fighting.

But one thing is Hashirama's terrifying self-healing ability.

A scar deep enough to see the bone healed within a few breaths.

If it weren't for the remaining Bloodline, no one would have noticed the scar.

On the way, Uchiha Jing also figured out how to use his exclusive ability - bloodline enhancement.

One word, hit!

Every time two people are beaten, their bloodline will be improved, and their Chakra will also be improved to a certain extent.

The discovery of this ability is entirely thanks to the cold Madara.

He hates being killed by having his head touched, and he gets beaten the most...

But what puzzled Madara was that every time he was beaten, his Chakra would improve a lot, and even his silent bloodline would ripple.

After resisting several times to no avail, Madara gradually sank into the abyss of pain and happiness.

I even want to be beaten a few more times...

When it got dark, a group of three people also arrived at Uchiha's clan.


As soon as they arrived at the gate of the clan, four figures appeared in front of the three of them.

"I am Uchiha Madara."

Madara stood up, and the young patriarch's aura was clearly visible.

"Young patriarch."

Four figures bowed at the same time.


Madara nodded indifferently, with a cold look on her face again.

"Young Patriarch, who are these two?"

"My friend, I need to see my father for something."

Hearing that he was a friend of the young clan leader, the four figures didn't ask any further questions, "The clan leader is in the meeting hall, having a meeting with clan members above Jōnin."

"Okay, I'll go find him."

After saying that, Madara took Uchiha Jing and Hashirama into the clan area.

The four figures did not stop them, and after the three figures faded away, they disappeared into the night.

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