The villagers of Mu Nin Village stared blankly at the eight huge heads that fell, their minds unable to move.

What did they see? ?


First Generation Twilight...

Kill the gods!

He even killed eight of them in one breath!

You wouldn’t even dream of doing this!

However, when the eight heads filled with terrifying power were really close in front of them, the villagers had to accept the fact that the First Generation Dusk Killed the God!

A huge sense of security and honor suddenly flooded into my mind.

This is a god!

A high, distant god!

Easily killed by their shadow——Uchiha Jing!

After that...

In the ninja world, there is nowhere safer than their Mu Ninja Village!

Which village dares to launch a war against their Mu Ninja Village?

Their First Generation Dusk Shadow was the one who killed the gods!

A more awesome person than Senju Hashirama!

Uchiha Jing's eyes were also a little dull.

It was his first time to use the sword, so he couldn't say exactly how powerful it was.

Originally, his purpose was just to stop the Eight Thunder Gods.


Kill them all...

The entire Mu Ninja Village fell into a deathly silence at this moment.

Killing God...

For everyone living in the ninja world, the impact is too great!


Uchiha Jing scratched his head, "Orochimaru, don't waste these..."

Before he finished speaking, Uchiha Jing closed his mouth.

Where eight huge heads fell, the sullen figure of Orochimaru dog appeared.

At this moment, he is rolling on the ground with blood on his head and face...

"Okay, it seems that he has found his next goal..."

Uchiha Jing sneered.


In the previous cave of time and space, a thunderbolt that resounded through the ninja world suddenly appeared.

Uchiha Jing's brows instantly furrowed and she looked deeply into the hole of space and time.

The people around him also felt the changes on Uchiha Jing's face, and their expressions became serious.

Could it be...

Another god is coming?

Uchiha Jing looked at the hole in time and space without blinking, his expression becoming more and more serious.

He could feel that something was slowly coming.

This feeling was completely different from the feeling that the Eight Thunder Gods gave him!

That's a...

Thrilling from the soul!


In the sight of everyone, a face slowly emerged from the hole in time and space.


Female faces!

"Did you kill the Eight Thunder Gods, a mortal?"

The female face made a very soft voice, which seemed lazy and casual.


Uchiha Jing took a deep breath and took a step forward.

The female face in front of him put more pressure on him than the previous eight thunder gods combined!

That deep feeling of powerlessness made him feel chilled.

Can't beat it!

Even if the previous knife is used again, it can't hurt her at all!

For some reason, this thought suddenly came to Uchiha Jing's mind.

There is a smile on the female face. The smile is very contagious and makes people feel happy involuntarily.

"They are all gods of my underworld, do you know mortals?"


Uchiha Jing answered honestly.

"Oh? Then... who gave you the courage to touch my God of the Underworld!"


The shocking thunder exploded amidst the rage on the female face!

Her voice echoed throughout the ninja world.

Countless people, amidst the roar, fell to their knees on the ground, with infinite horror on their faces.

Even in the Mu Ninja Village, a large area was kneeling.

Everyone fell to their knees except the Senju Hashirama four and Uchiha Jing.

Even though he was as strong as Kaguya, he knelt down on one knee, his face was pale and he was covered in cold sweat!

Uchiha Jing also felt great pressure, a kind of surrender from the heart, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

"They...invaded the ninja world...damn it!"

Uchiha Jing uttered a sentence with difficulty, veins popped up on his forehead, struggling to surrender deep in his heart.

The female face looked at the five people who would rather die than kneel with some surprise, "Are these four little guys your students?"

She could feel that there was some kind of connection among the five people.

The one who led the connection was this young man who didn't look very young.

Uchiha Jing was not sure of the intention of the female face, so she could only purse her lips and say nothing.

The woman's face was not angry, "It doesn't matter if you don't say it. I just want to see what kind of students someone can teach."

After pondering for a moment, he said, "One of them is not bad, he can actually understand the will."

Uchiha Izuna felt a pair of invisible eyes scanning him, and he felt like he was being stripped naked.

"What do you want? To avenge the Eight Thunder Gods?"

Uchiha Jing was silent for a long time and said slowly.

"Avenge them?"

The female face was stunned for a moment, then she laughed, "They are not worthy of me coming to avenge them!"

Uchiha Jing narrowed her eyes slightly.

Not worthy?

That means that the status of the female face in front of me is far above that of the Eight Thunder Gods!

That is...

What level of god is it?

"Looking at the looks of the two little girls next to you, it's you who caused the romantic debt again, right?"

The female face looked at Kaguya and Hyuga Hanabi with some anger.

Uchiha Jing has a question mark on his forehead.

Romance debt?

Listen to this...

Why do I feel so...

What about the taste?

Did I hear it wrong?

"I'll give you three days to clear up your romantic debts and come to the underworld to see me."

The female face snorted coldly, "Otherwise, I will destroy the entire ninja world!"

Everyone in the ninja world showed horrified eyes.

Uchiha Jing stared blankly at the female face that was gradually disappearing, with a question mark on her forehead.

Clear the romantic debt and go to the underworld to meet her?


who is she?

How to get to the underworld?

"By the way, my name is Izanami, and I will keep this hole in time and space for you."

A soft female voice came from the cave of time and space.

Uchiha Jing's expression froze instantly.


Izanami? ? ?

In the RB myth...

Supreme God!

The Lord of the Underworld!

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