Uchiha Jing looked around, and everything around him had fallen into absolute stillness.

Even Jiang Hao kept moving.

"who are you?"

Uchiha Jing looked at Hajime.

For some reason, even though Ha Yi had a cute and cute face, it still made his hair stand on end.

Hajime stopped licking the lollipop and tilted his head, "Didn't I tell you? My name is Hajime."

"Jiang Hao knew you last time I saw you, why don't you know him now?"

Uchiha Jing's eyes were locked tightly, observing the changes on her face.

"Of course he doesn't recognize me in this timeline."

Hajime answered as he should.

This timeline!

Uchiha Jing's pupils shrank, "What is this timeline? What I saw before..."

"What I saw before was a closed-loop space-time line, but this one is the correct timeline."

Hajime looked at him curiously, "Don't you know?"

Should I know?

Uchiha Jing complained secretly in her heart.

But there is one thing that Uchiha Jing understands.

Jiang Hao, who looked confused now, was the correct way to open up after his car accident.

But in this case, another question arises.

"If Jiang Hao didn't die in a car accident, then..."

"How did I travel to the Hokage world?"

Uchiha Jing looked at Ha Yi with a frown.

"I didn't know. You had to go yourself, and I didn't want you to go either."

Ah Yi's pink little face wrinkled up, like a tender pink bun.

"I want to go there myself?"

Uchiha Jing was stunned.

"That's right. Wherever you say is suitable for you to grow up, there's nothing you can do to stop you."

Ha Yi continued angrily: "It turns out that after all this time, you are still a weakling."


Weak chicken? ? ? ?

Uchiha Jing has a question mark on his forehead.

He was in the Hokage world, but he even killed gods!

Although this god is also himself...

But that is also a god who truly possesses divinity!

Why did he become a weakling in Ha Yi's mouth?

It would be strange if everyone in the Hokage heard this and committed suicide in shame!

"He can't hold on much longer. I just hope you can grow up quickly, otherwise..."

Ha Yi felt a little depressed and ate the lollipop with his head down.

Uchiha Jing said nothing.

Hajime's impact on him today was really too great.

It's so big that his thinking is starting to become disordered now.

He always felt that he was very close to the truth.

But unfortunately, the most important link is missing, making it impossible to connect all the fragmentary clues together.


Quite a headache!

"What's going on with that Ōtsutsuki Hoshimu?"

Uchiha Jing decided to put aside the previous questions and asked.


Ha Yi raised his head, thought for a moment and said, "Xing Meng is your good friend, and Ha Yi is also your good friend."

good friend?

A good friend who doesn’t even know who he is?

"I don't know her, and I don't know you either."

Uchiha Jing stared at her seriously.

"Oh, you will know later, but if I tell you now, he will not be happy."


Uchiha Jing keenly noticed that Ah Yi often mentioned "him".

"who is he?"

"he is the one..."

Just as Hajime was about to speak out, a slender hand covered her mouth from behind.

"Sneaking out again?"

A cold female voice came.

Uchiha Jing raised his head, and at some point, the beautiful Ōtsutsuki Xingmeng was already standing behind Hajime.

"Uh huh..."

Ah Yi blinked his big innocent eyes and struggled slightly.

"There are some things that he can't know yet, do you understand?"

Ōtsutsuki Xingmeng said seriously, looking at Uchiha Jing with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Sandao, it's still far away."

"What a big difference..."

Before Uchiha Jing could finish speaking, he saw Ōtsutsuki Xingmeng flicking his wide sleeves.

In an instant, Uchiha Jing felt like the world was spinning, and the scenery in front of him turned into darkness again.

In the silent timeline, only Ōtsutsuki Hoshimu and Hajime were left.

"If you sneak out again, you will be discovered."

Ōtsutsuki Hoshimeng gave her a strange look.

"No, it's still in the closed-loop timeline. It won't be discovered until it comes out for a while."

Hajime looked at her unhappily.

Ōtsutsuki Xingmeng gently tapped her little head, "Even if you won't be discovered, it's not good for him if you come to see him frequently."

Hajime tilted his head in distress, "But Uchiha Jing is very interesting at this time, don't you think Xingmeng?"

Ōtsutsuki Xingmeng did not reply, but simply stroked her little head.

Looking with deep eyes.

Looking at the location where Uchiha Jing disappeared.

"Hurry, he will be back soon, we have to believe in him."

Ah Yi tilted his head and nodded in understanding.


Ah Xiao's brows furrowed tightly, and his little meaty face was filled with an uncomfortable expression.

"What's wrong?"

Ōtsutsuki Hoshimeng asked quickly.

"It's uncomfortable, it's angry, it's impacting the closed-loop timeline..."

Ōtsutsuki Xingmeng looked stern and picked up the little Hajime.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and a door to Madara's colorful space suddenly opened.

With one step, the two disappeared from this timeline.

Time suddenly began to flow around him.


Jiang Hao stood up carefully and looked around suspiciously.

"Why am I here? Just now..."

"what happened?"


No one gave him an answer, and everything around him was functioning normally.

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