After getting what he wanted to know, Uchiha Jing didn't waste any more nonsense and killed the two of them with two swords.

In the desperate eyes of the two people, Uchiha Jing had already turned back to Naruto.

"How about it?"

"It's very good."

Naruto grinned and touched the injury on his chest, grinning in pain.

Uchiha Jing is not worried either.

He could see that slivers of Nine Tails Chakra were swimming inside Naruto's body, quickly repairing his injuries.

Turning around, he looked towards the Late Spring Valley.

"I have already killed the people who destroyed your village. What are your plans next?"

Du Chun Gu raised his head in confusion and looked at the hidden man whose head was missing.

"I...I don't know."

After all, she is just a little girl. Even if she is a little clever, she will inevitably fall into confusion in this situation.

"You can come back to the village with us."

Naruto endured the pain and got up from the ground.

"Back to the village?"

Late Spring Valley looked at Naruto.

"Yes, back to Konoha!"

Naruto's eyes were sincere.

"We in Konoha are not afraid of Kaminakure. As long as they dare to come, don't even think about going back!"

"Right Jing?"

Uchiha Jing was noncommittal.

This little girl obviously has a secret of her own.

The purpose of Shenyin's dispatching of so many groups is the special ninjutsu of each village.

The whole village was wiped out, and he still went to great lengths to hunt down an orphan. The reason is self-evident.

The special ninjutsu of Mu Ninja Village, if nothing else, belongs to Mu Chun Gu.

A little girl with no ability to resist came to Konoha, where the undercurrent was surging.

Whether it's a blessing or a curse, I really can't say.

Twilight Spring Valley looked at Uchiha Jing, then at Naruto, and finally agreed.

Returning to Konoha may not be a blessing or a curse, but she doesn't have the confidence to survive alone in this chaotic ninja world.

"Okay, in that case, let's go back to the village."

"Ah, let's go back so soon."

Hearing this, Naruto's face fell instantly.

I thought I could go out of the village and have fun for a few days, but ended up being forced by Uchiha Jing to learn ninjutsu every day.

It's just a matter of learning ninjutsu. After all, you are leaving the village, so it is better than being in the village.

But within a few days, I had to go back again.

I really don’t want to go back to the village - -


"That's just the way it is."

Uchiha Jing stood in Hokage's office and reported truthfully what happened along the way.

"Shen Yin?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned.

He had never heard of this village.

But according to Uchiha Jing's description, how could such a powerful village be unknown in the ninja world?

"What do you think about this?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of cigarette and looked up at Uchiha Jing.

I sit and watch...

Uchiha Jing rolled her eyes in her heart.

You can just discuss this kind of matter with the top management, so why ask him an Anbu?

"I think..."

"Such hidden forces must be detected clearly, otherwise we will fall into passivity."

Uchiha Jing was immediately interrupted by Danzo on the side, with a strong look of threat in his eyes.

Uchiha Jing raised her eyebrows but didn't say anything.

He shouldn't have an opinion on this kind of thing.

Too many words lead to mistakes. Danzo interrupted him, but he was still enjoying himself.

"Probe for sure."

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't care and blew out a big puff of smoke.

"But the village of Shenyin is located in the divine domain? What kind of place is this divine domain?"

Danzo snorted coldly and looked at Uchiha Jing threateningly.

"Maybe someone somewhere knows, but they just don't want to say it."

Uchiha Jing chuckled and looked at her without fear.

"Danzo-sama, what you said is interesting. As a member of Konoha, what good does it do me to hide this?"

"Then who knows? After all, the Uchiha clan has always been outside the village. The information they brought back, hum."

"Oh? Lord Danzo, in what capacity did you say this? As an individual or as a Hokage assistant?"

A smile appeared on Uchiha Jing's calm face, and the smile was cold and biting.

"What's the difference?"

Danzo turned around arrogantly.

"Of course there is."

Uchiha Jing calmly took the Genin knife from behind.

"If it is in the capacity of Hokage's assistant, does it mean that we, the Uchiha clan, are no longer welcome in Konoha?"

Danzo frowned, "What are you talking about? I didn't mean it."

"That's on a personal note."

Uchiha Jing nodded clearly and unsheathed his ninja sword in an instant.

A hint of coldness appears!


Sarutobi Hiruzen slapped the table and stood up, and a wave of air rushed towards Uchiha Jing and Danzo.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

The ninja sword in Uchiha Jing's hand was only a few feet away from Danzo's throat, and the scarlet three magatama opened.

Danzo's extended hand also touched Uchiha Jing's chest.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen had been a moment later, both of them would have suffered losses.

"Uchiha Jing, you are just an Anbu member, but you dare to attack the Hokage assistant. Who gave you the courage!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen remained calm and looked at Uchiha Jing coldly.

Uchiha Jing's eyes flickered, "I don't dare."

After saying that, he took back his ninja sword and placed it behind his back.

"Danzo, as a Hokage assistant, you can't say angry words at any time. What's more, you are really fighting with a child. How about your Hokage assistant's magnanimity?"

Danzo snorted coldly, also took back the hand that was on Uchiha Jing's chest, and gave him a disdainful look.

Angry words, haha.

Uchiha Jing sneered in her heart.

To put it bluntly, I'm just pouring dirty water on your Uchiha clan's head.

Sarutobi Hiruzen actually managed to get rid of it with such a light word, what a deep brotherly love.

"Next we have a meeting to decide on Shenyin. Uchiha Jing, you can go out."

"You did a good job in this matter."

Uchiha Jing bowed respectfully and walked out of Hokage's office with his head held high.

After Uchiha Jing left, Danzo could no longer hold back the anger on his face.

"Hiruzen, this kid is a scourge and must be eliminated as soon as possible!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat back in his chair and took a puff of his cigarette.

"As much as he is a scourge, he is also a rare talent."

"The eight-year-old Three Tomoe Sharingan's sword skills are even comparable to those of Hatake Sakumo. What's even more rare is his calm mind."

"So, you blocked all the people I sent out?"

Danzo stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen fiercely.

"This is the second time! This is the second time Sarutobi Hiruzen! There is a limit to my patience."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked calm and nodded slowly.

"In any case, Uchiha Jing has not done anything harmful to Konoha so far."

"By the time he does it will be too late."

Watching the figure fading away downstairs, Danzo's eyes flashed with deep fear.

Uchiha Jing is so talented.

He had Three Tomoe Sharingan at the age of eight, and his sword skills frightened him.

He is only eight years old this year.

If he was given another ten years, who could compete with him?

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't speak for a long time.

Indecisiveness is his greatest weakness.

Both times Danzo was stopped, both times were due to indecision.

He wanted to get rid of an Uchiha threat, but he didn't want Konoha to lose a genius.

It’s hard to be a Hokage.

It's even harder to be a Hokage who is dedicated to Konoha.

Luckily, I'm still all for the Hokage...

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought happily.

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