Hokage: Ninjutsu Can Only Be Gained By Being Shocked

Chapter 81 Operation Danzo In Progress

Sasuke was practicing in the woods, while a fierce quarrel was taking place in Hokage's office.

"Why don't you let me go!"

Danzo blushed and glared at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"You don't want to get involved in this matter, do you understand?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen, the old god, was smoking.

Why not let you go?

Because I don’t want you to take the blame.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is actually quite helpless.

He really did it for this old friend, why couldn't he realize his good intentions?

"Don't let me intervene? Leave it to Uchiha Itachi or Uchiha Jing? Are you too old and confused!"

Danzo's lungs almost exploded with anger.

If we let these two boys implement this matter, it would be okay if they failed.

If it succeeds, he still has no idea about the Fifth Hokage position.

"They can't succeed."

Sarutobi Hiruzen answered confidently.

He knows more about Yang Organization's intelligence than Uchiha Jing.

Although Anbu has been somewhat out of his control over the years, he still has a lot of information.

As far as the Yang organization is concerned, he knows three hundred Jōnin!

Three hundred Jōnin!

What a terrifying number this is!

That is an existence that even Konoha can hardly resist!

Uchiha Itachi or Uchiha Jing are very talented, this is true, even he admits it.

But what if the opponent is three hundred Jōnin, no matter how talented they are?

Is it possible that these two can still compete with First Generation or Madara?

This is why Sarutobi Hiruzen strongly rejected Danzo.

As long as one mission fails, the heroic image Uchiha Itachi has built over the past three years will be destroyed!

"What if it succeeds? Sarutobi Hiruzen, are you betting again? You have been betting again and again in the past three years, what is the result?"

Danzo couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

Three years!

In three years, he watched Uchiha Itachi grow bigger little by little.

In three years' time, he would have various opportunities to ruin Uchiha Itachi or Uchiha Jing's reputation.

As a result, without exception, they were all rejected by Sarutobi Hiruzen!

He really couldn't understand.

Could it be that Sarutobi Hiruzen really couldn't understand the threat posed by these two people?

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face froze, somewhat embarrassed.

Danzo was right, he did stop Danzo many times in three years.

The reason is also very simple.

He felt confident that he had complete control over the two men.

But the result was obviously completely different from what he thought.

Not only did they fail to master the two of them, but their prestige was getting higher and higher.

One who became synonymous with Konoha's heroes.

One became synonymous with Konoha's wealth.

The two of them were in Konoha...

Things are booming!

"Even Uzumaki Naruto, you have been secretly trying to stop me time and time again!"

"Why the hell Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

At this time Danzo was a little hysterical.

Time and time again, perfect plans were ruined by pig teammates.

How can Danzo not be angry when this urgently becomes the purpose of Fifth Generation?

"Uzumaki Naruto... In the past three years, Nine Tails has not been abnormal, so..."

"So what?"

Danzo slapped his hand on the desk.

"So you can just sit back and watch them get stronger little by little?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression turned gloomy.

"Don't forget! On the night of Nine Tails, you even sacrificed your own wife just to become the Third Generation again!"

"What do you think will happen to Konoha if Uzumaki Naruto knows the truth? What will happen to you?"

Danzo's expression became more ferocious.


Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up suddenly, his expression also became ferocious.

"I don't want to do this either!"

Expressions of pain, regret, etc. were constantly changing on his face.

That bloody night...

It is the eternal pain in his heart!

He is greedy for power, he is ecstatic on the night of Nine Tails.

It was also him who restricted most of the top fighting forces in the village, which allowed Nine Tails to wreak havoc in the village.

But he doesn't want anything to happen to Lake Biwa...

That was just an accident!

If possible, he doesn't even want anything to happen to Namikaze Minato, and he doesn't want anything to happen to Kushina...

The situation was completely beyond his control.

He doesn't want to either...

"Nine Tails Jinchūriki is Konoha's trump card. As long as Nine Tails does not move, Naruto..."

"It must be safe and sound!"

After Sarutobi Hiruzen said this, he turned around and turned his back to Danzo.

"You're going to regret this Sarutobi Hiruzen."

Danzo stared at his back for a long time and left the office angrily.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is the only one left in the huge office.

"Biwako, tell me...did I really do something wrong?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen muttered to himself.

The stars in the sky outside seemed to form a figure.

Still smiling at him so virtuously.

"Lake Biwa..."


Danzo returned to his base with anger in his chest.

"My lord, everything is ready."

A ninja wearing an Anbu mask stood respectfully in front of him.

"What's the use of being ready? That loser has backed down again!"

Danzo kicked the table over and roared loudly, as if he wanted to vent the pent-up anger in his heart.

The Anbu ninja was stunned, and then said: "Sir, I have an idea, I don't know whether I should say it or not."

Danzo snorted coldly.

"Say what you want to say, or get out if you don't!"

After briefly organizing his words, the Anbu ninja said slowly: "Sir, in my opinion, we might as well act on our own without fully following Hokage's instructions."

Danzo paused and turned around.

"What do you mean?"

"Sir, we have been following Hokage's instructions for the past three years. What's the result?"

Danzo's eyes were filled with anger again.

"Result? As a result, those evil brats from Uchiha are getting more and more rampant!"

The Anbu ninja nodded.

"Yes, sir, so this can completely prove that Lord Hokage's decision..."

"it is wrong!"

Danzo was stunned.


Why does he, Danzo, keep acting on a wrong decision?

"The emergence of Yang Organization this time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us! Why not prove it to Hokage?"

There was something moving in Danzo's eyes.

Prove it to Sarutobi Hiruzen?


The flames of desire for power in Danzo's eyes became more intense.

He wants to prove it to the teacher!

Let him see how stupid his decision was!

Is Sarutobi Hiruzen a better Hokage than him?

Absolutely not!

"Counting people."

Taking a long breath, Danzo's expression became relaxed.

The Anbu ninja bowed respectfully, "Yes!"

Then, exit slowly.

"Hiruzen, look, just wait and see! See how I, Shimura Danzō, eradicated the Yang Organization, and how I made Konoha strong again!"

The wild voice echoed in the room for a long time.

The Anbu ninja who exited the room apparently heard it too.

Taking off the mask, a pale face was exposed to the air.

"The mission is completed, you can send the news back."

He spoke softly, as if there were other people in front of him.


A hollow voice answered.


There was a smile on the pale face.

"It can be considered completed..."

"It's really not easy for these two people to turn against each other in two years."

With that said, he put on his mask again and walked deeper into the base.

Although the task is completed.

But when acting, you have to do a complete set...

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