The invincible Tailed Beast Bomb disappeared so easily?

A sense of crisis came over Chōmei.

The wings flapped repeatedly, and Seven Tails disappeared in front of everyone's surprised eyes.


Uchiha Jing smiled, closed his eyes and opened them, Mangekyō appeared in his pupils.

With Mangekyō's blessing, a fiery red shadow appeared in his eyes, spreading its wings and ready to fly.

"Chōmei, look here."

According to Chōmei's IQ, it is absolutely impossible to turn back at this time.

But by some strange coincidence, it turned back.

When he turned around, he was face to face with a pair of sharp sword-like eyes.

Illusion, activate!


Sitting on Chōmei's broad back, the four Madaras looked dreamy.

"Mangekyō level Sharingan is the nemesis of tailed beasts. You will be able to deal with tailed beasts just as easily in the future."

Uchiha Jing used a head-touching attack on Madara. It was stinging and the feel should not be too good.

"Mangekyō level..."

Madara looked yearning.

"Teacher, when can I have a Mangekyō level Sharingan?"

"It will be possible one day, and it won't be long."

Uchiha Jing thought for a while.

Of course he could use the method of awakening Itachi, but he had no intention of doing so.

Madara and Hashirama are the reincarnations of Indra and Ashura. If Madara awakens Mangekyō at this stage, the fighting power between the two will not be equal.

The old man from Six Paths was behind the grudge between the two.

Who knows what mess could happen.

When Chōmei landed in the White Bone Clan's territory, the entire White Bone Clan went into high alert.

"Well, don't be nervous, it's us."

Uchiha Jing jumped off Chōmei's back and looked at the white-knuckled peach with a smile.


White bones and a peach are overjoyed.

Originally, she thought she would not be able to see her benefactor for a long time, but unexpectedly she saw her again just after they separated.

Patting Chōmei's toenails, Uchiha Jing said, "I didn't plan to come back. Who knew there would be an unexpected gain."

After asking all the tribesmen to retreat, Bai Guyitao's eyes were filled with curiosity.

"Benefactor, what is this?"

"Ah, this is the tailed beast, Seven Tails Chōmei. It is good at invisibility. With it, I believe that you, the White Bone Clan, can hide in the world better."

As a small clan, the White Bone Clan doesn't quite know what a tailed beast is, but they just feel that Chōmei is so big that he must be strong.

Coupled with the ability to become invisible, this is simply even more powerful for the Bone Clan.

When the four Madaras heard this, they were all dumbfounded.

Is this a tailed beast? !

Did they have a fight with the tailed beast just now? ? ?

Thinking of the terror of the tailed beast, the four Madara people felt a chill down their backs at the same time.

Madara has awakened the three magatama, so Uchiha Jing naturally has no intention of going out and stays with the Bone Clan.

With the addition of Onmyoji and the monster-like talents of a few people, having a Jōnin-level Chakra in half a month is not too simple.

Time flies, and soon the one-month deadline is up.

Feeling the surging Chakra of the four little guys, Uchiha Jing sighed somewhat.

"Come here, little ones."

The four people who were fighting heard this and quickly ran to Uchiha Jing's side.

"The teacher is leaving."

Uchiha Jing said, feeling a little sad for no reason.

After this time and space mission is completed, God knows whether future time and space missions will return to the Sengoku period.

There is a high probability that he won't, so this may be the last time he sees them.

They in their childhood.

"Teacher, where are you going?"

Hashirama asked confused.

"Go to a place far, far away. Maybe this will be the last time we see each other."

Uchiha Jing looked into the distance.

Later generations are far, far away from the Sengoku period.

There is still a long river of time between them.

"No! You haven't seen me awaken Mangekyō yet! How can you leave, teacher?"

Madara was a little emotional.

During this month, because of Sharingan, he consulted Uchiha Jing the most and benefited the most.

Now I suddenly heard that the teacher was leaving, and I was reluctant to leave.

"Actually, the teacher is not from this world. Accepting you as a student is due to fate. Fate comes together and separates, and it has its own destiny."

Uchiha Jing pretends to be an expert from this world, exuding an ethereal aura like an immortal.

"Not from this world? Is there a world outside this world?"

The four little guys were stunned.

In their perception, the ninja world is everything.

Hearing Uchiha Jing say this unexpectedly, the impact on them was undoubtedly huge.

"Of course."

Uchiha Jing waved his hand, and Ubichi activated, changing the nature of the air.

A large galaxy appeared in front of the four people.

"This is a galaxy. If there is light shining in it, there may be life. The ninja world is just one of them."

Madara and the other four looked at the galaxy infatuatedly, with a look of fascination flashing in their eyes.

Each one may have life, so how much life must there be in this galaxy!

"This galaxy is just a drop in the universe. The real universe is much larger than you think."

Looking at the starry sky, Uchiha Jing also fell into deep thought.

He was reborn in the Hokage world, so is the Earth where he originally lived also in this starry sky?

"Then will the teacher come back?"

Hashirama looked at Uchiha Jing with tearful eyes.

Compared to the rational Madara, Hashirama is undoubtedly emotional.

Regarding the vast starry sky, what he cares more about is Uchiha Jing.

He touched Hashirama's watermelon head and said, "Maybe we will meet again, but it will be a long time later. Maybe the teacher will be very weak by then."

"It doesn't matter! We will protect the teacher when the time comes!"

The other three people also nodded solemnly.

In one month, not even the ninja became the Jōnin he is now, all thanks to the young man in front of him.

"Okay, then the teacher is waiting for that day."

Uchiha Jing rubbed his head one by one, the smile on his face getting thicker and thicker.

"Madara, you are too rational and too extreme. No matter what happens in the future, I hope you and Hashirama can live in peace and not fight with each other."

Uchiha Jing looked at Madara, thinking about their future.

Madara looked at Hashirama, then nodded solemnly.

"Hashirama, you are the exact opposite of Madara. You are too emotional and too naive. Where there are people, there will be disputes. Absolute fairness will not bring peace. Do you understand?"

Although Hashirama created the ninja village model, he evenly distributed the tailed beasts to the joint villages.

But in Uchiha Jing's eyes, this is corrupt kindness, which will only encourage the arrogance of others.

Otherwise, there would be no second, third, or even fourth war in the ninja world.

After all, Uchiha Jing's thoughts are roughly similar to Madara's.

Just like what I said to Madara at the beginning.

Fight to stop fighting, kill to stop killing!

Killing may destroy lives temporarily, but it can buy long-term peace.

As a great man from the past life said.

Just hit him with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches!

Deterrence is the correct way to open peace.

This is also the fundamental reason why Uchiha Jing wants to support Itachi to become Hokage!

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