Hokage: Ninjutsu Can Only Be Gained By Being Shocked

Chapter 86 Departing From The Valley

Three days later.

At the entrance of Konoha Village.

Uchiha Jing looked helplessly at the three guys who were eager to try.

"I'm going out to do business, why are you following me?"

Naruto raised his head, "I knew he would sneak away. Look, what I said is right."

Sasuke also looked angry, "King, you've gone too far this time!"

Uchiha Jing didn't want to speak, lowered her head and looked at the little loli.

"They have their reasons, what about you? You have just joined Team 7, so there is no need to follow. Besides, does the Hyuga clan leader agree with you to go?"

The little lolita Hyuga Hanabi looks very quiet, with her head hanging slightly.

"Father said, there is no danger if I follow you."

Uchiha Jing rolled her eyes.

Hyuga Hiashi really thinks highly of himself.

Since Orochimaru reported the effect of Onmyoji three days ago, Uchiha Jing has been tossing and turning, but still plans to go to the valley of the Bone Clan.

For nothing else, I just want to ask why the Bone Clan no longer hides from the world.

If you have difficulties, Uchiha Jing doesn't mind helping.

After all, this clan has a deep connection with him.

If it's just for the sake of the ninja world's hegemony...

Uchiha Jing also doesn't mind getting rid of the Bone Clan with his own hands!

A group of four people rushed non-stop to the valley where the Bone Clan was.

Although the years have changed and many things have changed, the general terrain has not changed.

Because of the White Bone Clan, Uchiha Jing no longer wants to taste delicious food from all over the world.

The closer he got to the White Bone Clan's territory, the heavier Uchiha Jing's heart became.

"Jing, where are we going?"

For several days, Naruto noticed that Uchiha Jing's mood seemed to be getting lower and lower.

This was the first time he had seen such a scene.

In the past, no matter what happened, Jing always looked indifferent.

Even when the two of them were bullied together when they were children, Jing always played the role of comforting him.

The current scene made him very worried.

Uchiha Jing raised his eyes and looked around.

Perhaps because it is too remote, everything here has not changed much from the time and space mission.

If we walk for another day, we should be able to reach the valley where the Bone Clan is.

"Go to a place where you can find answers."

Uchiha Jing's answer is specious.

Naruto was confused after hearing this, and was about to continue asking, but was stopped by Sasuke who was standing beside him.

Naruto turned around in confusion and Sasuke winked at him.

"Don't ask, Jing doesn't want to talk."

Sasuke expressed his meaning with a wink.

Naruto was stunned, then nodded sharply.

"Jing, are you lovelorn?"

In one sentence, the dull atmosphere of the four people was successfully broken.

Sasuke put his hand on his forehead, feeling the urge not to see Naruto again.

The little lolita Hyuga Hanabi showed an interested expression and stared straight at Uchiha Jing.

And Uchiha Jing...

The sorrowful Spring and Autumn that had finally been condensed broke through in an instant.

"Lovelorn, you big-headed ghost!"

With a violent shudder, Naruto jumped on the spot holding the long horns protruding from his head.

Sighing, Uchiha Jing felt much better.

At least the heaviness has subsided a lot.

after one day.

Uchiha Jing and four others appeared at the entrance of a valley.

Looking at the familiar features, Uchiha Jing sighed somewhat.

For him, only three years have passed since he last saw the Bone Clan.

For the Bone Clan, decades have passed.

Perhaps no one will remember Uchiha Jing.

Rubbing her face, Uchiha Jing took out a hairpin from her pocket.

This is a green jade stone with a bright peach blossom carved on it.

This was Bai Gu Yi Tao's token to him.

It can also be regarded as a symbol of his status.

After staring at the hairpin for a long time, Uchiha Jing sighed.

"Let's go in and have a look."

After saying that, Uchiha Jing walked into the valley first.

Naruto and the other three quickly followed suit.

The further inside, the weirder Uchiha Jing's expression became.

Everything in the valley is in full view.

Lush and tall trees, all kinds of delicate flowers, and small animals jumping around from time to time.

It can be said that this place is completely different from the outside world, and it looks like a paradise.

"It's so beautiful here."

Hyuga Hanabi looked at the scenery in the valley with fascination.

After all, girls love beauty far more than boys.

"Beautiful? That's it...but the air is very fresh."

Naruto took a deep breath and suddenly felt refreshed.

Sasuke, on the other hand, looked wary and looked around.

If something can change Jing's mood, he can't help but be cautious.

After all, even the fifty Jōnin and Uchiha Jing of the Yang Organization are in an indifferent state.

The current situation is probably even more dangerous than that time!

Uchiha Jing frowned more and more.

From the moment he entered the valley, everything here was exactly the same as he remembered.

But just because they were exactly the same, he couldn't understand them even more.

Back then, he placed Seven Tails Chōmei in the Bone Clan.

Logically speaking, this place should be filled with mist and shadows.

Even more secretive than Kirigakure.

But now, everything is so clear.

There is no mist, no illusions, and no phosphorescence.

Behind all this seeming normality, there are abnormalities everywhere!

According to memory, Uchiha Jing continued to walk.

Soon, small wooden houses came into view.

"Jing, there are people living here!"

Naruto seemed to have discovered a new world, and he was so surprised that he ran towards the cabin.

"do not go!"

Sasuke grabbed him and the expression on his face became more serious.

Hyuga Hanabi's eyes instantly opened, and veins popped out around his eyes.

Uchiha Jing did not speak, but looked at the small wooden houses and fell into deep thought.

"There is no one here."

Hyuga Hanabi observed for a while, and then his eye-rolling state was lifted.

"No one? How is that possible?"

Naruto is very nervous and often subconsciously ignores some detailed things.

For example, now.

"These houses haven't been occupied for a long time."

Hyuga Hanabi pointed to the wooden house closest to a few people.

The wooden house looked intact, but if you look closely, you can easily see the cracked walls and the weeds crawling around it.

The three of them turned their attention to Uchiha Jing at the same time.

After all, he brought it here.

"Yeah, it hasn't been inhabited for a long time."

Uchiha Jing sighed, feeling a little regretful but also a little thankful.

It's a pity that I couldn't see the Bone Clan again.


If the Bone Clan is really the Yang Organization, at least they don't have to use swords against each other now.

But the Bone Clan, which has long since left, is more likely to be a Yang organization.

He told them to hide in the world and leave the place of seclusion now.

This does not mean that they did not obey their instructions.

"Jing, where is this place?"

Naruto was jumping up and down anxiously.


Uchiha Jing looked around, and that short month came into his mind.

In a daze, he seemed to see the honest Hashirama, the calm Madara, the sword-obsessed Izuna, and the aloof Tobirama.

There was also a girl who looked at them practicing with a smile.

"This is the place I dreamed of, a..."

“Very nice place.”

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