Hokage: Ninjutsu Can Only Be Gained By Being Shocked

Chapter 65 The Yang Organization Appears

The next day.

Uchiha Jing woke up the three Narutos by pulling and pulling them.

"Jing, let me sleep for a while..."

Naruto tilted his head and muttered in confusion.

"What are you sleeping on? Get up and be happy!"

Uchiha Jing was furious towards Naruto.

How can I sleep so soundly in someone else's village?

This is Kirigakure in the Blood Mist!

Are these little things too devoid of a sense of crisis?

In an instant, Uchiha Jing made up his mind.

After we finish dealing with the Yang Organization, it’s time to take care of them!

The three of them, who were still a little confused, felt a chill on their backs at the same time and suddenly woke up.

How do you feel...

Is anyone 'thinking' about them?

Before she even left the house, Terumi Mei had already pushed the door open and entered.

There was an anxious look on her charming face.

Uchiha Jing's heart moved.

"They're coming?"

Terumi Mei was stunned, then nodded.


"Fifty people!"

Uchiha Jing was also stunned.

Fifty people?

Fifty Jōnin?

This is a bit big...

Uchiha Jing secretly clicked her tongue.

But even if there are fifty Jōnin, Uchiha Jing is not afraid.

What's so scary?

He didn't believe what Susanaikai and these fifty Jōnin could do.

If that doesn't work, use Universal Pull to pick up Shinra Tenzheng!

Pull and toss, and it's all broken into pieces!

When Terumi Mei arrived at the entrance of the village with Uchiha Jing and the four others, Kirigakure was already in full force, looking eagerly at the group of masked men at the door.

"Hand over Terumi Mei and we'll spare Kirigakure."

To Uchiha's surprise, the leading masked man's voice was as clear and sweet as an oriole's.


Uchiha Jing frowned and observed the leader carefully.

This man is dressed the same as the other masked men, but is slightly shorter in stature.

The biggest difference is in the mask.

The rest of the masked figures have 'Yang' written on their foreheads.

And what was written on the forehead of her mask actually said 'Yin'.



"Arrogant guy!"

Yagura, a mandarin orange, came out at the head of the crowd, with an unconcealable tyranny on his face.

"Do you know where this is? This is Kirigakure!"

Yin Mask smiled contemptuously.

"Kirigakure? So what? Terumi Mei, are you going to make friends or not?"

Yin Mask spoke with a very disdainful tone, as if Kirigakure was just an ordinary small village.

Fifty Jōnin.

This kind of power does give Kirigakure the confidence to fight hard.

after all...

Kirigakure is no longer what it used to be.

The only top combat power that can be used is Yagura.

This guy is still an unstable factor.

At full combat power, it's not certain who will destroy Mist Shinobi first.


Wolfberry Yagura's eyes became more violent, and his body was filled with an aura of violence.

The power of the tailed beast in him began to boil.

And everyone in Kirigakure behind him subconsciously stepped back.

The shadows of other people's homes bring a sense of security to the village.

Yagura is different.

What he brought to Kirigakure was nothing but soul-trembling fear!

The Age of Blood Mist...

It’s not just talk.

The scene suddenly became tense.

"I say everyone, why don't we sit down and talk calmly?"

In this impending atmosphere, a long and leisurely voice reached everyone's ears.

Yin Mask turned his head slightly and looked in the direction of the speech.

Uchiha Jing walked out with a smile.

"It's nice to fight and kill, isn't it? Is there anything we can't sit down and talk about? If so, then add a pot of tea."

Mist Shinobi everyone frowned.

What does the kid from Konoha want to do when he jumps out at this time?

Only Terumi Mei and Master Yuan had relief on their faces.

The Mangekyō Sharingan of the Uchiha clan should be able to handle the Yang organization.

But Yin Mask was stunned after seeing him.

This person...

"What do you think of my proposal?"

Yagura gritted his teeth and looked at Uchiha Jing, with an unconcealable murderous intent on his face.

"What happened to us Mist Shinobi has nothing to do with you Konoha!"

His mind was filled with killing, and he was very angry at Uchiha Jing's intervention.

"Konoha Mist Shinobi is a family member."

Uchiha Jing said affectionately, but without stopping, she walked step by step to Yin Mask.


Only a short distance away!

"what's your name?"

Just when everyone thought Yin Mask was about to attack, she suddenly spoke.

"I'm from Konoha, Uchiha Jing of Konoha."

Uchiha Jing grinned, revealing a big White Fang.

Yin Mask was in a trance for a while.

It's really too similar...

But there is no way that person is still alive.

after all...

After adjusting his posture, Yin Mask looked straight at him.

"This is between us and Mist Shinobi, and I don't want Konoha to get involved."

The voice was cold, with an unmistakable meaning.

"Mist Shinobi's business is Konoha's business."

Uchiha Jing doesn't like her.

Who in the entire ninja world can be better than him when it comes to scaring people and deceiving them?

"Can you represent Konoha? Little guy, you should go back and ask your Hokage."

Yin Mask's voice gradually turned cold.

"Let's see if he is willing to be our enemy!"

Threatening, with unparalleled confidence.

This confidence comes from their strength!

Dispatching fifty Jōnin casually, this strength is enough to make all ninja villages look at him with suspicion!

She believed that Konoha's Hokage would make the right choice to fight for an unrelated village.

"I can't represent Konoha."

Uchiha Jing shook his head.

"But I can represent myself."

"As long as I'm here, you can't take Terumi Mei away."

Terumi Mei, who was not far away, had a strange color in her eyes.

This kid...

The same confidence, even in the eyes of Yin Mask, is arrogance!

Ignorant and fearless arrogance!

"I don't understand where your confidence lies, nor do I understand your intention to protect Terumi Mei."

Yin Mask's tone did not waver at all.

Even with the addition of an Uchiha brat, Terumi Mei is bound to win.


The masked hand raised slightly.

"You're going to regret this decision, trust me."

The hand fell gently as well.

Fifty Jōnin smiled ferociously and rushed towards Uchiha Jing.

In their eyes, Uchiha Jing is just a little bug.

With just a little bit of force, you can crush him to death!

Facing the majestic fifty Jōnin, Uchiha Jing's expression did not change at all.

In the past, he thought that the human wave tactic was as useful for First Generation as it was for Madara.

But as Sharingan was gradually mastered by him.

Uchiha Jing understood a truth.

Human sea tactics in the face of absolute strength...

It’s a ridiculous joke!

"Fire Style--extinguish the fire!"

The sea of ​​​​fire that covered the sky and the sun instantly filled the air.

Under the spread of the sea of ​​fire, the air was distorted, and violent heat swept across!

The fifty Jōnin were dumbfounded.

A sea of ​​​​fire of this magnitude...

Are you kidding!

In an instant, all kinds of ninjutsu were performed overwhelmingly.

Not to attack Uchiha Jing at the end of the sea of ​​fire.

It’s all about surviving under the fire!

Such a sea of ​​fire...

Even they have no confidence that they will survive!

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